Activist Look To Supreme Court Nuclear Option: Stacking the Court

The leftist are looking at a “nuclear option” to deal with recent & future supreme Court appointments; stacking the supreme Court with 6 more justices. How will that work, will it work, and what does the Constitution say?

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Kathie Kerner

“Eye Opening “Never before has a (constitutional class) made such an impact on me as this one. It brought to light just how gullible and in the dark we are about our country. Our elected officials get away with this because of our ignorance. It has made sense in so many ways…opened my eyes. This (education) has really and truly made a difference.”. Kathie Kerner

Brianna Cowan

“I am currently enrolled in Liberty First University and I have thoroughly enjoying becoming more acquainted with our history. Dynamic and enlightening material is taught! Thank you KrisAnne Hall for your vision! From Brianna Cowan, Las Cruces, NM

Mel Henschel

“I couldn’t wait to start my courses and have completed all that are currently available. They are sooo packed with information and presented so professionally and passionately. I feel the lessons so far exceed anything one might find in any university course including those of Hillsdale. I would highly recommend these courses to anyone in their study of the Constitution. Thank you Kris Anne for making this available.

Mel Henschel

The Marxists Call For Violent Revolution in Texas

Politicians, Pundits, and Non-Profits calling evil, good and good, evil are not only normalizing a Marxist political coup of our Constitutional Republic, they are educating the future of America and utilizing the leaders of this movement as political advisers… all with YOUR tax dollars. Isn’t it time we stop being dragged around by the dictated narrative and designed drama and start defending the real way of the life in America? It must begin with YOU!

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you get the Daily Journal delivered right to your “door” everyday!  Subscribe Here:

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal on YouTube

The Right To Keep & Bear Arms On Trial! & The Cure to Healthcare Madness

The Right To Keep & Bear Arms On Trial before the supreme Court!  There are 17 States voicing their disapproval of NY Gun laws. What does that mean for the rest of America? Want the final and most conclusive argument against Federal Healthcare? KrisAnne will give it to you!

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you get the Daily Journal delivered right to your “door” everyday!  Subscribe Here:

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal on YouTube


4th Amendment


“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”


Course Video Lessons

  1. Introduction to the 4th Amendment
  2. James Otis Jr.
  3. The Property Rights of People
  4. What is Property
  5. Exceptions

Download Workbook



4th Ammendment


“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

Course Video Lessons

  1. Workbook
  2. Introduction to the 4th Amendment
  3. James Otis Jr.
  4. The Property Rights of People
  5. What is Property
  6. Exceptions

Course includes PDF workbook you can download, print and use as a study guide.

Enroll Today

libertyfirst univestity course 2nd amendment 880x360

2nd Amendment – The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

libertyfirst univestity course 2nd amendment 880x360

 Americans need to not only know what the Second Amendment says, but also what it means and why it is part of the Bill of Rights if we are going to protect this essential Natural Right.  Learn the history necessary to understand the principles behind the Second Amendment.  Discover the persuasive and compelling arguments necessary to secure the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, not only for yourself, but for future generations.

Course Video Lessons

  1. Introduction
  2. Foes of Liberty
  3. James Otis Jr.
  4. 2nd Amendment – The Right to Keep and Bear Arms
  5. Who Are the Militia
  6. Well Regulated
  7. Never be Disarmed
  8. Final Thoughts

Download Workbook


libertyfirst univestity course 2nd amendment 880x360

2nd Amendment – The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

libertyfirst univestity course 2nd amendment 880x360

 Americans need to not only know what the Second Amendment says, but also what it means and why it is part of the Bill of Rights if we are going to protect this essential Natural Right.  Learn the history necessary to understand the principles behind the Second Amendment.  Discover the persuasive and compelling arguments necessary to secure the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, not only for yourself, but for future generations.

Course Video Lessons

  1. Introduction
  2. Foes of Liberty
  3. James Otis Jr.
  4. 2nd Amendment – The Right to Keep and Bear Arms
  5. Who Are the Militia
  6. Well Regulated
  7. Never be Disarmed
  8. Final Thoughts

Workbook in PDF you can download, print and use as a study guide is included.

Enroll Today