
Florida Commissioner Wants to “Color Code” Students

Kimberly Overman, a county commissioner from Hillsborough County, Florida wants to color-code school children whose parents opt-out of face masks. 


The school board initially voted to require mask wearing in schools while also offering an opt-out choice for parents.  The original announcement never included a notice to parents that opting out would result in your child being labled with a color code, arm band, star or any other scarlet letter insignia.  Nor was the public informed that the measure would include the public label of “autharitarian bully” being placed on the parents for choosing the option offered to by Hillsbourough’s elected representatives to empower parents to excercise their fundamental parental rights.

Commissioner Overman is well-known in Tampa for not respecting fundamental rights and for not viewing herself as a representative but rather as a ruling monarch. A number of residents have been very vocal at the school board and at the commission meetings.  Their activism resulted in the opt-out option.  Clearly, the overlords in the Tampa area resent the input from county residents and parents and are now seeking a method of retaliation.