Napoleon and the Democrat’s Lobster Trap

I think I might have noticed something, and I’d like to get your thoughts on it.

Have the Communists made a fatal strategic mistake in putting up Harris?  And is President Trump silently allowing them to make it?

If I were a betting man, I’d bet that Napoleon was required reading at the New York Military Academy and young student, Donald, learned the lesson.

Never Interrupt an Enemy When He is Making a Mistake

I think we can state fairly unequivocally that there isn’t much that the President does not see or is unaware of.

Case in point

If we go all the way back to 2011, while a guest of the Harpy-vision ‘chat show,’ The View, private citizen Donald Trump noted how there was a question about Barak Obama’s birth certificate:

Why doesn’t he show his birth certificate? There’s something on that birth certificate that he doesn’t like.

Knowing what we know now about how President Trump communicates, enters information into the national discussion, etc. might we look upon his statement at the time, and others similar to it, a little differently?

And, as history has borne out, Obama and his puppet master actually got away with the fraud of his birth certificate, even in spite of the mountains of evidence.  Also, as Napoleon stated:

History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon

So, ok. Our enemies won that battle and were able to install a fraud, and keep him there, for 8 years; not counting his behind-the-throne time during the Biden/Harris ‘administration.’

But one thing that many of us have noticed over here in Sanity-land is that our enemies are completely and unequivocally lacking in any sort of imagination. They are wholly unable to update their playbooks as conditions on the ground shift under their feet.

Just look around and you’ll see it.

And that is just off the top of ChatGPT’s head.

But Here’s the Good News

The point here is that, collectively, we are on to their playbook.  And not only is the Great Noticing happening in parallel with the Great Awakening, but we are no longer falling for, literally, any of it.  The presumptions that the news informs, that our government is legitimate, that doctors heal and that taxes pay for infrastructure are all irretrievably and irrevocably destroyed. And this is by their own hand, mind you, in their vainglorious attempt to hold onto power!

Ain’t the Information Age grand?

Now, in their attempt to turn the presidency into the ultimate DEI position, they have now declared (without a nominating convention, mind you) that Kamala Harris will be their presidential nominee, who will go up against President Trump in November (if the election happens at all).

Now, from a power broker’s point of view, she couldn’t be a better choice! She will do exactly as she’s told. She will say exactly what she’s told to say and, bonus, she can walk up stairs without looking like a Benny Hill character.

Let’s not forget that in 2019, Kamala’s likeability among Democrats was so far in the toilet that she couldn’t make it past the first debate with the other D(emonic) candidates for the democrat nomination. She is universally despised.  Is anyone else wondering how a cage match between that gruesome twosome, Harris and HRC would look?

Everyone is perfectly aware that Harris was not chosen to be Biden’s number 2 (VP, not the one in his diaper) specifically because of the color of her skin and what is (presumably) between her legs.

Americans are told that she is the first black VP but, unfortunately, the facts don’t bear this out. According to literally 2 seconds of research:

Kamala Harris is of mixed ethnicity. She is of Indian and Jamaican descent. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, was an Indian-American cancer researcher, and her father, Donald Harris, is a Jamaican-American economist.

Both, her mother and her father gained their American citizenship in 1966.  But Kamala was born in 1964. This makes Kamala officially ineligible for the presidency because she was born of citizens of a foreign country at the time of her birth.

Do you honestly think President Trump is unaware of this fact?

Let us return to Napoleon’s statement:

Never Interrupt an Enemy When He is Making a Mistake

You see, the D(emons) installed Harris into the office of the Vice President and got away with it. So why not go for the whole enchilada again (like BHO) and install her into the top slot? It obviously wasn’t an issue before, right?

But what the Democrats and their string pullers fail to realize is that the world is not a static thing, as much as they wish it to be. It has changed. They no longer own organs of public discourse like they once did. The Truth will out.

As evidence of this, just look at how the regime is trying to tell us that the attempted assassination of President Trump was by a lone gunman when information exists collected, analyzed and publicized by private citizens that there were at least 3 gunmen present.  That certainly didn’t happen in 1963 when all we had was Mr. Zapruder!! The water tower is today’s latter day ‘grassy noll.’

Have you seen the analysis that has been put out there of the event?  The level of sophistication available to private users is unprecedented and shines a light on the lie to the government’s preferred narrative. They simply can’t lie with impunity any longer.

The Dog That Didn’t Bark

Returning to the Kamala Question:

Have you noticed that President Trump is (uncharacteristically) silent on the point that she is demonstrably ineligible? His silence is the very definition of the dog that didn’t bark. We don’t need a fake birth certificate; it is widely known that Kamala is an anchor baby.

I’m going to go out on a limb and make a fun little prediction.

Kamala, Is That You?

I PREDICT that President Trump will wait until after Willy Brown’s sidepiece is officially nominated by the Democrats, allowing them to fully commit and enter into the lobster trap. Then, and only then, will he raise the issue. And by that time, what can they do? Shut off the internet? Oh, wait…

My point is that the sands have shifted under the Democrats’ feet and they refuse to change tactics from what has worked before when we, as a nation, were more naive, weaker and less informed about the reality of our world.

I suppose time will tell on whether what I am seeing will bear out into reality. So, with that little observation, I will leave you with another great quote from Napoleon:

There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run, the sword will always be conquered by the spirit.


R. Altomare

Founder, BreathEasy Business Consulting

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