Flag Burning and Free Speech

us-flagThe flag represents “the Republic for which it stands.”  That Republic is the foundation for maintaining our Union of States.  The purpose for creating and maintaining the Union of States is to “secure the Blessings of Liberty, to ourselves and our Posterity.”  The first principles of that Liberty are codified in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights.  How is it that so many people are more attached to the flag than those inalienable, God given Rights that we are supposed to be defending?  How can we make it illegal to burn a flag, and sit back, day after day, as our own representatives tear through our Liberty like a whale through a net?  I know from public polls and personal experience that less than 2% of Americans can name all five Liberties in the First Amendment, from memory, without looking for the answer.  How can some Americans become more attached to a flag than the Liberty that America was created to protect?  Perhaps it is because Americans, as a whole, have become so ignorant of their Rights that many will desperately cling to symbols instead of standing for our Liberty.

us-militaryIt is not a flag we fight for. It is not a flag that makes America great. It is the protection of Liberty that recognizes our Right to burn that flag that makes us different from everyone else. See what happens if you burn a flag in China, Iraq, or North Korea. Is that really the model we are striving toward?

Sure it’s offensive. Sure it’s disrespectful. But you have no right to not be offended and you have no right to be respected. I have a Right to offend and disrespect. Without that Right, you are a slave.

Not too long ago many were shouting that mantra at the liberals and the LGBT, declaring it “unAmerican” to censor people they deemed “offensive.” How quickly the terms of Liberty are forgotten and how fickle people become when they are now offended.

“Without Freedom of Thought, there can be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no such Thing as publick Liberty, without Freedom of Speech; which is the Right of every Man, as far as by it, he does not hurt or controul the Right of another: And this is the only Check it ought to suffer, and the only Bounds it ought to know.

“This sacred Privilege is so essential to free Governments, that the Security of Property, and the Freedom of Speech always go together; and in those wretched Countries where a Man cannot call his Tongue his own, he can scarce call any Thing else his own. Whoever would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation, must begin by subduing the Freeness of Speech; a Thing terrible to Publick Traytors.” Silence Dogood #8

burning-us-flagThere is another issue of property.  If you own the flag it is your property to burn.  The federal government made the burning of money illegal, because they say that the paper money is federal property.  Are we saying that every flag we buy is still owned by the government so they can prosecute us for burning their property?  What if I take a bed sheet and draw a US Flag on it and burn it, will I go to jail or have my citizenship revoked for that, too?  Who defines this offense?  Who punishes this offense?  It will be those in government who have proven themselves ignorant and irresponsible to Liberty; those in government who wrap themselves in that flag and then torch our Bill of Rights.  That is a power we ought not allow government to exercise, it is one they have proven they do not deserve to wield.

Those in government who are ignorant of Liberty and those in government disposed to usurp are not going to overturn the Right to Free Speech by amending the Constitution, but what they will do is create laws attacking specific aspects of Free Speech or engage in efforts of societal censorship (political correctness) and make us censor ourselves. Self censorship is the greatest form of servitude because the slaves never see the chains that bind them.

We must KNOW that speech cannot be censored by government, and the people should not be afraid to speak!

“For no People will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when Knowledge is diffusd and Virtue is preservd. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauchd in their Manners, they will sink under their own Weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.” Samuel Adams 1775

burning-effigyThe founders of our Constitutional Republic burned their flag, they burned effigies of their politicians and tax collectors, too.   They burned their flag as an expression of sadness over their Liberty lost through government usurpation.   They burned their flag as an expression of disgust over the despotic attack by their government upon their Liberties.  Their flag meant no less to them than our flag means to many Americans.  They loved their country of Great Britain.  They continually prayed for reconciliation with their country, up to and even beyond the Declaration of Independence.  To them, burning their flag, was the most powerful way to express the utter despair they felt over their government’s refusal to recognize the Rights of all Englishman as guaranteed by their Constitution and by God.  To them, burning effigies of their tax collectors and politicians, was the most peaceful way to show their complete disgust for the negligence and criminality of those they had entrusted as guardians of their Rights.

colonial-flagAs a matter of fact, the colonists did something “worse” than burning the Union Jack, they created a whole new flag as a statement of their defiance and independence!  Therefore, it is not even historically accurate to claim that our founders would not advocate burning the flag in protest.  They personally knew that power of that free expression.

We must get our priorities in line.  We must develop a fonder attachment to Liberty than to paper and cloth.  Without that Liberty, the only paper and cloth you will possess are the ones that our government gives you permission to possess and you will only possess it under their terms and conditions.  Let us Love Liberty over Security and Comfort, Principles over Parties, and Truth over Personality.

I doesn’t matter how you feel about the President. It doesn’t matter how you feel about burning a flag. My Rights are not based upon your feelings. They are inalienable gifts from God.

“Let us remember that “if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom.” It is a very serious consideration, which should deeply impress our minds, that millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers of the event.” Samuel Adams 1771

bill-of-rightsThe quickest way to identify a tyrant is find the one who wants to diminish your Rights so people can be happy. The quickest way to find a slave is to locate those agreeing with the tyrant.

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”  William Pitt, the Younger

Perhaps if we had spent more time in school memorizing the Bill of Rights than the Pledge of Allegiance, we would be having a different conversation.


To Whom Do They Speak?

I hope you enjoy this guest article by our frequent contributor, Robert Townsend!  In Liberty, KrisAnne


To Whom Do They Speak?

by Robert Townsend

sorosWe all take for granted that we now know that the American media is a corrupted and worthless entity.  But it wasn’t always so.  Before, there were many among us who were comfortably ignorant of the lie that the media impartially reported the truth of the world and kept us “informed.”  Sure, sure, there were those who danced inside and outside the line of impartiality from time to time, but by and large, we were inured into the sweet dream that we knew and understood the world around us, all thanks to those brave “journalists” who brought the truth of the world to our television sets every night at 8 pm.

It should not need stating but I will state it nonetheless: we haven’t been just wrong about this, we have been staggeringly wrong.  As the forces of the status quo screech more loudly and more panicked about any change to their life’s blood, we see just how desperate they are to maintain us in our ignorant slumber.

One thing that we should now realize with all the intellectual power that we can muster is that elections are not for your benefit, it is for System’s benefit, and it has corrupted it wholly.

Let us recall Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.  (h/t Wikipedia),

mole-hole“Socrates [describes] a gathering of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall.  The people watch shadows projected on the wall from things passing in front of a fire behind them, and they begin to give names to these shadows. The shadows are as close as the prisoners get to viewing reality.

He then explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall do not make up reality at all, for he can perceive the true form of reality rather than the mere shadows seen by the prisoners.”

What I wish to impress upon you now is that we, the world government’s humble serfs, are the prisoners in the cave.  But just as with those prisoners from Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, we too are learning that the shadows on the wall, the electoral process and verily the entire governmental power structure (laughably currently referred to as a democracy of “checks and balances”) is not the sweet dream that we had been led to believe our entire lives.

megyn-kellyThe American citizen has been living in our own cave for so long, enamored and fascinated with nothing but the deformed shadows of reality to inform him of the world outside the cave, that he has lost sight of the beautiful landscapes of personal and national liberty.  Thankfully, this blindness is proving to be only temporary, much to Leviathan’s surprise.

In a previous essay I showed and explained that HRC never cared about your vote.  This was why she called Trump supporters “Deplorables.”  If she really cared about swaying a Trump voter to her side, would she have insulted them?  Of course not.

hillaryIt is here that HRC gives away the game.  As I said before, she doesn’t care about you or your vote.  Incredibly, our Bella Femina (latin meaning) showed this yet again. On November 1, HRC said,

“I am sick and tired of the negative, dark, divisive, dangerous vision and behavior of people who support Donald Trump.”

Do you now see?  She is not trying to convince you that she is the better candidate and earn your vote.  She doesn’t need you (as vote-changing voting machines most recently attested).  But if this is the case then, if she isn’t stumping for the voters in the hopes of convincing an “undecided” electorate, just who is she actually talking to then if not the voters with her promises of filthy lucre?  Is she speaking to Leviathan indirectly?  And if this is the case, then what is the scale of the corruption that Leviathan represents?

Here, too, we have evidence and information galore to estimate its size.  All we must do is simply observe the forces arrayed against Free Men and the naked rhetorical aggression no longer couched in the feigned objectivity of “journalism.”

googeThe mainstream media, social media, alternative media, corrupted vote machines, foreign governments, Soros and his ilk, all of it, were arrayed to ensure HRC was given the power to rule over a dairy farm where its citizens are but cows to be milked.

Considering the vast armies that are/were set in motion to ensure HRC’s position, this obviously implies then that a great many people have something to lose if the current System changes.  From the constant attacks on the Republican president-elect and his supporters, it would appear that a great many around the world have a great amount to lose should the status quo change.  Staggering.

sheikThis also should serve as a lesson against foreign entanglements in general: just as with foreign adventures patriotically meant to install “democracy” where it is unwanted, or further the American version of empire, a great many organizations, nations and powerful individuals benefit from American adventurism.  Do any of these entities have the citizen’s best interests at heart when they request a bombing of their enemies or an economic-aid package for themselves?  Have you ever seen a farmer ask the cow’s permission to milk her?

How then might a citizen better understand the true purpose or intent of a ‘leader’s’ speech to the theaterpublic if the apparent purpose is a lie (a shadow on the wall, so to speak)?

Imagine that you are sitting in a theatre watching a live performance of Shakespeare’s Hamlet.  You are sitting in the middle of a full theatre with other audience members enjoying the play right there along with you.

As you sit in your seat next to your fellow audience-member, you hear the actors easily because the actors are trained and know to raise their voice loud enough so that their voices reach the back of the theatre.  The theatre is dark and its recesses behind you are hidden and also dark.  You are not looking behind you, you are watching the play occurring on the stage in front of you.

And this is my point.  The actors are not speaking so that you may hear them.  They are speaking to the box seats hidden in the darkness behind you.

The same can be said for the elections of recent decades.  These elections are not so that the citizenry may choose their next leader; rather it is a masked dialogue with the true powers of the world whose words and promises fly past the electorate’s heads to land upon the ears of the true recipients that are hidden in the darkness behind us. And judging by the many, many forces arrayed against the American citizen’s own right to breathe free, the number of those sitting behind us in the balconies are staggeringly large.

When next you see HRC or Trump or Bush or Gore or Blaire or Merkel speaking in public, reflect for a moment that it is very likely that they are not speaking to the citizenry at all.

Does the farmer speak to his cows or to the purchasers of his milk?

rob townsend

2016 Florida Constitutional Amendment Voter Guide


liberty-frist-logo-button2016 Florida Constitutional Amendment Voter Guide


By KrisAnne Hall, Constitutional Education & Consulting, Inc.


The voter is always ultimately responsible for their vote.  I do not take responsibility for anyone’s vote; we will all answer individually one day for our choices.  With that in mind, be sure that you VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE!

As a general rule, I am opposed to Constitutional Amendments, unless it is a truly Constitutional issue.  Our Constitution is supposed to be the Supreme Law of the State, establishing guidelines for government, fundamental rights belonging to Floridians, and principles by which we are to govern.  Statutes, on the other hand, are supposed to be the instrument we use to enact laws through legislation in our Republican form of government.  Florida has gotten very lazy about these distinctions.

I had hoped we had learned about cluttering up our Constitution when we passed the “pregnant pig” and the “super train” amendments.  With those two examples in mind, I would like those who view this guide to keep in mind a few things:

When you vote YES and pass a Constitutional Amendment you are creating a constitutionally protected RIGHT to something which includes the appropriate protections and assignments.

Constitutionally protected rights must be provided under equal access of the law to all citizens of the state, without discrimination, and denies any excuse for deprivation.

If you vote YES and later realize that there are unforeseen negative consequences, the only way to fix that amendment is through another Constitutional Amendment.

The amendment process represents a great expense to the tax payers.   Laws should be passed by LEGISLATORS and put into statutes.  That is how Republican Governments work.  Repealing or amending statutory laws are part of the everyday legislative process.  If legislators forget to put something in a law or the law turns out to be a bad idea, the legislators simply amend or repeal the law through proper legislative measures.  The Constitution provides the basis for the Legislature to create these laws consistent with the Constitution with language such as “The Legislature may, by general law, enact…”  NEARLY EVERY ONE OF THE AMENDMENTS ON THIS BALLOT SHOULD HAVE BEEN RESERVED TO STATUTORY LAW AND NOT CONSTITUTIONAL LAW.

Why would our legislators want to use the amendment process rather than the proper legislative process? In some of these instances, they tried, but the legislation failed.  They are cluttering up our Constitution to compensate for failed legislation. Perhaps in other instances, by enacting a law through the constitutional amendment process, they can mitigate their responsibility for the law; after all, it was the “will of the people.”  We are a Republic, not a democracy.

If the Legislators insist on using the amendment process instead of the proper legislative process, I frankly see very little need to continue having legislators.  We could simply move to a pure democracy, fire all those who feel too burdened to do their job and save some money.

Amendment 1 Rights of Electricity Consumers Regarding Solar Energy Choice:  (This amendment will add another section to the Constitution – Article X section 29)

Author’s Note: This should NOT be a constitutional amendment.  This should be legislation.

A YES VOTE FOR AMENDMENT 1 Would create a Constitutional Right:

  • for Floridians to “own or lease solar equipment.”

“ESTABLISHMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. Electricity consumers have the right to own or lease solar equipment installed on their property to generate electricity for their own use.”

This potentially establishes that every single citizen of Florida can go to a solar provider and demand solar equipment based upon their Constitutional Right.   Creating a Constitutional Right to solar equipment would potentially open the door for government subsidies and price controls upon solar equipment to ensure that all Florida residents have access to this Constitutional Right.  This seems to set up a contradiction within the Amendment itself, as it claims to end consumer subsidizing of solar energy but then creates the potential necessity to subsidize to ensure protection of a Constitutional Right

  • for non-solar customers from an alleged “solar customer subsidy.”

The argument in favor of Amendment 1 asserts that solar power users are not supporting a system they are using and this constitutional amendment is necessary “to ensure that consumers who do not choose to install solar are not required to subsidize the costs of backup power and electric grid access to those who do.”

In Florida, Residents who have solar energy and tie into the grid are paid for the “extra energy” they produce that is put into the system.  In other words, if a resident with solar energy produces more solar power than they can consume, and they are tied into the main electrical grid, that energy can be used by others in the electrical grid.  The electric companies are required to purchase excess energy from the solar providers because the electric company is using that energy to supply its customers.

Solar energy owners are providing additional energy and are in fact subsidizing the grid.  The electric companies pay the solar energy owners for the additional energy created.  Sometimes the extra energy created is greater than or equal to the cost of energy used by the solar energy owner.  This does not mean they are not paying for the energy they use, they are simply being paid for the energy they are creating. There is in fact is no such subsidy literally being paid by non-solar customers, so one can only assume that this “protection” will take the form of a “fee” paid by solar users for “maintenance and upkeep of the power grid” or a cessation of payment for the extra energy provided to the grid by solar customers.

  • If this amendment is passed, the electric companies will be able take the excess energy from the solar customers and not pay them for it, even though they are using it.
  • If this amendment is passed, the use or lease of solar equipment will become a Constitutional Right to which no Floridian could be deprived of for any reason.
  • If this Amendment is passed and the people wish to provide just compensation to solar energy owners just compensation in the future, another amendment to do so would have to be passed at the constitutional level.

If this amendment is passed, the solar power owners should detach from the electrical grid and not allow the electric companies to benefit from the energy they produce.

Full Text of the Amendment:    http://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/fulltext/pdf/64817-1.pdf


Amendment 2. Use of Marijuana for Debilitating Medical Conditions:  (This amendment will add another section to the Constitution – Article X section 29)

Author’s Note: This should NOT be a constitutional amendment.  This should be legislation.  Also, although Florida currently has legislation regarding Medical Marijuana, many see this legislation as impotent.  The current legislation only allows for very weak doses of cannibus oil and only for end of life purposes.  This Amendment is to specifically allow for treatment of specifically listed diseases.

A YES VOTE FOR AMENDMENT 2 Would create a Constitutional Right:

For Medical Marijuana to be provided as a treatment for patients with the following specific diseases:






post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Crohn’s disease

Parkinson’s disease

multiple sclerosis

Amendment 2 would also allow licensed physicians to certify patients for medical marijuana use after diagnosing them with some “other debilitating medical conditions of the same kind or class as or comparable to those enumerated.”

Ending the Confusion about this Amendment:  

  • This Amendment, if passed will NOT allow “anyone who wants Marijuana to get Marijuana.” Only patients with the qualifying diseases can obtain prescriptions.
  • This Amendment, if passed will NOT legalize recreational Marijuana. Doctors have been writing prescriptions for barbiturates and opiates for decades and we still do not see those drugs legalized for recreational use.

Author’s Note:  The medical benefits of Medical Marijuana are widely documented.  Most drugs have side effects, some very serious, yet we still allow their use as prescribed by a physician. It is difficult to understand why we wouldn’t want to allow patients to be able to choose from all sources of treatment proven to be effective. The arguments made against appear to not be made against more serious drugs commonly in use such as opioids, barbiturates, narcotics, nor alcohol, all of which are used as legal treatments.

Full Text of the Amendment:    http://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/fulltext/pdf/50438-3.pdf


Amendment 3 Tax Exemption for Totally and Permanently Disabled First Responders  (This amendment will add another section to the Constitution – Article VII, sec 6 & Article XII)

Amendment 3 exemplifies the very argument against legislation through constitutional amendments.

On November 7, 2006, Florida voters approved a constitutional amendment known as Amendment 7.  This amendment provided a property tax discount on homestead property owned by eligible veterans.  To be eligible, a veteran must have an honorable discharge from military service, be at least 65 years old, be partially disabled with a permanent service connected disability all or a portion of which must be combat-related, and must have been a Florida resident at the time of entering military service. Apparently when this amendment was designed, several provisions were left out, for whatever reason.  When these omissions came to light and the only way to fix them was through the amendment process.  If the original provisions had been passed through the appropriate channels of legislation, a simple amendment to the statute could have been easily passed while the legislature was in session.   Floridians incurred not only the cost of employing our legislators to do their job, but the cost of amending the constitution when the legislators didn’t want to, or were unable to do their job.

The same thing could potentially happen if Amendment 3 is passed.  This should NOT be a constitutional amendment.  It should ONLY be a matter of legislation.

A vote YES on Amendment 3 Would Create a Constitutional Right:

  • to a property tax exemption for law enforcement officer, a correctional officer, a firefighter, an emergency medical technician, or a paramedic who is classified as “totally and permanently disabled” as a result of an injury in the line of duty. The terms “totally and permanently disabled” are NOT defined in the amendment and will need further definition by legislation.
  • to a property tax exemption based solely upon occupation. This would create a constitutional right that is not applied to all citizens equally.

Full Text of the Amendment:      http://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/fulltext/pdf/10-92.pdf


Amendment 5 Homestead Tax Exemption for Certain Seniors, Low-Income, Long-Term Residents; Determination of Just Value  (This amendment will add another section to the Constitution – Article VII, sec 6 & Article XII)

Same issues as amendment 3.

This should NOT be a constitutional amendment.  It should ONLY be a matter of legislation.

A vote YES on Amendment 5 Would Create a Constitutional Right:

  • to a property tax reduction for “certain” seniors, low-income, long-term residents.
  • that is not applied to all citizens equally, but only available to certain classes of citizens.

Full Text of the Amendmenthttp://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/fulltext/pdf/10-94.pdf

Click Here to Download this voter guide in PDF

Historical Proof: Why Britain Must Brexit!

brexit 2 British history is rich with sacrifice for the principles of Liberty; understanding that Liberty is a gift from God and not a privilege granted by government. It was passionate battles for Liberty that drove the wisdom of limited government that is seen in America and around the globe. In those battles for Liberty we find several repeating mechanisms of despotism; foreign influence, corrupt courts, diminishing property rights and government intrusion in church matters, just to name a few. Our forefathers paid a dear a price to secure our Liberty.
Many have repeated the phrase, “Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it.” King Solomon said, “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” Human nature never changes, and those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat its mistakes. We are walking a path of destruction we need not trod. Our forefathers forged a way for us to avoid tyranny in government, but we have put down their lamp and now wander in the dark. We cannot restore Liberty, we cannot recapture our future, without the hard earned wisdom of the past.
aelthered 2Beginning with the Anglo-Saxon resistance to Danish rule in the early eleventh century, the British people paid a dear price for the wisdom necessary to forge the way for just government. Yet it appears this crucible of Liberty is not immune from tripping over the same obstacles of their past. The Anglo-Saxon communities of the eleventh century, seemed to have an inherent understanding of the evils of foreign rule. Having had Anglo-Saxon kings in the past and upon the death of Danish King Sven Forkbeard, the Anglo-Saxons re-established their former Anglo-Saxon King, Æthelred. Æthelred was allowed to be King, but under new terms; a limited government where the King was to be in submission to the will of the people. The Witenagemot, who was particularly strong during Æthelred’s reign, would ensure this limitation of power. The agreement with Æthelred would begin the future of Liberty Charters, creating the limited monarchy that would make the Kingdom of England unique and pave the way for limited government and secured Liberty to the people in the west.
When Edward the Confessor failed to produce an heir, the people found themselves in threat of foreign rule, once again. The heir to the throne would be the Norman, William I. In an effort to keep Norman rule out of England, the people would attempt to establish Harold Godwinson, an Anglo-Saxon, to be their king. The appointment of Harold by the people was a direct affront to the man who had earned the nick-name “William The Conqueror.” William raised his Norman army and defeated Harold and the people in the Battle of Hastings, reaffirming his Right to be king.
William IWilliam I was Norman and that was the style of rule he intended to establish in England. However, the Anglo-Saxon style of rule, where the king bore a certain level of submission to the people, had become too deep rooted for William to overtly overturn. William, determined to rule in the unlimited nature of a Norman king, decided to establish his style of rule in a more surreptitious way. Instead of declaring his Divine Right to Norman rule, William began by replacing the jurists in the English courts with men who were not loyal to English law, but loyal to the ideologies of the King. With these men on the bench, William could enforce his foreign, Norman law on the English people even when it was contrary to English law. Apparently William knew what history and human nature dictates, that people are less suspect of the courts to change the politics of the land.

William knew that if he was going to transform England into Norman rule and avoid armed rebellion, he would have to change the ideology of those in the kingdom. William used the foreign, Norman law, the force of the courts, and even the physical force of his reign to chase the land owners who opposed his rule completely out of the kingdom. By foreign, Norman law, when land became abandoned the ownership of that land reverts to the King. William used this law to assume possession of the land he cleared and invited his Norman allies to live on these lands and support his reign. By force and manipulating the courts, William hoped to change the ideology of the land; by filling the kingdom with those who supported his Norman style of rule and by putting fear in the hearts of those landowners that remained.

death william IIThe Norman foreign law transformation would take place over the reign of William I and his son William II. This oppression of the Anglo-Saxon style of government – kings in submission to people – would end with the “accidental” death of William II in 1100 when an arrow from William’s brother, Henry I’s hunting party “accidentally” hits William II in the eye. Henry I became be king, but not without controversy. In his efforts to please the people, Henry agreed to sign the 1100 Charter of Liberties; a promise from Henry that the evil and oppressive reign of his father and brother would end: “And I take away all the bad customs by which the kingdom of England was unjustly oppressed; which bad customs I here set down in part:…”
Henry restored England to “the laws of the Anglo-Saxon King Edward” removing the foreign Norman rule over the people. This promise of Liberty would fade quickly in the minds of kings; nearly 100 years later, King John would engage in the very activity the Charter promised to eliminate.
john magna cartaKing John was another Norman King, and is perhaps the most evil king England would ever know. The people described John as a “wicked, evil king,” that “even hell was fouled by the presence of John.” John was a massive taxation king. Those who could not pay their taxes found themselves in jeopardy of prison, mutilation, and even execution. John would transgress the boundaries and promises of Henry I’s 1100 Charter of Liberties. When the people chose Steven Langton to be their Archbishop, John denied the people their choice and inserted himself into the business of the church. This would be the last violation of the 1100 Charter of Liberties the people would tolerate: a rebellion formed against John. Through this rebellion, John was forced, by sword, to sign a new promise; The Magna Carta of 1215. The Magna Carta reasserted the promises of the 1100 Charter of Liberties, but also established new limits upon the King.
This new limit on government, took a bold stand against the foreign influence that plagued the kingdom and required, “all foreign born knights, crossbowmen, serjeants, and mercenary soldiers” that aided John’s foreign Norman rule were summarily expelled from the kingdom. John would sign the Magna Carta with a sword at his throat and was removed from the throne less than a year later. The Magna Carta is often undersold in its importance. Prior to the Magna Carta, promises came by willing consent of the king. The Magna Carta established, in writing, the demands of the people upon their king and bound the limited monarchy to the control of a representative government.
The British people would have to battle with kings and queens for the next 4 centuries to maintain limited and local government and shun foreign influence to preserve the Liberties of the people codified in the 1100 Charter of Liberties and the Magna Carta of 1215. The next true advancements in codified Liberty would come during the reign of Charles I.
Charles’ father, James I, would saturate the British government once again with foreign influence and power. This foreign ideology, along with its power and control, remained even as Charles assumed the throne. Charles’ refusal to be bound by Parliament and the death charles Ipeople; his denial of the people’s rights in Liberty, led to next evolution of Liberty Charters; the Petition of Right of 1628.
The Petition of Right, an exercise of clause 61 of the Magna Carta of 1215, declared the grievances of the people against the King. This Charter listed eleven points of violation of the Liberties of the people and restated the violated provisions of the Magna Carta and Charter of Liberties.
Charles signed the Petition by the force of a sword to keep his throne. However, the promises he made to the people were clearly just to make peace; his blatant disregard for Liberty would continue. It is in the time of Charles’ reign that the people rebelled in the Bishop Wars against the king’s intrusion in their churches; a violation of both the Liberty Charter and Magna Carta. Charles was finally brought up on charges of treason in 1641, through the Grand Remonstrance.
The Grand Remonstrance, another Charter of Liberty, is a list of grievances against Charles’ violations of the three previous Charters. In this list we see, once again, the trials of the past that are direct warnings for our present and our future.
“The root of all this mischief we find to be a malignant and pernicious design of subverting the fundamental laws and principles of government, upon which the religion and justice of this kingdom are firmly established.”
This document is an invaluable lesson in human nature and government overreach. It is a survey of 600 years of kings and government, declaring a design in their actions whose only purpose is to overturn and undermine Liberty. Once again this document identifies the “malignant and pernicious design” as infiltration of foreign law and foreign influence upon government;

“Such Councillors and Courtiers as for private ends have engaged themselves to further the interests of some foreign princes or states to the prejudice of His Majesty and the State at home…to maintain continual differences and discontents between the King and the people, upon questions of prerogative and liberty…to conjoin those parties of the kingdom which were most propitious to their own ends, and to divide those who were most opposite…”

What were those foreign influences that were so destructive to liberty? A few examples found are the use of foreign law to deny people their guaranteed Rights through a corruption of the courts;

  • “And to keep them still in this oppressed condition, not admitting them to be bailed according to law, yet vexing them with informations in inferior courts…”

  • “The imprisonment of the rest, which refused to be bound, still continued, which might have been perpetual if necessity had not the last year brought another Parliament to relieve them…”

  • and the diminishing the property rights of the people in the manner of William I and William II to consolidate power with the King; “The taking away of men’s right, under the colour of the King’s title to land, between high and low water marks…”

  • “The enlargements of forests, contrary to Carta de Foresta, and the composition thereupon…”

  • “Conversion of arable into pasture, continuance of pasture, under the name of depopulation, have driven many millions out of the subjects’ purses, without any considerable profit to His Majesty…”

  • “Large quantities of common and several grounds hath been taken from the subject by colour of the Statute of Improvement, and by abuse of the Commission of Sewers, without their consent, and against it…”

Charles was sentenced to death for his violations of Liberty and the people establish a higher standard of limited government than ever before. This influence of the people over government would have to be renewed in less than 40 years, during the reign of James II and through the Glorious Revolution of 1688.
james IIJames II boldly engaged in the same tactics of previous kings. Among his violations of the four previous Liberty Charters, James would completely ignore the separation of powers established between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches;
“By assuming and exercising a power of dispensing with and suspending of laws and the execution of laws without consent of Parliament;”
James, violating separation of powers, engaged in the writing of laws that were reserved to Parliament alone, so he could maintain foreign influence without Parliament’s obstruction. James also corrupted the judiciary by creating the Courts of Ecclesiastical Causes to circumvent the courts of common law, increasing the power of foreign law and influence, thereby wielding the law and judiciary by his will and that of his foreign advisers, contrary to the Liberty Charters and the will of the people;
“By issuing and causing to be executed a commission under the great seal for erecting a court called the Court of Commissioners for Ecclesiastical Causes;”
James actions were as if he used the Grand Remonstrance as a guide book on what to do instead of a document limiting and denying the king’s authority. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 was the people’s response to James’ audacious disregard for the Liberties of the people. This revolution birthed the final installation of the Liberty Charters of Great Britain; the English Bill of Rights of 1689. It was in this document that the people would not only declare the evils of foreign influence but also establish an oath of office for the government; all must pledge to eschew all foreign influence from this day forward.

cameron oath
“I do declare that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state or potentate hath or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence or authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm. So help me God.”

History proves that foreign influence is the enemy to Liberty. When government becomes yoked with foreign power it no longer needs the consent of the people; it no longer feels the control of the people; it no longer fears the condemnation of the people. A government with the aid of foreign influence has no respect for the Liberty of the people; it doesn’t have to. When the people cannot control their government, there is no limit to government power. A government with foreign backing will never allow limits by the people. Refusing foreign influence is the only way to maintain a limited government that respects the Rights of the people.
Foreign influence will also breed discord between the people and their government and the people with each other. When government refuses the limits of the people and enforces laws that are contrary to their Rights, both history and human nature dictate that hostility between the people and government will arise. Disharmony will arise between the people, pitting those who want to exercise their Rights and those who support the government and foreign rule. The irony of this inevitable consequence of foreign influence is that this conflict actually weakens the government and leaves it ripe for takeover by the very foreign power creating the struggle. Refusing foreign influence is actually essential in maintaining the security of the people and their government.
lionYou cannot tame the fire of foreign influence. It does not want to help or guide; it wants to control and consume. But foreign influence cannot be controlled, molded, or even limited. Once allowed within your government, foreign influence is an all-consuming fire that will bring the destruction of a raging inferno. There has never been any other conclusion and doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the very definition of insanity.
How many of these same violations upon our Liberties do we find in government today? How often will we continue to blindly put ourselves at risk by yoking with foreign influence? In a day when we are believed to be more civilized and better educated than our centuries past, how can we be living with government engaging in the same “malignant and pernicious design” as these days of old?
Since we know that experience is an oracle of truth, where that experience shows the same results over and over again, wisdom says we must then hold those anticipated consequences to be an inevitability. History gives us those certainties about Britain remaining in the European Union.
brexit nowThis is not a conclusion based upon racism; that is an ignorant and ridiculous assumption.  This is a decision based upon history, truth, and inevitable consequences.  If Britain stays in the EU it will be the destruction of British Liberty and British government as you know it.
There are eternal consequences for our acquiescence to foreign power. History has given us all the direction we need to make a well-educated decision. We cannot claim ignorance as an excuse. If we neglect what we owe to God, our future, and the sacrifices of our past, our consciences will reproach us for our folly and our Posterity will curse us for our selfish considerations.

Adventures of A Liberty First Intern

This article was written by Rosalie Beeli, an intern who participated in the Liberty First experience.  I am touched, encouraged, and inspired by Rosalie’s words.  I am sure you will be too.  KAH

My Adventure With KrisAnne Hall ~ by Rosalie Beeli

photo 1A 5 hour drive to Idaho, by myself. Was it worth it? Yes!

2/9/2016 As the 300 conservatives gathered in the high school auditorium I seated myself in between a couple who was just realizing their liberties were being taken, and an army vet who has been fighting for liberty since he decided to homeschool his children nearly 20 years ago. This is one of the wonderful things about KrisAnne Hall meetings: diverse backgrounds unified by a common cause.

The first time I actually met Mrs. Hall was when she called me on stage from the audience to introduce me and another young lady Elizabeth, as her interns to the audience in Payette, ID. After Mrs. Hall finished her presentation Elizabeth and I were thrown into a frenzy of selling Mrs. Hall’s education material. The night ended with the selling out of ALL the materials that Mrs. Hall had brought save 8 T-shirts. When the event finally concluded it was 10 pm and since the hotel was an hour away we didn’t arrive till 11:15 (with a short stop at McDonald’s for dinner).  But before we could crash after a long night Mrs. Hall dutifully set up her equipment for her radio podcast that she would record in the morning. I, on the other hand, was asleep in a matter of minutes!

me rosaleeLet me tell you about myself. My name is Rosalie Beeli, I am a senior in High School and have lived in Utah for the last 4 years but grew up in southern California, yes there can be conservatives in SoCal. I am the middle child of five kids and have been homeschooled my entire life.  As a homeschooled student I have been given the opportunity to pursue subjects that I am passionate about. At the for most of my list is government. My mom was the first one to hear about KrisAnne in Feb of 2015 and it quickly became our morning routine to listen to the KrisAnne Show while we made breakfast. When Mrs. Hall announced she had an intern program we go very excited and I decided to apply. To be completely honest it took months for us to finally get in contact and work out a date when I could intern but it was worth the wait. We finally realized that KrisAnne would be in Idaho for three days. Thus began my 5 hour drive!

2/10/2016  “Rise and shine Liberty loving Patriots!” Was that KrisAnne talking to me? For a moment I thought I was back at home with my mom starting the daily podcast, but as I opened my eyes I was reminded that I was not at home but listening to KrisAnne live, recording her podcast in the hotel room for all of you. This was an especially surreal moment for me as my mom listens to these podcast on a regular basis every morning as she prepares our breakfast. But today I got to relax in bed while listening to one of these podcasts live!

intern pic idahoElizabeth and her brother Bennet were interning with KrisAnne last night and today. We all gathered for breakfast and good chat. Although Elizabeth and KrisAnne knew each other from her previous internship; I hadn’t officially met Elizabeth or Mrs. Hall for that matter! We spent breakfast getting to know each other and the time slowly turned into one of thanksgiving for the blessings we have received from our Savior. And so we had a morning devotional! In retrospect this was a key moment in my friendship with Mrs. Hall as we united under the banner of the Lord and placed Him at the forefront of our journey.

We started getting ready around 10:30, Mrs. KrisAnne took a shower while I ironed her shirt and listened to music. This was actually the moment where something clicked and I began to feel more comfortable and at-ease around Mrs. Hall. I felt useful and she seemed more human. We both listened to music as we got ready; this served as the real “ice breaker”.

idaho protestWe arrived at the Idaho State Capitol and on our way in, we passed 2 people who were protesting the closed-meeting that Mrs. Hall was speaking at. This was the first time she had seen protesters against her teaching so she naturally was a bit excited!

While KrisAnne and Elizabeth went to find the room where she was to speak, Bennet and I stayed back and I approached the protesters to ask a few questions and take their picture with the signs. Apparently these protesters were adamantly opposed to KrisAnne’s teachings, claiming she wanted to take power away from the States and make the Sheriff the highest position of power in America! They claimed they had listened to her podcasts but also stated that she was receiving a huge amount of funding from the ‘Koch Brothers’! It was quite obvious that these people were not educated on matters of ‘KrisAnne’ but it was a cool experience to see that KrisAnne was gaining enough momentum that people would take the time to protest her!

idaho capitolWe had our meeting in the Majority Caucus Room and had Senators as well as Representatives attend, many of them even took notes and made comments during the presentation! This was very encouraging for all of us to see elected officials taking charge of their enumerated powers and not just functioning based on some hidden agenda.

After the meeting with Republican legislatures we headed to lunch at a nearby Chinese restaurant and had lunch together. It was a great opportunity to relax, talk and share some laughs together. We also walked over to a shop called the “chocolate bar,” and if that doesn’t excite you….well then you have a lot more problems than just a tyrannical government. 😀 Apparently Mrs. Hall’s one weakness is dark chocolate, so we each got a piece of chocolate and then said our goodbyes as Elizabeth and Bennett headed back home.

KrisAnne and I headed back to the hotel where she had a radio interview and I crashed for a 30 minute nap. Mrs. Hall has got some amazing stamina to be on the go all the time. We got ready for our next speaking engagement and took off about 5, we stopped at a coffee shop for our energy boost and arrived at the local aviation center where the event was being held.

religious libertyThe topic for that night’s engagement was Religious Liberty. I had never hear KrisAnne Hall speak on this subject, but as she did I was adamantly convinced that God has sent her to embody the George Washington, Patrick Henry and Paul the Apostle of this generation. ALL INSIDE THIS ADORABLE 5’ WOMAN!!! I had chills during her entire speech, and what was 1 ½ hours genuinely felt like 20 minutes. (please note, this is coming for a 17 year old girl, to whom time does not fly easily) We had about 100 at that event, about 30 of which had attended the event the night before. We spent some time interacting with people but we were out of material to sell so it we accepted donations and talked.

We left the venue around 9:30 and on the way to dinner KrisAnne was being bombarded by texts concerning the situation in Oregon, apparently she is a member of the Coalition of Western States and is updated on the legal status between those States and the federal government. Anyway, things were blowing up in Oregon and I could tell it was weighing heavily on her mind. KrisAnne allowed me to treat her to dinner at Panda Express and we prayed for the government employees as well as citizens in Oregon. When we got back to the hotel we were both very tired and went to bed.

krisanne-hall-radio-show-video-splash2/11/2016 Thursday morning was much like Wednesday; recording a podcast , going to the gym and breakfast. But we weren’t as rushed today and KrisAnne spent the entire morning on the computer or her phone, concentrating on what she was reading or listening to. Finally during breakfast she went back up to her room to deal with a phone call. I was planning to head out around noon after Mrs. Hall had another radio interview at 11am. However when I went back to our room I found Mrs. Hall on the phone at her desk in a heated conversation.

I sat on my bed and listened as the conversation changed and Mrs. Hall as well as a few other people on the phone seemed to unify in talking to a young man on the other line. I later found out that this young man was David and the call they were on would be known as the Oregon Live Stream. Long story short I was able to experience first-hand the emotional struggle that went down between David and the FBI in Oregon.

Mrs. KrisAnne Hall and I shared a very emotional moment afterward, hugging and rejoicing in the power of God to work powerfully through us as individuals. KrisAnne Hall has allowed herself to be used by the Lord for an incredible cause and her voice has inspired thousands. This is what inspired me as I drove home and what continues to inspire me today as I see deceit and corruption in every aspect of our country. I truly believe that God has gifted KrisAnne Hall for a very specific purpose and I am awed by her passion for liberty and the impact she has had.

Tenth AmendmentThis adventure with Mrs. Hall took place in the middle of the Utah Legislative Session. During this session I reached out to different Senators and Representatives in Utah to shadow them for a day. So from Jan 27th-March 10th you would find me up on Capitol Hill at least 3 times a week, getting to know the Legislators and their staff. Through this experience I was able to develop a personal relationship with the lawmakers in my State. And from my experience with KrisAnne Hall I was able to confidently speak about the nature of our constitution, the sovereignty of the States and the powers specifically given to the federal government. I also got to personally hand out flyers about KrisAnne Hall to more than half of the Representatives in Utah! What was even more amazing is that I knew almost all of them by name.

I have become so inspired by Mrs. KrisAnne Hall and even during this State of unrest and corruption in our country I have found peace in knowing that our Lord orchestrates everything and that as long as we are willing servants He will work through us for His greater purpose.

America: Still Worth Fighting For

big brotherOur contemporary American experience seems often Orwellian.  We have a Congress that denies our Rights in the name of security.  We have a president who not only writes laws with his pen, but is also in the habit of rewriting history to serve his political purposes.  Many patriots have expended a great deal of energy this year in the fight to see our Liberty protected and America’s greatness restored. We are all well aware that there are still many struggles ahead and mountains yet to be conquered.  But let us be reminded of a hope that is rooted firmly in the original American experience that makes our land so exceptional.

Our history is rich with men and women who have surrendered all so that many could live in the greatest place the world has ever known. For over 700 years before the Declaration of Independence, men and women were learning the lessons that would be taught to our founders. Lessons that would infuse our founders with the courage and hope that would build this exceptional land.

