10/15 The Right To Keep & Bear Arms On Trial! & The Cure to Healthcare Madness

There are 17 States voicing their disapproval of NY Gun laws. What does that mean for the rest of America? Want the final and most conclusive argument against Federal Healthcare? KrisAnne will give it to you!

10/13 Midterm Madness Kanye Whipping & the Tolerant? Master

We do a true historical study that will prove to you there is nothing new in the actions of others to condemn those who break free from the slavery of a cult or oppressive master. This is the same wicked design our founders sought to break free from. So many fought to end slavery, why are so many fighting to remain enslaved?

10/11 Criminal Eric Holder Running For President?

The criminality of the political elite, is once again on display, will it once again go unnoticed by the talking heads and political elite? America deserves BETTER! But I have no faith in the Republican party leadership to do what they should do to call out these criminals. So guess what, the people need to pick up the mic and shout from the highest places, “we want political criminals prosecuted not rewarded by running for office!”

10/10 Truly Disgusting Bigotry of Leftists

It has become undeniably apparent that the Leftist will not be satisfied until we are a completely and violently divided country based upon their false divisions and hypocritical paradigms. These examples should truly offend everyone with a love for liberty. But fret not! A new liberty army is rising, and I am not discourage. To the contrary, I am vigorously encouraged!

10/9 The Violent Left; That’s Who They Are



Leftist school teacher calls for Kavanaugh’s assasination. Another wishes Senator and his daughter would die in the limo crash. ANTIFA leftist attacking motorists. Is this who you want running your government?

10/8 Beware of this insidious attack on your Liberty


Sneaking around in the shadows is the enemy of Liberty, where you may least suspect it. Listen and be better prepared to protect yourself and your future.

10-6 America After Kavanaugh Confirmation


We know there are enough votes. Senator Susan Collins pretty much guaranteed that. Today marks the day for the vote.

What will be America after the Kavanaugh Confirmation?

We also have the Trump administration moving, once again, toward the restoration of State Sovereignty.

Let’s see how that goes.


Criminalizing Natural Rights

Its voting day and this will be a very challenging show for some. So don’t say you were not warned. Time to consider the really important issues. The ones that make a difference, not the ones that we are being force-fed by the political machinery. Its ALWAYS #LibertyFirst here!

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Alternatively you can listen to Criminalizing Natural Rights by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

The Right to Be Annoying

This is why local elections are infinitely more important that national elections. But this is why Americans are constantly being deceived into federal politics.

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE! so you get the Daily Journal delivered right to your “door” everyday!  Subscribe Here:  http://bit.ly/DailyJournalDelivery

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal on YouTube

What Do Iran Sanctions, Jihadists, & Aliens All Mean To Midterms

Absolutely everything in media today is driven by midterms…even the weather patterns. Lets look at these issues from a Constitutional perspective and see what they all really mean to the future of America.

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

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