A Little Rebellion

“I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical” Thomas Jefferson

Patriots are refusing to yield to despotic masters and arousing the consciousness of freedom. Now watch Liberty spread like a wildfire! Meanwhile the Republicans are still playing games. Question…did we trade a ruling King for ruling political parties? Take the Constitution exam given to my students this week by their Constitution Camp. How will you score?

Our Strength In Unity

Victory over government oppression in Marietta, CA! Obama mocking Congress…again, but is he right this time? Congress arresting Lois Lerner, really? What is REALLY important in Congress, and its NOT Liberty? All of these things today on the KrisAnne Hall Show. Lets Get Educated!

Guilt By Logo Association

The DOJ and the FBI are destroying the First Amendment and using Congressional funding and approval to do it. And now, according to a federal court, you are guilty until proven innocent and can be detained through guilt by association based upon a bumper sticker, tattoo, or logo…even if that logo is just the symbol of a music group.

Elected By No One!

School board denies federal funding and finds it will actually give them a $7,000 SURPLUS. School Board President says they won’t submit to rules established by Michelle Obama, since she was “elected by NO ONE!”

Of Foreign Influence

We MUST take a stand. We must stand on the foundation that built this great nation, we must stand on Liberty. If we fail to stand, then we will be ruled by foreign nations, John Adams gave us that warning. We are dangerously close to being ruled by the UN. They are coming through the back door. Will you stand and tell them to get out? Lets get educated.

Aiding An Invasion

The federal government has declared war upon the people of the country and are aiding and abetting a foreign invasion and its about time we call if for what it is! Now that we have identified the problem, lets learn what our solutions are. We are not powerless, we are powerful! Lets get educated!

Alternatively you can listen to the “KrisAnne Hall Show” on YouTube

Celebrating Independence Day

John Adams said future generations should celebrate our Independence with “solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty…with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other.” Yet, we don’t celebrate INDEPENDENCE we celebrate July 4th. We need to remember WHY we became Independent so that we can celebrate this holiday as it should be. Let us Remember our roots and remain free!

Sovereign Duty

Every branch of the United States government, regardless of party has failed us and has failed to uphold the Constitution. There’s no magic bullet remedy, but there is a framework within which the most powerful solutions are found. In Sovereign Duty I’ll describe that framework lay the solid foundation upon which our power rests. The principles that built America were centuries in the making. The framers used hard-won wisdom that would lead to one of the most prosperous and free nations in human history. However, these blocks of truth have been ripped from the foundation of our understanding and America is being torn down brick by brick. If you want the answers to the big debates about liberty and armed with the ammunition to defeat the liberal lies, then KrisAnne Hall, Constitutional attorney, national speaker and radio talk show host gives you the ammunition you need.It’s time to rebuild. So, get your boots on. It’s time to get to work. It’s time to do our Sovereign Duty.

How About A Revolution

As we approach Independence Day, lets advocate for revolution…a revolution of the MIND. We need to free ourselves from federal dependency, even when its our “pet program.” We need to become self-sufficient, sovereign, and independent once again. We are also going to discuss the 6th Amendment and Jury Nullification. Education is essential to the preservation of Liberty…Let’s get educated!

King of Fools

The King continues his ascension to power. Declares Congress relevant and impotent. The Republican party prepares to deal with abhorrent executive power with law suits and voter fraud. What is the difference between the Republicans and Democrats? We need to heed Washington’s warnings! If Congress refuses to get this Executive under control, the people will have no choice but to do it on their own and Congress won’t like the results…guaranteed!