Patrick Henry said, “I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know no way to judge the future but by the past.” He was letting us know that his knowledge of those last 700 years, were the very reason he knew how this fight would turn patrick henryout. He knew that every time men and women understood the value of Liberty and pledged all to protect it, they were always victorious. These guarantees of history must have raced through Henry’s head; 1100 Charter of Liberties, Magna Carta, 1628 Petition of Right, 1641 Grand Remonstrance, and his very own Bill of Rights of 1689. These were battles fought in the name of Liberty and he knew that victory was a guarantee. This is our history. This is our guarantee. This is our victory!

We have so much to be thankful for.  Let us not forget that Liberty is a gift that was purchased for us with great sacrifice. Among the many things we have to be thankful for, we must be eternally grateful for the wisdom of men and women that understood that Liberty was a gift from God and that all God’s gifts are worth our every sacrifice.  John Adams, in a letter to Abigail in 1777 expressed this sacrifice.

“Posterity ! you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven that I ever took half the pains to preserve it.”

crispus attuck battleWe must honor this sacrifice by honoring their memory and continuing their efforts.  Too often I see the revisionism of our history in an effort to demean these men and women with the purpose of destroying our Constitution.  We do not properly respect their efforts by allowing these lies to be taught to our sons and daughters.  We must teach the truth.  We owe it to them.  We owe it to our children.  It is our hope.

I am not trying to give the founders some divine status or even suppose them a level of perfection that they did not have. We must understand that our Liberty was not founded upon people, but upon principles. The people that gave us our exceptional American principles were flawed vessels just like you and me. However, the really amazing part of this history is that flawed men understood that the foundation of an enduring union must be Liberty moored in morality. Consider these words by Alexander Hamilton:

“Equal pains have been taken to deprave the morals as to extinguish the religion of the country [France], if indeed morality in a community can be separated from religion…The pious and moral weep over these scenes as a sepulcher destined to entomb all they revere and esteem.

The politician who loves liberty sees them with regret as a gulf that may swallow up the liberty to which he is devoted. He knows that morality overthrown (and morality must fall with religion), the terrors of despotism can alone curb the impetuous passions of man, and confine him within the bounds of social duty.” The Stand, No. III (April 7, 1798)

Scene_at_the_Signing_of_the_Constitution_of_the_United_States1.jpgOur founders knew that Liberty is a combination of two equally important parts – it is FREEDOM under the constraints of MORAL LAW. Liberty cannot survive where there is pure freedom. Pure freedom gives man the right to do whatever is right in his own mind: cheat, lie, rob, murder. Pure freedom is anarchy. At the same time, Liberty cannot survive with moral law alone. Moral law not mingled with freedom is theocracy. Theocracy in the hands of men is tyranny in the name of religion. Our founders attempted give us this balance and secure the blessings of liberty for us in our founding documents. If we abandon our history, we abandon our founding documents and disregard our moral foundations, then liberty is in peril.

Thomas Jefferson gave us this warning, “Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that is justice cannot sleep forever.”

While Benjamin Franklin warned America’s founders directly:

“In the beginning of the Contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in this room for Divine protection…. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of Superintending Providence in our favor…have we now forgotten that powerful Friend? or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance?…. God Governs in the affairs of American_Revolutionary_Militiamen And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?”

Patrick Henry said “Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us.”

Did these brave men and women live without fear? Hardly so! Mercy Otis Warren articulated this dilemma so well.

“I have my fears. Yet, notwithstanding the complicated difficulties that rise before us, there is no receding; May nothing ever check that glorious spirit if freedom which inspires the patriot in the cabinet and the hero in the field, with courage to maintain their righteous cause, and to endeavor to transmit the claim to posterity, even if they must seal the rich conveyance to their children with their own blood.”

They knew that bravery was not the absence of fear, but doing what you must in the face of fear. They knew that the battle for Liberty, as Mercy called it, was a righteous cause. Knowing the source of her courage is the key to understanding her resolve. Mercy wrote a letter to her friend Mrs. Macauley in 1774, from this letter we can know the source of her strength. She said they were “ready to sacrifice their devoted Mercy_Otis_Warrenlives to preserve inviolate, and to convey to their children the inherent rights of men, conferred on all by the God of nature.”

The key to victory, the key to the courage that brings victory is not simply fighting the fight, but KNOWING we fight a righteous battle for the One who gave us that Liberty. Our founders were in a position to pledge their lives, the lives of their families, everything that they had because they were firmly rooted in ALL the assurances of Liberty. Our founders knew that Liberty is a gift from God, and those that stand for God’s gifts will be victorious through God’s promises. They firmly believed that living in tyranny was worse than dying for Liberty. They knew that through their faith in Christ, their rewards in standing for God’s gift would be certain, whether on the battle field or in Heaven.

As Thomas Paine so eloquently put it, “THESE are the times that try men’s souls.” But Paine’s full statement gives a richness that is lost with the initial quote alone. Payne continues to tell us who will last in this battle and WHY they will last.

“The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the revolutionary sniperharder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing (sic) its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.

If we want to have the resolve that Mercy Otis-Warren spoke of, the confidence that Patrick Henry displayed, we must KNOW what Thomas Jefferson knew so we will not become the sunshine patriots Thomas Paine condemns. We must know Liberty is a gift from God.  We must know this Gift, although comes at a high price, is worth fighting for because God is with us. If God be with us, who can be against us?

As an exceptional union built upon exceptional principles, we cannot deny that we are built with a foundational understanding of an exceptional God. Thomas Jefferson reminds us that, “We are not in a world ungoverned by the laws and the power of a Superior Agent. Our efforts are in His hand, and directed by it; and He will give them their effect in His own time.”

Because of our historical understanding that America was built on the principles of freedom and morality, America has always been the haven of rest when tyrants oppress their own. She is the vineyard of innovation and opportunity. We are a people that open their arms to the tired, to the poor, to the oppressed, to the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. No other people can claim this legacy; no other people have this birthright. This is the shining city upon a hill, and we cannot hide our light under a bush.

libertyThe focus of our education should not be on the flaws of the men who gave us our Constitution, but on the exceptional principles that they gave us. We have an exceptional union where “all men are created equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights.” A land birthed by the principle that the power of the government is to be held BY the people and not where the government holds power OVER the people. A country that believes the principle that says all are free to worship according to the dictates of their conscience, and all are equally free, “Jews, Turks, pagans, AND Christians.”  We have prospered based on the principle that ideas and hard work open the door to prosperity regardless of bloodline, skin color or social status. A land that has remained free based on the principle that liberties remain secure by maintaining the right to defend self, property, and Liberty.

In the profound words of Daniel Webster, “Is our Constitution worth preserving? Guard it as you would guard the seat of your life, guard it not only against the open blows of violence, but also against that spirit of change…Miracles do not cluster. That which has happened but once in six thousand years, cannot be expected to happen often. Such a government, once destroyed, would have a void to be filled, perhaps for centuries, with revolution and tumult, riot and despotism.”~ An Anniversary Address by Daniel Webster July 4th 1806

colton libertyLet us maintain a true focus on what is important. In this day it is so popular to denigrate America for every little flaw. Why not take back a bit of American Exceptionalism? Why not embrace what makes us different from every other place on the globe? America is exceptional because we are built on exceptional principles. Principles of Liberty, freedom, morality, and equality as derived from our Creator.  And these principles are STILL WORTH FIGHTING FOR!

Answering an Oregon "Legal Scholar"

susan lee smith

Contact Information 245 Winter Street SE Salem, Oregon 97301 smiths@willamette.edu

Susan L. Smith is a law professor at Williamette University, who “focuses her scholarly research on the role of law in achieving sustainability and environmental criminal enforcement.”  She is a former senior trial attorney and Assistant of the Environmental Defense Section, Environment and Natural Resources Division, U.S. Department of Justice, where she received several awards for distinguished service.  She has taught “Environmental Law and Policy, Sustainable Natural Resources Law, Environmental Criminal Enforcement, Toxic Substances Regulation, Water Law...”  With this background, Smith took it upon herself to publish erroneous information about me, my teaching, and the Constitution to defend her environmental activist ideologies.   Here is my response to her flawed opinions:

Answering an Oregon “Legal Scholar”

After reading Professor Susan Lea Smith’s review” of my ‘legal arguments’ in her opinion piece dated January 22, 2016, it is clear that environmentalist Susan Smith has done very little research on the matters she attempts to address in her opinion piece to the people of Harney County; including, but not limited to, my qualifications, my teaching on the subject of State Sovereignty, and the matter in which I taught the citizens of Harney County, Oregon. If Ms. Smith researches her legal teachings in the same sad manner in which she researched my teaching, I pity her students at Williamette University Law School.

