Q&A Wednesday

Today is “Ask Me Anything Wednesday”! Today we will answer questions about the Supremacy Clause, Student Rights in Public Schools, Legalization of Marijuana, and Free Speech for private businesses. If we cannot define Liberty we cannot defend it! We must be educated to have the boldness to defend. Let’s Get Educated!

Sovereign Duty, Paperback

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Subverting The Foundation Of Limited Government

Amnesty, DOJ investigations, Minimum Wage. What are the REAL stories behind the media propaganda? Why do we keep talking about the same things over and over again NEVER getting to the REAL issues? TODAY we will address the REAL issues so we can get to solving the REAL problems! Let’s Get Educated! Let’s Save the Republic!

Civil Obedience And The Destruction of Liberty

Today in the Liberty First Classroom we will learn about your right to keep and bear arms and your right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures through real life examples. Standing up for your rights publicly and boldly only seems radical to people who are enslaved. Let all who hear classify themselves. Let’s Get Educated!

A Lawless Attack On Liberty

The Liberty classroom is back in session, educating the Liberty First Brigade to defend their rights. Today’s lesson…What do you do when law enforcement knocks on your door demanding ID and Entry? Doing the right thing may not be popular, but it will save your child’s Liberty. What kind of government do we have? A Republic if YOU can keep it. What kind of gift did God give? Liberty if YOU can keep it.

Use It Or Lose It

Can you lawfully video or audio record law enforcement? How should you respond if confronted? Today is a training session on maintaining your rights and keeping government in check. “If a nation wishes to be ignorant and free, it wishes for what never was and never will be.” Let’s Get Educated!

Watch 3 minute Sallyport Shakedown here: http://bit.ly/1pO6YqO

How about sending this podcast to Sheriff Rutherford and let him know I will teach the Jacksonville Deputies about their DUTY to protect the 1st Amendment FOR FREE!

Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Honorable John Rutherford Sheriff 501 East Bay Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202-2975 (904) 630-2120 Fax: (904) 630-2107 Email: jso@coj.net

Q&A Wednesday

Welcome to Listener Question Wednesday…Today I take YOUR questions and answer them with TRUTH and HISTORY, not party politics or personal opinion. Lots of great questions, ranging from defunding and removing Obama from office to the legal weight of the Federalist Papers and the Declaration of Independence. This show was so much fun for me. Hope you ENJOY! Let’s Get Educated!

What We Need To Do To Win

Tired of the same old complaints? Tired of all the drama, name calling, and the incessant blame game? Let’s break free so we can really stay motivated, encouraged. Let’s take some time to get some instruction on how to stay in the fight for Liberty. We need all of YOU to make this happen. Let’s get educated!

Burning Wood and Burning Money

Today, let’s talk problems AND SOLUTIONS! The EPA has outlawed 80% of the wood burning stoves sold in the United States. That is a Problem…A BIG problem. So what is the solution? John Boehner and the Treasury Secretary are demanding an increase in the debt ceiling or we are looking at another default. That is a Problem. What is the solution? Tune in and find out!