Children are Hungry for Truth
Do you realize that we (that is you and me) have an opportunity to make an impact in this world one person at a time. Wednesday I gave a presentation to a room of 300+ students. Seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth graders. But what happened after was amazing. One of school administrators came up to me and said; “That was incredible!” He then asked me if I could stay. I have this class, that class and I would love for you to teach them. “Can you?” He was apologetic and didn’t want to take up my time but I said; “Are you kidding me?” Let’s just go teach. I don’t need anything and we worked out a schedule to teach four other classrooms. The students were amazing. What a blessing and you can do the same. You can be blessed as well. I don’t know anything that you can’t know as well! Now they’re not talking about Lady Gaga, now they’re talking about history and liberty!
Clcik to listen to this episode of the KrisAnne Hall show on YouTube