Art RBG Legacy

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s True Legacy- In Her Own Words

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s True Legacy- In Her Own Words

by KrisAnne Hall, JD


Some ask can we identify a singular point that can cause the destruction of America.  Looking toward U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, may give part of the answer to this question.

Al Hayat TV in Egypt interviewed Justice Ginsburg asking her for the advice she would give Egypt in writing the Constitution for their newly formed government. Her reply to this question gives insight into this her thoughts and understanding of the very Constitution she has given an oath to support and defend.

“I can’t speak as to what the Egyptian experience should be” she said, “because I am operating under a rather old Constitution, the United States in comparison to Egypt is a very new nation, yet we have the oldest Constitution still in force in the world…”

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Art Oligarchy Theves

Oligarchy Of Thieves

Oligarchy Of Thieves

by KrisAnne Hall, JD

Our government has been infected by Federal Supremacists. They commonly assert that the Supreme Court has the power to ultimately interpret the Constitution through judicial review and therefore sovereignly determine the limits of the power delegated to the federal government. They sometimes assert that federal law itself is superior to the Constitution. In reality, the Supreme Court does not have the authority to limit or expand the power of government. Neither does Congress have the authority to pass a law that is contrary to or beyond the limited and defined boundaries of the Constitution itself. To allow such action means that the Constitution has NO MEANING and the government has NO LIMIT.  Alexander Hamilton proclaimed in Federalist #83:

“…an affirmative grant of special powers would be absurd as well as useless, if a general authority was intended.”

Basically what Hamilton was saying was why did we make a specific list of powers, if the power existed to do whatever they can imagine or get a majority vote upon?

This general, also known in the legal field as “plenary” power being wielded against the states and the people is stolen power. It is power neither authorized nor delegated. Dear friends, this is NOT what a Constitutional Republic looks like…this is a KINGDOM of stolen power, an oligarchy of thieves.

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Art Open Letter Gun

Open Letter re: “Gun Legislation”


Our government is traveling down a very dangerous road. We have neglected our duties as responsible employers and we are about to pay a dear price. We must arm ourselves with the truth to educate our employees and assist them in doing the right thing. The following is an open letter to our Senators and Representatives to educate them in this “gun debate” and allow them to make the right decisions. By giving this information, we not only educate them, but we identify which employees are willing to do the right and which are not. If we do not educate, they can claim ignorance. If we provide them with the proper tools and they refuse to use them and continue to destroy our Constitution, we must mark them as enemies and eliminate their ability to do further destruction.

Please assist me in educating our Representatives. Please share this letter your Representative AND Senator. Sign your name and send it to them multiple times, once is not enough.  Be sure they KNOW you are serious.

Thank you.

In Liberty,

KrisAnne Hall

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Art First

First Things First

This is an article written by my husband JC Hall.  I hope that you enjoy it as much as we did. ~KrisAnne Hall

First Things First

by JC Hall

I was in prayer about purpose and priorities for the new year. Here’s what God began to speak in my Spirit as I prayed and studied in His Word.

First, the way in which I prioritize things in my life is not left to chance. It doesn’t come from someone’s system that they’ve devised over the years. It comes from God and His Word. Most of the productivity books I’ve read lay out the tools you need to keep your job and your daily tasks running smoothly. Some tell you to do the big things first. Some tell you to do the small things first. I see in the Word that we are to put FIRST THINGS FIRST.

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Art Converted Liberal

A Word From a Converted Liberal. There is Hope.

A Word From a Converted Liberal. There is Hope.

by KrisAnne Hall, JD


Right up front there are some things that I need to tell you about myself. I want you to know where I came from and how I got to where I am today. I don’t want to ever be accused of deception or dishonesty. So, in full disclosure:

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Art Notice To Enemies

Enemy: Be On Notice

Be On Notice

By KrisAnne Hall, JD

I must first begin by pointing out that I recognize that this is not a political battle between Republicans and Democrats.  This is not a battle between Progressives and Conservatives.  This is a SPIRITUAL battle:

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Art Leg Morality

Can We Legislate Morality?

Can We Legislate Morality?

By KrisAnne Hall, JD

“Can we legislate morality?”  This is a very relevant question that deserves a serious answer.  But what is really meant by this question?  The idea of “legislating morality” often gives people the impression that we can create a moral society through the creation of laws.  Fact is – we cannot.  As a prosecutor I became acutely aware of the apparently widely held view that the criminal justice system will “reform” people.  We could save ourselves a lot of heartache and a lot of money if we just accepted the reality that the criminal justice system, our jails, our prisons, are not designed to reform people, they are designed to punish people for doing bad things.  The punishment is what is supposed to make people change their mind about committing future crimes.  More laws and more prisons will not magically create a moral society.

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Art Madison General Welfare

General Welfare Clause – James Madison’s Warning: Its not about Money

General Welfare Clause – James Madison’s Warning: Its not about Money

By KrisAnne Hall, JD

Article 1 section 8 clause 1 of the Constitution reads:

“The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States…”

From this clause, many have construed the “general Welfare” statement to grant practically unlimited power to Congress to collect and spend the tax payers’ money on whatever cause Congress may invent for the “good” of the government or the people.  Is that what the designers of our Constitution intended when they penned those words “general Welfare?”

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Art Hope Christmas

The Hope Of Christmas Past

The Hope of Christmas Past

by KrisAnne Hall, JD

Many people have expended a great deal of energy this year in the fight to see our Liberty protected so America’s principles may be restored. As we enter into this Christmas season with many struggles ahead and mountains yet to be conquered, let us be reminded of a hope rooted firmly in the American experience.

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Art President Kings

America: A President Or A King?

America: A President Or A King?

by KrisAnne Hall, JD

Great study and deliberation was conducted in designing the office of the president.  What was the designers of our Constitutional Republic chief concern? That the president would become a king.

“The safety of the people in a republic depends on the share or proportion they have in the government; but experience ought to teach you, that when a man is at the head of an elective government invested with great powers, and interested in his re-election, in what circle appointments will be made; by which means an imperfect aristocracy bordering on monarchy may be established.” Anti-Federalist #67

When creating the office of the president our founders had many things to consider.  The first consideration was, would this executive purpose be best fulfilled with a committee, a tribunal, or one person.  In the current climate, it was concluded that the power of the executive should be vested in one person, as an ambassador behalf of the States, to other nations.  But having just thrown off the bonds of kingly rule, how could the designers of our Constitution ensure that this one person, over time, would not accumulate power and become the king they never wanted?  The answer, limited and concurrent authority.

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