Feds To Prosecute Protesters Free Speech

State Dept gives $500 million to the UN for Climate Change, unaccountable to Congress. Loreta Lynch Discusses prosecuting climate change deniers. Protesters shut down speech. Fox News gets it all wrong about Free Speech. If we wish to be ignorant and free we wish for what never was and never will be.

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Roberts Unilaterally Overturns SCOTUS Opinion

Justice Roberts overturns a 5-4 Supreme Court Opinion…unilaterally…without any other justice’s opinion, granting the EPA unlimited power and authority over the States and the people.

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FBI Course for Kids: Identifying Extremism

The FBI has developed an online course for kids to teach them how to identify extremist groups. https://cve.fbi.gov/ This website reminds me of a Russian program in the 1930’s lauding a boy named Pavlick Morozov.

Song of Pavel Morozov:

Centuries-old beauty
Richly green the whole year.
Above the top of a crag
Eagles glide.
Over the eagles an airplane flies.

Under the mountain there is a kolkhoz,
Our comrade grew up there —
Call him Pavel Morozov.
Our comrade is a hero.
He did not allow his father
to steal the property of the people.

Listen to this edition of The KrisAnne Hall Show on  YouTube

What Govt Is Doing In Secret Right Now

HR H.R. 4401: ALERT Act of 2016 passed the House of Representatives by secret ballot. Do you know what it does? The FBI is quietly and secretly changing its rules on surveillance of Americans. Do you know what they did? What is government doing while we are not watching?

Listen to this edition of The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Sheriff's Duty to Defy Federal Government

Do you have a Sheriff or do you have a puppet? Is your Sheriff fulfilling his oath to “support and defend the Constitution” or is he just “following the law?” The role of the Sheriff was established hundreds of years ago. How do we have less Liberty from our Sheriffs today than we had in 1215?

Listen to this edition of  The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Hypocrisy of Loretta Lynch

14 new political prisoners and Loretta Lynch claims she is only “enforcing the rule of law” to “defend the American” people. Hmmmm. Let’s look at Loretta Lynch’s enforcement practices and her actual intentions. We know them by their fruits.

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The Real Consequences of Scalia's Absence

Scalia’s absence doesn’t create a 4/4 split. The Texas case on abortion clinics proves that to be true. Looking at the Court’s arguments in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt proves to us the REAL consequences of Scalia’s absence…one that the politicians hope you NEVER see.

Listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Proving Power Motivation Not Security

The FBI’s demands are creating a window to their motivations. Today we connect the dots to see that Power is their motivation not your safety and security.

Listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Victories For Gun Owners & Land Owners

Thomas Paine declared that crises can have a positive effect as well as negative. He knew that crises identified those who were serious in the cause and those who were hypocrites. Today we see the evidence of both in some victories in the right of gun owners and State lands.

Listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube