10/29 You CAN Hire Paid Protesters, Harassers, Hecklers & DHS Hacking Your Car

What is freedom of speech when companies provide paid protesters & the feds are listening and hacking every moment of your life? Where have we gone in a society where nothing is real and nothing is private? Time to get tuned in. Time to defend Liberty!

10/27 Chris Wallace Thinks Thomas Jefferson Is a Threat to America & Other Attacks on Liberty

The lunacy of the media, the irrational and unlawful behavior of the judiciary, believe it or not they are all tied together. Not ignorance, but willful denial of easily obtainable facts and the rule of law that you and I are bound to, but they seem to feel impervious to. George Washington, Thomas Paine, & Thomas Jefferson have some very stern words for us. Do we have ears to hear?

10/25 Toy Bombs and Snowflake Triage

What a ridiculous world we live in, toy bombs, incompetent politicians, investigations, and costumes that are dangerous to our health. This is what we are teaching our children and this is what the world sees. Time to take back the culture of America from these insane snowflakes & their mind-numbing ideologies.

10/24 Mail Bombs, Erasing Sovereign Borders and the AntiChrist

An official in the mail bomb investigation says “the choice of a pipe bomb is unusual since there is no obvious way to detonate it.” Really? Dems threatened with bombs that can’t explode? And what does the “caravan” and Democrats have in common with the AntiChrist? Find out now.

10/23 Constitution or King Its Just That Simple

Experts disagree with KrisAnne regarding Trump’s authority to send troops to the border to stop the Caravan. Let’s look at their arguments and determine once and for all… Does the president have this authority or not. It turns out, the confusion may be orchestrated, because the answer is very simple.

10/22 Drag Queen Story Time In Libraries? Kaepernick Exposed!

What is the definition of “public funds.” What should libraries do when parents don’t like a message being conveyed? How have the leaders of the Kaepernick movement – Kaepernick included- exposed themselves now? All these questions answered from a principled, Constitutional, & Liberty perspective, only for the truly Liberty at heart!

10/20 Extreme Partisan Politics Driving Destruction Of America

I believe this is a truly powerful show, who will be willing to set aside the lure of drama, for something that might just offer solutions? Federal Supremacists, Judicial Supremacists, Political Supremacists, Right, Left, Republican, Democrat, Me, You… all of these positions and none are actually about America or Liberty. Time for us to listen to a President who holds some REAL wisdom and start dealing with the issues that are truly important, not just want the supremacists and radicals want us to hear.

10/18 Trump Says: Calling Out The Troops & Shutting Down Foreign Aid

Donald Trump says he will “call up the US Military” to stop the Honduran Caravan and he will pull aid from 3 countries. Let us review the Constitution and see how that need to happen if we are to follow the Supreme Law of the Land.

10/17 Activist Look To Supreme Court Nuclear Option: Stacking the Court

The leftist are looking at a “nuclear option” to deal with recent & future supreme Court appointments; stacking the supreme Court with 6 more justices. How will that work, will it work, and what does the Constitution say?

10/16 The Marxists Call For Violent Revolution in Texas

Politicians, Pundits, and Non-Profits calling evil, good and good, evil are not only normalizing a Marxist political coup of our Constitutional Republic, they are educating the future of America and utilizing the leaders of this movement as political advisers… all with YOUR tax dollars. Isn’t it time we stop being dragged around by the dictated narrative and designed drama and start defending the real way of the life in America? It must begin with YOU!