Understanding the Budget & Debate 101

Its time once again to put on our critical thinking hat and look very closely at two issues: Presidential Debates & The New “Budget.” If we don’t stop chasing squirrels, our children will be fighting real battles because of our ignorance.

More Big Government From Conservative Congress

More spending, $80 billion more spending over the next 2 years. A budget that no one had time to read or understand, pushed through by the old Republican Speaker of the House and voted for by the New Speaker of the House. So much for the proper definition of conservative. They aren’t even moral any more.

Alternatively you can listen this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Government of Criminals

Our government is being run by criminals. If they are circumventing the Constitution to do their job, yes, they are criminals. But many are even worse that that! And will the be the consequences…?

Alternatively you can listen to “Government of  Criminals” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Courts Taking Rights & Speech Police

Today we have some very important lesson on Liberty based on the speeches of two popular people in media.  How we speak matters.  Can we apply truth in the face of our favorite personalities?

Alternatively you can listen to “Courts Taking Rights & Speech Police” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Don't Believe The Media Lies, Americans Are Awesome!

In spite of it all I am truly blessed.  Let me share something, because attitude is everything.

I am currently stranded in Ft. Pierce, Fl.  Last night, after teaching the Libertarian Party of Palm Beach County, Fl., my 2004 Chevy Colorado (274k miles!) had a total electrical failure. Dash lights going crazy, no power as I am driving down the road.  I managed to pull into a gas station where my engine completely died.  Two very nice men tried to jump my truck. As soon as the cables were removed, my truck died again.  I am now stuck in a “bad” part of town, an hour away from my hotel. I am alone, my husband is in Haiti, and I am feeling very vulnerable. Can I mention that I really wanted to cry?  But instead I said a prayer for strength and smiled knowing that I am never truly alone.

We have come to call them “Hall Family Adventures;” experiences, good and bad, that will be stories told one day, experiences that we would never have had if we had not accepted this unique way of life.

I called my assistant, Janet, who is more like my best friend than an assistant and she worries about me like a mom.  She gave me Alex’s phone number.  Alex is the leader of the group I just taught and he was happy to come to my rescue.  I was also able to contact my husband in Haiti and he talked to me until Alex came.  (I am blessed to have such a wonderful husband.)

Alex picked me up and took me to 2 Wal-Marts before we found my battery. Walmart replaced my battery for free as it was under warranty.  We changed the battery. The truck started, but the battery light came on immediately. I was able to make it to my hotel in Ft. Pierce about midnight.

I am currently sitting in JJ’S Cafe on Hwy 1, eating a Denver Omelet, waiting for Dyer Chevrolet to tell me what is wrong with my truck.

I am blessed to have a truck that is paid for.  In this way of life I could never maintain a car payment or even find a place to finance me after I told them I work for free, Lol.

I am blessed to live in a day when I can call my husband in Haiti to just hear his voice for love, comfort, and support.

I am blessed to live in America, where the American Spirit drives us to be kind and compassionate to strangers (red, yellow, black, or white) in need.  Americans prove that the media is in the job of lying and deceiving.  We are not selfish bigots full of hate and greed ready to gun down our neighbors. We are some of the best people on this planet!

I am blessed to have been able to sleep in the comfort of a hotel room.  I am blessed to have a place to get my truck fixed. And, as I sit here in JJ’s with tears streaming down my face, I am blessed to have a cup of coffee and a Denver Omelet in my belly.

I am blessed by people like Service Manager, Mike Rivera, at Dyer Chevrolet in Ft. Pierce, FL for his kind help of this woman in distress.  Because of all of these blessings my family and I are able to engage in our mission to restore the American Constitutional Republic through proper education, teaching over 265 classes every year!

Is this life of constant travel glamorous? Absolutely not.  At times it is downright impossible.  But there are people who pray for me and my family all over the world.  Even the bad times are a blessing when I remember WHY my family chose this life.

America is worth fighting for.  Liberty is worth dying for. My child is worth the sacrifice. Many gave their Lives, Fortunes, & Sacred Honor so we could live in the greatest place on the planet. I am just repaying them for their sacrifice. I count myself blessed to be able to do so.  Just another Hall Family Adventure!

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Learn more about my family’s mission: www.KrisAnneHall.com

Ryan: Congress is Under Totalitarian Rule

Listen to Paul Ryan’s own words describing how our House of Representatives is not equal representation but totalitarian rule, and he’s cool with that. Meanwhile, the DOJ is accumulating more power and carving out a NEW exception to our Right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures.

Alternatively you can listen to “Congress is Under Totalitarian Rule” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

DC Establishment Creating Foreign Rule

Listen as we trace the foreign influence & control being established in DC…and don’t be surprised when we discover it is a bi-partisan effort. Time for some real critical thinking.

What Christians Want To Know

Persecution always drives people to Liberty.  Prosperity drives them to servitude.  Finally Christians are asking questions about Religious Liberty, but are they the right questions?

What Happens When Government is Above the Law?

When the people who make the laws and enforce the laws don’t have to follow the laws…you have an arbitrary government. When government enforces the laws they don’t follow themselves, you have tyranny.

Alternatively you can listen to “When Government is Above the Law” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

DOJ Announces New Division To Combat "Domestic Terrorist"

DOJ has announced a new division to deal with “domestic terrorists,” defining who that is and giving themselves permission to investigate, detain, & assassinate US Citizens, however and whenever they see fit. Welcome to the New America.