The Reasons Why We Must Resist Big Government

Today is the 800th Birthday of the Magna Carta. Studying this history tells us exactly why our Constitution is relevant today and why we should be resisting every governmental action contrary to the Constitution is a requirement to preserve Liberty!

TPA: International Executive Orders

Because Executive Orders have worked out so well for us at home, Congress is trying to push the same authority for international agreements. Isn’t that great? That is exactly what TPA is, International Executive Orders, even the “experts” admit it. So why are our Congressmen so stupid to repeat that mistake?

A Town Who's Had Enough

John Day, Oregon in Grant County Oregon has had enough of federal rule, enough of federal control, enough of federal theft of their land, their lives, and their Liberty and they have a Sheriff who is willing to defend them in their stand against tyranny.

Alternatively you can listen to “A Town Who’s Had Enough” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

The Depth of UN Evil

Do we understand just how bad the UN is? Is it possible for us to learn from other countries who are currently occupied by UN forces? A very powerful interview should tell us all we need to know.

Alternatively you can listen to “The Depth of UN Evil” by Constitutional Educator, KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Just How Insane Is Our Government?

It seems like everyday there is new evidence that our federal government is completely out of control. I mean REAL evidence of insanity. How is that we still look to them with hope that they will make it all better?

Alternatively you can listen to “Just How Insane is Our Government?” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube