Congress Voting To Take Gun Rights

Meanwhile, while we are distracted by Comey and Hillary, Congress…yes that conservative majority of Republicans are trying to pass HR 5611 that will allow government to deprive Americans of their Right to keep and bear arms without due process, based upon a pre-crime determination of potential terrorism. See just how bad, bad can get.

Listen to Congress Voting To Take Gun Rights by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Hillary is Guilty – So What Happens Now

Now that we know that Hillary is Guilty; Comey said so, What do we do about it? What are our solutions, what should be our plan.

Listen to Hillary is Guilty by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Princeton Announces Errors in Declaration

The academic elite continue their attack on our founding documents. Listen to this professor’s attack on the Declaration, so that you can educated on HER error and preserve Liberty.

Listen to Princeton Announces Errors in Declaration by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Independence Day: 2 Letters From Adams

Would you be shocked to know that the history we are taught about our independence is not correct? On this solemn day, spend some time correcting these errors and teaching truth!

Listen to this edition of The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube