No Guts In Congress

Political games in this election cycle, shocking, isn’t. The Obama administration publicly calls out Congress for its lack of action on executive orders and says since Congress doesn’t have the “guts” to stop him he will just keep doing it.

Congressional lack of fortitude also emboldens the EPA to use OUR money to experiment on citizens, even children…watch out…I foresee ANOTHER Congressional hearing, with no action of course.

Another Fort Hood shooting, in another gun free zone, by another unregistered weapon. What would Supreme Court Justice Stevens say about this? You might be surprised!

The Budget Fix

So much discussion in this “election term” about spending and budgets and the magic fix. Who has the solutions? Ryan? Nancy Pelosi? John Boehner? Would you like to know the simple solution to our debt problem? It is so simple. This solution would END debt spending with the very NEXT budget. Beware! if you sign on to this plan, you might be labeled an extremist, a radical, but this is the ONLY morally sound and Constitutionally compliant plan. Are you willing to give it shot?

Listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on  YouTube

Successfully Lawless

Is ACA a success? You might be surprised by the TRUTH in this answer. It is the double standard that is really hurting America. When are we going to require our elected employees to follow the law? Why are we changing law to fit the lawless?

Listen to this edition of The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube