Legislation Without Representation

We No Longer Have A Representative Government. We have been taught in school that the Boston Tea Party was the result of taxation without representation, This is not totally correct. The reason for the Tea Party was not taxation without representation but legislation without representation. The same thing is happening today.

Alternatively you can listen to “Legislation Without Representation” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Real Hope & Right Change

Where are we today as compared with 1776? Let’s hear the words, the fears, and the hope of the framers from their own words as we gather encouragement for the fight for Liberty in 2015!

Alternatively  you can listen to this edition of The KrisAnne Hall show on YouTube

IRS & BLM Illegal Activity EXPOSED!

Exposing IRS & BLM Illegal Activity! The IRS & the BLM are engaging in the seizure of property without due process. And we the people are just supposed to sit back and comply.

Listen to IRS & BLM Illegal Activity EXPOSED by KrisAnne Hall on  YouTube

Five Kings Revisited

Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat its mistakes, so I share with you a tale of five kings so you can understand when Patrick Henry said; ” I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided and that is the lamp of experience. I know no way to judge the future but by the past”.

DOJ Says Treaties Trump Constitution

Why can’t this be so? What do you do if they try to enforce these unconstitutional acts? Solutions! Today on the KrisAnne Hall Show!

Alternatively you can listen to “DOJ Says Treaties Trump Constitution” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Secret & Unconstitutional Government Stealing Liberty

Covertly DC works to undermine and destroy your Liberty. All the while amusing themselves with political games and rhetoric.

Alternatively you can listen to “Secret & Unconstitutional Government Stealing Liberty” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

What Liberty Lovers Do When They Protest

What if citizens destroyed the property of a business in protest of a tyrannical government, but then repaid the business owner’s losses? Why would they destroy property just to restore it? Listen and hear from them why they did what they did.

What Liberty Lovers Do When They Protest by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Muslim Imam & John Boehner

Today we will discuss the Constitutional ramification of the words of a Muslim Imam and John Boehner and why we must defend Liberty!

Money & Politics Revisited

From the annals of the blatantly obvious I will use the words of the politicians to show you their REAL motivation…NOT Liberty, NOT the Constitution, NOT your prosperity…BUT their own political gain and greed.

Money and Politics by KrisAnne Hall can also be heard on YouTube