In Ms. Smith’s first footnote she questions my qualifications as a “scholar.” Unlike Ms. Smith, this is not a title that I have ever been so arrogant to bestow upon myself, and I think a simple definition might clear the confusion:

schol·ar ˈskälər (noun)  a specialist in a particular branch of study, especially the humanities; a distinguished academic. A person who is highly educated or has an aptitude for study. synonyms:  academic, intellectual, learned person, man/woman of letters, mind, intellect.

I would be curious to understand why Ms. Smith doesn’t believe my years of dedicated specialized study, the five books, and over 100 published articles I have written would not qualify me as a “specialist.” Is it perhaps because I am not currently employed by a small rural college (ranked 132nd out of 144 ranked law schools in the US)? I wonder how many classes Ms. Smith teaches that qualify her to give a “scholarly opinion?” How many people has she taught? Annually, I teach an average of 265 lessons in over 22 States, and in just ten months I teach an average of over 40 thousand people, yet that is not good enough for Ms. Smith. Prior to my private teaching, I taught at the law enforcement academy in Madison County Florida for over a year as an adjunct professor. Perhaps she didn’t take the time to research all of this, which wouldn’t surprise me.

Next Ms. Smith tries to impugn my reputation by questioning my association with the Florida Bar and my qualifications in the area of Constitutional law. Once again, this highlights Ms. Smith’s pathetic research skills. First, I am a member of the Florida Bar. My bar number is a matter of public record. Additionally, as a member of the Florida Bar, I have chosen to be listed as “inactive” because I am not able to take on litigation cases due to my incredibly active teaching, speaking, and publication schedule.  My standing with the Florida Bar is not under question and I have never received any disciplinary actions by the Florida Bar.  All of this can be discovered by a rudimentary search on the internet.

Finally, as to my qualifications; I received my JD from The University of Florida, Levin College of Law (ranked in the top 50 law schools in the country).  While in law school I was the only member of my class to receive the University’s Constitutional Law Scholarship.  Prior to graduation, I was fast tracked into the University’s certified legal intern program by the State Attorney of the 3rd Judicial Circuit of Florida, receiving my certification before any of my other 300 classmates.  While participating in the internship program, prior to graduation, I had already successfully tried over 10 criminal jury trials.  I was not only a prosecutor for the State of Florida for nearly a decade, but I also specifically practiced Constitutional law with a private firm for over two years. With this firm, I defended the Rights of dozens of people in active court, in multiple States.  Additionally, I gave legal advice to dozens of private citizens, and to both public and private organizations in the area of Constitutional law every year. I wonder, how many real Constitutional cases, in a real courtroom, has Ms. Smith had the opportunity to lead? Any attorney would know how to find this information.  But, I guess truth was not an important part of Ms. Smith’s paper to Harney County.  Maybe someone at Williamette should explain Ms. Smith the elements of libel?

Ironically, Ms. Smith claims that I teach an interpretation of the Constitution called “textualism.”  That could not be any further from the truth. A simply review of my over 100 teaching articles, videos, or any one of my five books, (all available with simple glance on my website) proves that statement to be patently false. Ms. Smith claims her interpretation is based upon “original intent,” yet she nearly immediately deviates from original intent by invoking Supreme Court cases as matter of “precedent” to support her opinions, rather than the actual words of intent of the Framers. I will resist the overwhelming urge to reteach my classes to her in this letter; as they are easily accessible in writing, and on YouTube, for those who are actually interested in truth.

You can also discover that I was an environmentalist and a biologist, so I am not unfamiliar with the environmentalist thought process. As with Ms. Smith, it doesn’t seem unusual for an environmentalist at one point in the name of saving swamps and salmon to rail against the federal government’s immunity, yet cheer for the federal government’s universal supremacy when suddenly they are siding with the plants and shredding the Constitution. I will simply say this to the people of Harney County- beware of “scholarly” interpretations that support federal supremacy and judicial supremacy over the inalienable Rights of the People and the powers reserved to the States. Such is a person arguing for slavery, not for the rule of law.

If what Ms. Smith says is true, then Oregon is not a State, but a colony or territory of the federal government. In that case, Oregon should have no representation in the House or Senate and no electoral votes for President. To be a State, that government must be “sovereign and independent” (see Massachusetts v Mellon 262 US 447, 482 (1923) and NFIB v Sebellius 567 US ____ (2012) Docket No. 11-393. A State that does not have sovereignty over its land is not a State but a Territory. Perhaps the people of Oregon might want to know the federal government views them as merely a Territory of the federal government?

The most striking fact of her opinion is Ms. Smith’s complete reliance upon the federal government through its judicial branch to exercise an authority to determine exclusively and finally the limits of its own power. If that is true, we do not live in a Constitutional Republic, where the government is limited and defined by the Constitution. Instead we live in a “totalitarian fedocracy” where the only limit to the government is its own will, dictated by an oligarchy of 9 kings and queens.  Unfortunately, this is a natural consequence of an educated class of people who have been trained in the principles of judicial supremacy rather than in Constitutional supremacy. After all, once a recognized part of this elite class, who wouldn’t want to be the ultimate arbiters of all things; who would voluntarily relinquish that authority to the people through their States as demanded by the Constitution? Apparently not many in our current judicial system, and certainly not Ms. Smith or the federal government she defends.

When the only argument to substantiate federal authority is “because the federal government reasons it to be so,” there is no limit, control, or check and balance to such federal authority. The people are left to surrender to the “whim of the sovereign” and we are reduced to the nature of tributary slaves.

People of Harney County, this is simply a matter of fact and a matter of who you choose to be.  By fact is Oregon a State or a colony? By choice are you free people in a Constitutional Republic or subjects of a federal Oligarchy of nine kings and queens whose oppressive rule is propagated by their slavish minions in the legal field declaring LONG LIVE THE KINGS? It seems that Ms. Smith believes the KING CAN DO NO WRONG as long as he happens to be on the side of her own pet issue.

You Will Know Them By Their Fruits

A guest article by our friend, Robert Townsend.  Will it give you a point to ponder?  ~ KrisAnne


Nothing happens in a vacuum.

When we observe the overt actions of those who would rule us, we must, as humble servants of the State, remember that because of our slatediminished view into our own governance, we are rarely afforded the opportunity to understand the true intentions and motivations of those in power over us.

But in spite of this, we may yet still divine the larger context of the events we observe.  How?  Because nothing happens in a vacuum; motives and actions drive results.  Because of this it becomes rather elementary to infer motives from the results that we observe.

To restate, in order for the American public to understand and properly interpret the actions of those who rule them, simple and dispassionate observation of results will imply our rulers’ motives irrespective of the platitudes and straw man arguments proffered.  A natural corollary to this is that any story or narrative put forth by our rulers is, by default, a lie; a lie made in furtherance of those underlying motives.

And this, dear readers, is the key to understanding and decoding the events surrounding us as the current ‘administration’ enters its purported final days.  Dispassionate observation of the administration’s actions will imply the true intentions and motivations of our rulers in spite of the platitudes they hurl for public consumption.

“…you will know them by their fruits.”

Conventional Wisdom has long held that the Democratic Party, as fractured as it is, generally organizes itself into two general “wings:” The Obama Wing and the Clinton Wing.  What we may be witnessing however is evidence that the enmity between Houses Obama and Clinton is much deeper than what may be apparent on the surface.  How else to explain the slow drip, drip, drip of the illegal Hillary emails from her failed tenure at the State Department?

Consider the opposite:  Were Obama and Hillary a united front, a quick acknowledgement of her ‘poor judgment’ might be offered and the DOJ investigation would be quietly dismissed. The dinosaur media would dutifully provide us with new bread and circuses to distract our attention and the administration would move on to its next priority.

fdrBut that is not what we are seeing at all, is it?  Instead we are witness to a slow and calculated death of Hillary’s political career through the steady and unrelenting revelation of emails and investigation by the Obama DOJ.

Setting this observation aside for a moment and turning our attention to the current presumption of Hillary as Democratic nominee,  we must wonder:  Why is Obama purposefully torpedoing the Hillary candidacy through the DOJ/FBI investigation?  Is Hillary not his desired successor?

All things being equal, one might assume that the Democrat Party would want to continue its reign beyond that of the Obama presidency and install a Democrat in the White House.  In order to do this, shouldn’t the Obama presidency be championing the Hillary candidacy, not sabotaging it through his continued DOJ/FBI investigation of the Hillary Email Scandal?

If this is the case, then it would appear that there are in fact three major political parties in Washington: the Republican Party, the Democrat Party and the Obama Party.

One must now ask: if the desires of the Obama Party are to foil any attempt by Hillary (the DNC) to regain the reins of power, what plansobama fdr does the Obama Party have then?  Give up the fight and turn over power to the Republicans?

Who does the Obama Party want to succeed him if not Hillary (the DNC)?  Where is the Obama heir-apparent?

Who will provide the “October Surprise” for this election?  The Republican Candidate?  The Democrat Candidate? The sitting President?

Do the actions of the Obama Party indicate an as-yet unacknowledged end-game?


Yours In Truth

towsend 380


Don't Believe The Media Lies, Americans Are Awesome!

In spite of it all I am truly blessed.  Let me share something, because attitude is everything.

I am currently stranded in Ft. Pierce, Fl.  Last night, after teaching the Libertarian Party of Palm Beach County, Fl., my 2004 Chevy Colorado (274k miles!) had a total electrical failure. Dash lights going crazy, no power as I am driving down the road.  I managed to pull into a gas station where my engine completely died.  Two very nice men tried to jump my truck. As soon as the cables were removed, my truck died again.  I am now stuck in a “bad” part of town, an hour away from my hotel. I am alone, my husband is in Haiti, and I am feeling very vulnerable. Can I mention that I really wanted to cry?  But instead I said a prayer for strength and smiled knowing that I am never truly alone.

We have come to call them “Hall Family Adventures;” experiences, good and bad, that will be stories told one day, experiences that we would never have had if we had not accepted this unique way of life.

I called my assistant, Janet, who is more like my best friend than an assistant and she worries about me like a mom.  She gave me Alex’s phone number.  Alex is the leader of the group I just taught and he was happy to come to my rescue.  I was also able to contact my husband in Haiti and he talked to me until Alex came.  (I am blessed to have such a wonderful husband.)

Alex picked me up and took me to 2 Wal-Marts before we found my battery. Walmart replaced my battery for free as it was under warranty.  We changed the battery. The truck started, but the battery light came on immediately. I was able to make it to my hotel in Ft. Pierce about midnight.

I am currently sitting in JJ’S Cafe on Hwy 1, eating a Denver Omelet, waiting for Dyer Chevrolet to tell me what is wrong with my truck.

I am blessed to have a truck that is paid for.  In this way of life I could never maintain a car payment or even find a place to finance me after I told them I work for free, Lol.

I am blessed to live in a day when I can call my husband in Haiti to just hear his voice for love, comfort, and support.

I am blessed to live in America, where the American Spirit drives us to be kind and compassionate to strangers (red, yellow, black, or white) in need.  Americans prove that the media is in the job of lying and deceiving.  We are not selfish bigots full of hate and greed ready to gun down our neighbors. We are some of the best people on this planet!

I am blessed to have been able to sleep in the comfort of a hotel room.  I am blessed to have a place to get my truck fixed. And, as I sit here in JJ’s with tears streaming down my face, I am blessed to have a cup of coffee and a Denver Omelet in my belly.

I am blessed by people like Service Manager, Mike Rivera, at Dyer Chevrolet in Ft. Pierce, FL for his kind help of this woman in distress.  Because of all of these blessings my family and I are able to engage in our mission to restore the American Constitutional Republic through proper education, teaching over 265 classes every year!

Is this life of constant travel glamorous? Absolutely not.  At times it is downright impossible.  But there are people who pray for me and my family all over the world.  Even the bad times are a blessing when I remember WHY my family chose this life.

America is worth fighting for.  Liberty is worth dying for. My child is worth the sacrifice. Many gave their Lives, Fortunes, & Sacred Honor so we could live in the greatest place on the planet. I am just repaying them for their sacrifice. I count myself blessed to be able to do so.  Just another Hall Family Adventure!

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Learn more about my family’s mission: www.KrisAnneHall.com

A Plea From the Future of Liberty

This is a letter from Elizabeth Manley, our first Liberty First Intern!  She was an inspiration to me and my family.  This letter will let you know exactly why.  Hope you enjoy!  I hope that we will encourage Elizabeth and her generation to preserve Liberty for the future.  If you are encouraged by Elizabeth’s letter, please leave a comment and let her know.  I know it will make her day!  ~ KrisAnne Hall


Hello friends, family & Patriots,

11228098_1396205297372274_8576963675370872750_nWow!! I have had an adventure! I want to share my experiences and opportunities with you, and I think a good way to do that is to share with you three specific parts of my trip. I would like to give you a little history on myself, share some of what I have learned from this trip, and pass along what I hope to see happening in the future with my generation of young people.

My name is Elizabeth Grace Manley.  I live in Idaho and am the third child in a family of eight. I am seventeen, just graduated high-school, and am starting college classes this fall. Over the last ten days, I have been blessed to be able to spend time with and intern with a wonderful woman (whom many of you know) by the name of Mrs. KrisAnne Hall. I met Mrs. Hall for the first time in June of 2015.  I got to hear some of her story and listen to one of her lectures. For those of you who don’t know, Mrs. Hall is a former prosecutor, Russian Linguistic, and Army veteran. Over the last five years, Mrs. Hall has traveled the United States speaking on the Genealogy of the Constitution, State Sovereignty, Nullification, and more. When I met Mrs. Elizabeth radioHall in June, I asked if she was in need of an intern. I was excited to find that she did and had been praying for one over the last year and a half. The Lord put the puzzle together and by August 11th of 2015 I was in an airplane flying to St. Louis to meet her. Though my internship was a short one, I have learned so much. I am not informed but educated. The difference being that as an educated young woman, I am now ready to pass along all that I have learned to others, not just sit idly by knowing facts about the failings of the US. I have continued to become more and more passionate about government and what we as a nation should be doing in the States and Federal Government.  So there you have it, a little background on who Elizabeth “the intern” is.

I have learned so much over the last ten days. I learned that the Constitution is a compact (a written agreement between states not people) and the rights that the Elizabeth grp 3Constitution talks about are not new but taken from five original documents. The founding father’s looked back on their history and drafted the Constitution from their father’s writings namely five liberty charters.  I also learned that the states of America are independent sovereigns. They have all the same rights that Germany, France, and Britain have! The states came first and formed a federal government to help them not enslave them. But you see, we can’t blame where our nation is today on the president or even the government. The real reason the United States is in such chaos is because the states are lazy. They no longer care to keep their government in check, and instead they began to act like subjects. Lastly, I learned that I have Biblical role-models who righteously resisted authority! We as Christians do not have to smile and bow to every whim of the government because God tells us to submit ourselves to authority. On the contrary, we have Biblical examples who have taught us that God honors those that stand up to a tyrannical government. A few of my Biblical heroes are: Esther, Sampson, Paul, Moses, Daniel, and the Hebrew midwives.

Elizabeth grp1I have big hopes for my peers.  We are the next generation of Americans! We cannot stand by and let our nation fall. Each person will answer to God for his/her decisions and actions to guard what God has blessed us with.



Please stand with me, let’s encourage each other on to bigger and better things! Let’s face the world as a strong generation and let’s not pass this evil on to our children.

Mercy Otis Warren states: “We will stand today, or our children will fall tomorrow.”

You still have inalienable rights. You were born with the right to speak. What good does it do you if you never, ever use it?! Can we speak out against the evil, stop letting our government define things for us, and instead put government back in it’s rightful place?

Elizabeth ArchI want to thank Mrs. Hall and her family for letting me stay with them, learn from them, and have the ability to come home educated on these things! It was a wonderful opportunity and one that I would recommend to others. I so enjoyed our adventures, the radio show, speaking to others, and seeing the country! Thank you Mrs. Hall for being a passionate educator! And thank you to all of you taking the time to read this! It was a wonderful adventure. If you have any questions, please feel free to pass them on to me! 🙂


All my love and God’s blessings,

Elizabeth Manley