Want To Know How To Change Things?

We must go with the Original Standard, not the party standard. If we continue to reelect those who lie to us, steal from us, and violate the Supreme Law of the Land, how will things ever change?

Alternatively you can listen to “Want to Know How to Change Things?” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Evidence of the Depth of Clinton Coverup

We review 2 credible sources that show us how deep the Clinton Cover up goes. All the way into the Republican Party in the House and Senate. You may be surprised by who is holding information and doing nothing. We also see who is brave enough to stand up and say no more! Will we stand with them?

Video by Steve Pieczenik: https://youtu.be/ov5kvWSz5LM
Videos by Larry Kawa: https://goo.gl/tKRa1m

Alternatively you can listen to Evidence of the Depth of Clinton Coverup” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Talking Secession

The facts, not opinions, history, not interpretations. What is secession and how and why does it work.