Show Trump Emergency

1/9 Trump’s State of Emergency

Show Trump Emergency

My inbox is full of people asking questions about Trump declaring a State of Emergency to build the wall.  Today we will answer that question the only way we know how, Constitutionally Speaking.

Today’s Highlighted Article: The Constitutionality of Presidential State of Emergency

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art national emergency

The Constitutionality of A Presidential State of Emergency


art national emergency

The Constitutionality of A Presidential State of Emergency

By KrisAnne Hall, JD


My inbox is being inundated with the question du jeur: “If President Trump declares a ‘State of Emergency’ to build the wall on the border of Mexico, is that Constitutional?” 

I am certain that is not the right question or perhaps not the right way to ask it, but to ask it and answer it correctly, let’s briefly remind ourselves of America’s Constitutional structure and function.

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Show New House Rules

1/8 New Dems With New House Rules

Show New House Rules

Just a few new rules proposed for the House, but you need to know where these rules will take America. These rules will likely be some of the worst things to happen to America from the federal government in decades.


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Show Cortez New Deal

1/7 Ocasio-Cortez Wants To Be The New FDR

Show Cortez New Deal

Current Events Like You Won’t Hear anywhere else.
More party favors from Ocasio-Cortez
What is this Bi-Partisan movement to Amend the Constitution?
And… You might actually be surprised by what KrisAnne has to say about Sheila Jackson Lee’s latest statement.

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Art Term Limits

What We Need To Know About Term Limits

What We Need To Know About Term Limits

By KrisAnne Hall, JD


“We need term limits,” that’s the cry we hear so often today.  Before we act we must ask the question:    Is that the right solution to our life-time politicians or is that simply the easy solution that will eventually backfire?  It is a question we can answer without a crystal ball.  Patrick Henry said,

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Show EC Fed Drug

1/5 Dems In Congress: Abolish Electoral College- Create Federal Drug Manufacturing Company


Show EC Fed Drug

Democrat Rep Cohen from TN has submit legislation for a Constitutional Amendment to End the Electoral College.  Democrat Senator Warren from MA has submit a bill to establish a new federal bureaucracy that will manufacture drugs.  Let’s review these pieces of legislation and see what we need to do to combat the lies that WILL burn America to the ground.

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Art Disenfranchise

Disenfranchising The Voters- Destroying the Electoral College

Disenfranchising The Voters- Destroying the Electoral College 

By KrisAnne Hall, JD


The State of Oregon House passed legislation (HB 2927) that would make Oregon award its Electoral College votes only to presidential candidates who win the national popular vote. According to National Popular Vote, this kind of legislation has already been passed by 11 States, (CA, DC, HI, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, RI, VT, WA).  Now, we have federal House Representatives proposing legislation to amend the Constitution to eliminate the Electoral College system alltogether.

To be clear, Oregon and these other 11 States are not abolishing the Electoral College but altering it. Article 2 section 2 clauses 2 and 3 and the Twelfth Amendment of the US Constitution require States to establish electors that will choose the president and vice president of the United States.  These States are not eliminating their electoral college, they are eliminating the voice of their citizens and eliminating the legitimacy and relevance of their State’s involvement in the political process.  However, now members of Congress are creating bills to actually dissolve the Electoral Colllege.  Either way, altering or abolishing, these changes will result in the disenfranchising the vote of every State.  This infectious disease of ignorance must be stopped.  The only cure is knowledge so here are some facts that we must not only consider, but educate others.

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Art Key Constitution

The Key To Understanding The Constitution

Key To Understanding the Constitution

By KrisAnne Hall, JD


When a woman asked Benjamin Franklin, a founder of our Constitutional Republic, what kind of government the States created, he answered, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”  The key to keeping that Republic exists in the understanding how the Constitution was designed to function.

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Show Conserv Scotus

1/3 Do We Truly Have A Conservative Majority Supreme Court?

Show Conserv Scotus

There’s a new media narrative on the rise… “for the first time since 1936 we have a conservative majority in the Supreme Court.”
Is there any truth in that statement? How does our court fair when compared to this new media driven profession? Let’s hold them up to the standard and see what happens.

WATCH the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Art RBG Legacy

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s True Legacy- In Her Own Words

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s True Legacy- In Her Own Words

by KrisAnne Hall, JD


Some ask can we identify a singular point that can cause the destruction of America.  Looking toward U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, may give part of the answer to this question.

Al Hayat TV in Egypt interviewed Justice Ginsburg asking her for the advice she would give Egypt in writing the Constitution for their newly formed government. Her reply to this question gives insight into this her thoughts and understanding of the very Constitution she has given an oath to support and defend.

“I can’t speak as to what the Egyptian experience should be” she said, “because I am operating under a rather old Constitution, the United States in comparison to Egypt is a very new nation, yet we have the oldest Constitution still in force in the world…”

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