Can We Legislate Morality?

“Can we legislate morality?”  This is a very relevant question that deserves a serious answer.  But what is really meant by this question?  The idea of “legislating morality” often gives people the impression that we can create a moral society through the creation of laws.  Fact is – we cannot.  As a prosecutor I became acutely aware of the apparently widely held view that the criminal justice system will “reform” people.  We could save ourselves a lot of heartache and a lot of money if we just accepted the reality that the criminal justice system, our jails, our prisons, are not designed to reform people, they are designed to punish people for doing bad things.  The punishment is what is supposed to make people change their mind about committing future crimes.  More laws and more prisons will not magically create a moral society.

We cannot deny, however, that all laws are based upon shared moral values.  When a society loses that morality, we find ourselves in a situation where we are tempted to compensate by creating more laws.  This is what causes people to put the cart before the horse and believe morality can be, or should be legislated.  We have become a society that treats symptoms instead of diseases.  This situation is no different.  The symptom is an ever increasing lawless society; the disease is an ever decreasing moral society.  If we want the government to stop “legislating morality”, we must become, once again a society of individuals that upholds our shared moral values.  We may not be able to legislate morality, but as our founders warned, we cannot afford to lose it.

John Adams stated in an address to Officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts in 1798: Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

Adams believed that America’s unique moral character provided security for the future:

While our country remains untainted with the principles and manners which are now producing desolation in so many parts of the world; while she continues sincere, and incapable of insidious and impious policy, we shall have the strongest reason to rejoice in the local destination assigned us by Providence.

He then issued this warning:

But should the people of America once become capable of that deep simulation towards one another, and towards foreign nations, which assumes the language of justice and moderation while it is practicing iniquity and extravagance, and displays in the most captivating manner the charming pictures of candor, frankness, and sincerity, while it is rioting in rapine and insolence, this country will be the most miserable habitation in the world; because we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion.

Adams was attempting to impress upon these military men that the power wielded by an immoral society could not be restrained by the best Constitution and could be lethal to Liberty itself.

Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net.

Some of the shared moral values, such as respect for life and charity toward the helpless, are contained in the great faith systems of the world.  For our founders it was the Judeo-Christian foundation that guided their value system, and it is interwoven into their writings and our founding documents. A shared morality is not the same thing as government-enforced religion, but historically a shared morality has been rooted in a shared sense of higher purpose and an acknowledgement of a higher power, or at least some awareness of a spiritual aspect to our daily lives.  But according to Many Say ‘So what?’ to Religion, Atheism published in USA Today, a growing number of people simply do not care about matters of faith and morality.  I believe this is not just a problem for the religious community, but this has grave implications for the future of our nation.  If we eliminate or disregard the basis for our common values, we begin to slide further and further into lawlessness.

The article in USA Today implies that America is becoming a nation free of religion; people simply don’t think of God and don’t find religion necessary to maintain their “happiness”.   Barry Komsin, director of the Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society for Trinity College states in this article:  But a lot of these people are concerned more with the tangible, the real stuff like mortgages or their favorite football team or the everyday world,” Kosmin says.  The bottom line for these folks is “as long as I have my stuff, I am happy and do not need a religion or God.”

I believe this focus, solely on material things, is what is having a devastating effect on Liberty.  The reality is that a vast majority of our citizens would have an easier time naming all the judges on American Idol than those on the Supreme Court of the United States.  Meanwhile our Liberties are being eroded, degraded, and destroyed right under our noses and most don’t care because they got a flat screen TV for Christmas and more channels than they could possibly watch in a lifetime. While we should be trying to stop this whale of an administration from tearing the nets of Liberty in America, we are tweeting the latest escapades of the Kardashians or informing our Facebook friends of our location and menu choices.  We are completely ignorant of our obligations as Americans to require our government to protect Liberty and of our responsibility to maintain that Liberty. Few have a sense of anything greater than “right here, right now.”   Two testimonials from this article reflect this mentality:

When Ben Helton signed up for an online dating service, under “religion” he called himself “spiritually apathetic.”  Sunday mornings, when Bill Dohm turns his eyes toward heaven, he’s just checking the weather so he can fly his 1946 Aeronca Champ two-seater plane. Helton, 28, and Dohm, 54, aren’t atheists, either. They simply shrug off God, religion, heaven or the ever-trendy search-for-meaning and/or purpose.

Founders like Thomas Jefferson, on the other hand, didn’t think shrugging off God was a good idea for our nation:  Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God?  That they are not to be violated but with his wrath?

Jefferson contemplated the consequences to this nation if we ever forgot that valuable lesson: Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice can not (sic) sleep forever

Ben Franklin reminded his fellow countrymen when Liberty was in peril: In the beginning of the Contest with G. Britain, when we were sensible of danger we had daily prayer in this room for the divine protection.- Our prayers, Sir, were heard, & they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending providence in our favor…and have we now forgotten that powerful friend? or do we imagine that we no longer need his assistance?

Franklin knew that without God, Liberty would be short lived.

I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth- that God Governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid?”

The USA Today article continues with Rev. Ema Drouillard, who specializes in San Francisco-area non-denominational ceremonies.  Ms. Drouillard “said in 2001 about 30 percent of her clients refused any reference to religion at their weddings.  A decade later, 80 percent of her clients choose her carefully God-free ceremony. The only faith they pledge is in each other.”  Maybe that is why we can look to a man for “hope and change” and find that our country crumbles when we place our faith in man.  But the Ms. Drouillard continues, “A lot of people just aren’t on any spiritual path. They say, ‘We are just focusing on the party.’

That focus is the very thing that drives this disease.  As this article seems to point out, we have become a nation void of any responsibility to God.  Our founders would ask, “How then do we think that we can maintain the gift of Liberty that He has given?”  “How can we give no consideration to the consequences for ignoring that gift?”  I believe they would say that “we have been come self-sufficient, self-made men building an empire of stuff and never once giving thought to the principles of Liberty that makes these things possible. We have forgotten, to whom much is given, much is required.  We have become pacified by our prosperity, lazy in our luxury and have forgotten the dear price that has been paid for this Liberty and the price required to maintain it.”

Our Constitution is dedicated to the promises of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  If we want to maintain this Republic and its promises of Liberty, as Daniel Webster said, we must “hold onto to the Constitution”.  In holding on to the Constitution, we must understand that Liberty is its end and morality is a vital bond that secures its survival.  Our Liberty stands in peril because we have abandoned our moral foundation.  Freedom AND morality are BOTH necessary to maintain Liberty.  The sole pursuit of stuff and satisfaction of self creates a moral vacuum – we must reconnect with a higher purpose.  We must be dedicated to fighting for ALL of the principles of Liberty that make this nation so great!  Because some things remain true:  sparrows still fall, whales break nets, and Liberty cannot last without morality.

Show Arrest Rosa

We the People Must Inform Ourselves

(The speech that got me fired.)

I would like to speak to you today on the subject of INFORMING OURSELVES.

Thomas Jefferson warned;

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”

We have enjoyed the benefits left to us by previous generations. America has had the greatest medical system, the greatest technologies, the strongest military, the greatest economy. However, as our nation has prospered we have become distracted by our luxuries, busied by our labors and lazy toward our liberties. We have allowed the enemies of freedom to worm their way into positions of power and influence.

The Heritage Foundation says it like this,

“There is widespread ignorance of American history… We face an education system that upholds mediocrity in the name of relativism; an ever-expanding and centralized government, unmoored from constitutional limits; judges openly making laws and shaping society based on pop-philosophy rather than serious jurisprudence…At the root of all these problems is a pervasive ignorance about the core principles that define America and ought to inform our politics and policy.”

Unfortunately, I would agree with them. That’s why the tea-party movement is so important and so encouraging. I am actually encouraged that the Tea-Party is not a party at all; it is We the People. We the People founded this nation and I believe – We the People will take it back!

But We the People must Inform Ourselves if we wish to take back our nation for ourselves and our children. Notice I did not say that we need to be informed, rather we need to inform OURSELVES. Truth is Power and it is up to us to search out and secure the Truth. The Bible says, “…ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” If we arm ourselves with truth and act on that truth we can be free from the bondage that ideological tyrants would desire to enslave us with.

Patrick Henry said in his famous speech from St. Johns Church in 1775.

“I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past.“

Patrick Henry’s experience with a heavy handed government illuminated his understanding of the future… And if American Liberty is to continue, we must inform ourselves and arm ourselves with the collective experience of those that have come before. I want to mention four things as briefly as I can on the subject of Informing Ourselves.

First, We the People must inform ourselves on our Core Principles. A principle can be defined as a standard based upon truth and experience, and which serves as a foundation upon which thought and action are built. A primary principle upon which this nation rests is Constitutionalism – which is an understanding that the operation of our government and the security of our liberty are to be guided by our founding documents, interpreted according to the framer’s intent.

The Declaration and the Constitution have been relentlessly attacked in modern times. Our own President has implied that our Constitution’s ideas are flawed. The professors in our law schools deride its relevance. Progressives would have it be as malleable as silly putty. But We the People recognize that the Declaration and Constitution have served as the bedrock of our freedom for hundreds of years. The genius with which our founding fathers laid down the principles in these precious documents, I believe, can only be attributed to the providence of God. And we have a solemn duty to ourselves and our posterity to become informed in the Core principles contained in our founding documents.

Get a copy of the Declaration and Constitution; study them. Research the history of how they came to be. Acquaint yourselves with men like John Leland and the Baptist Union of Virginia, without whom there would be no Bill of Rights. Read the wisdom of George Washington in his farewell address and be grounded by the experience of one our nation greatest heroes.

–We the People must Know our core principles- Become not only grounded in them, but become their champions. For, freedom of speech has no voice of its own, but it waits in silence for you to plead its case. The right to assemble will sit alone until you, its champions, gather in the face of despotism. Our forefathers cry out through the pages of history, but unheard until you give the written word – voice and life. When our history is lost either through revision or apathy, then our liberty is lost as well.

–We the People must Know our Core principles and stand for them without wavering…for they are our liberty.

The words of Patrick Henry still ring true 235 years later, “Why stand we here idle?,” he said, “What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

Secondly, We the People must not only inform ourselves on our Core Principles, must inform ourselves about Contrary Principles. If our core principles serve to secure and maintain the liberty we wish to enjoy, then it stands to reason that there are contrary principles that threaten that same liberty, and we must be able to identify these enemies of our liberty.

Sun Tzu says in his Art of War, “Know thine enemy as thyself.” We must always remember that our enemies are not people or parties, but the freedom-destroying principles that they espouse. We must inform ourselves on the principles of progressivism, socialism, communism; and the mechanisms these philosophies use such as redistribution of wealth, centralization of power, progressive taxation, and restrictions on free speech. Once we are informed on these principles we will then recognize them. And we must oppose them regardless of the party or personality attempting to employ them.

I say again, We must not give a free pass because of personality or party affiliation. It is ironic that Teddy Roosevelt is heralded as a great hero of the Republican Party, when in fact history testifies that he was the leader of the anti-constitutional progressives in 1912. It was also under the Republican Party that the refundable tax credit was enacted, allowing progressives to engage in redistribution of wealth and enslave citizens with the tax refund.

Am I anti-Republican? No; but these enemies of our liberty entered in because we put party over principle. The president recently suggested that his program of socialized medicine was okay because Republican Mitt Romney proposed the same program. It is not wrong because of who proposed it; it’s wrong because it is based on principles that are contrary to Liberty.

You would not allow anyone to feed your child rat poison whether the giver was Satan or Santa Claus. Progressivism, however, does not come in a bottle with skull and crossbones. It shows up as something or someone who wants to “help” and it will have a cute little name like acorn. It will talk about fairness and recovery; aide and stimulus; always sounding positive, but underneath – a deadly poison. Again we must be grounded in our Core principles, but we must also be guarded against these Contrary principles which poison our freedom and destroy our future.

We the People must not only inform ourselves about Contrary Principles, but we must also inform ourselves about Candidates. We should now realize that a charismatic personality, eloquent speechmaking, and catchy slogans do not a leader make. We must identify candidates who hold true to the right principles and who will not sacrifice those principles for politics or power. Some would say you must compromise if you hope to accomplish anything. Surely, cooperation and negotiation are essential in government, but a principle by its very definition is a foundational and guiding rule, and so compromising a principle damages the very foundation.

If sound principles cause me to be opposed to a proposal, then an offer of money or jobs for my state should not change my position. Let’s inform ourselves about candidates and issues and make an informed vote.

Lastly, and I close, We the People must inform ourselves about Current Events. It’s encouraging to see the awakening going on around the country, but the cynic in me says this – “only someone who was sleeping needs an awakening.”

Thomas Jefferson said,

“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”

We cannot take time off. We cannot stick our head in the sand. We cannot slumber even for a moment.

The Tea-Party movement can’t simply be an awakening. Once we have reclaimed our nation from the forces that would steer us away from our Core principles, we must establish a lifestyle of vigilance. We must stay informed and stay involved.

First step – the 2010 elections; Next step – the 2012 elections; THEN we reach The Beginning…The beginning of a revitalized and reconnected CITIZEN government.

Our cry must be this

“We the People have awakened. We the People have informed ourselves; and We the People will never sleep again!!!”

Thank you and God bless you.

Criminals vs Contitutionalists

In Lakeland, Florida an officer of the law, pulls over a young woman for a broken taillight. In the process discovers her license had been suspended (which is not a criminal offense in Florida).  The officer has her empty her pockets and twice tells her to pull of her shirts, pull her undergarments away from her body and has her shake her body to see if she is in possession of drugs. Then at the end of the ordeal tells the young lady, “I’m done scaring you and now you can go home!” What happened to his officer  you ask? Unbelieveably he was suspended for 4 days and now he’s  back on the job. Now compare this with Sheriff Finch who refused to charge someone for carrying a concealed a firearm without a permit because he believed it was not constitutional. He stood up for the Constitution in the exercise of his duty and he was arrested by Governor Rick Scott. Now compare that to the Lakeland, Florida the officer who for all intent and purposes sexually assaulted a woman who gets suspended for four days without pay. Are you kidding me?

Liberty First with KrisAnne Hall | Unselfish Defense of Liberty

I don’t care who you are. I don’t care if you’re a politician, a bricklayer, a hairdresser, or what! If you are aware of the fact that our liberties are under attack by a tyrannical Federal government and if you are aware that the NSA, the NDAA, the TSA, Eric Holder and the rest would like nothing more than to control every minute of your day and couldn’t give a popcorn fart about our liberties and you choose to be passive, then you are selfish! you don’t care that you’re leaving your children with a 17 trillion debt as long as you have your cell phone, video games, etc and you are leaving your children vulnerable to serving this tyrannical government as a future slave. Do you want that? You certainly wouldn’t stand by passively and watch someone hurt your child, but you can stand by passively and watch a federal government that every day takes more and more of your liberties. There is no difference! Be unselfish and stand for liberty! Protect your children from becoming a future slave because they can’t on their own.

Defending Liberty with Eternal Vigilance

Sometimes you might feel like taking a breath. Sometimes you might feel like you need a break but when it comes to the defense of liberty and especially given a tyrannical government that has an insatiable thirst  for power and control we must be forever vigilant. We must be very careful to let our guard down. All you have to do is look around! Look around and you’ll see that we are surrounded not just by scandals such as IRS profiling, or Fast and Furious, or Benghazi as these are not scandals but they are criminal acts! And where is Congress? What have they done? Nothing and as nothing  gets done and more of these criminal acts just get swept under the carpet or give way to the next scandal the ones that will ultimately pay the price with their liberty will be you and me and all freedom loving, liberty loving patriots: This is why defending liberty required eternal vigilance.

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Collectivists Insanity

In my opinion (and I have no problem saying this), our glorious leader, King Barry (aka Barack Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Sotero) hates liberty and hates Christians who love liberty even more so!  In a speech King Barry made in Northern Ireland at a recent G8 summit he attacked religious freedom when he said;

“If towns remain divided, if Catholics have their schools and buildings and protestants have theirs if we can’t see ourselves in one another and fear or resentments are allowed to harden that too encourage division and discourages cooperation”.

This collectivist mentality is insane. Why wouldn’t he talk about Islamic schools, but in a speech in Northern Ireland he has to single out Catholics and Protestants. Liberty in the eyes of King Barry is an impediment to collectivism which is his rel religion and I think this is absolutely crazy.

Liberty Defenders vs. Pretenders

Who are the real defenders of Liberty? It’s not Allen West, it’s not Michele Bachmann and it’s not Congress. Recently our government gave a number of Saudi’s a free pass to come to our country on Visas and the decision as to if these people might be a terror threat was delegated to the Saudi government. Thank you very much Janet Napolitano and thank you Congress for being silently guilty, not saying anything and letting the government get away with this insanity. This is just one example of how those who are supposed to be the defenders of liberty are only shallow pretenders.

Alternatively you can listen to “Liberty Defenders vs. Pretenders” by KrisAnne Hall On YouTube

Shame on Justice Scalia

Any application that makes the Federal Government supreme over the states is an error in judgement and makes the Federal Government supreme over their creator. In this edition of the KrisAnne Hall show breaks down a serious misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the Federalist Papers by Supreme Court Justice Scalia that in effect says that the states are submissive to the Federal Government in matters pertaining to elections.

Our Government is Broken

The provision for a Constitutional Convention exists in the Constitution, but let me ask you a question; Do you we have the same motivation today as it relates to liberty that our founders had? Who would we send to a Constitutional Convention?  Certainly we  put the Constitution at serious risk if we send the same breed of politicians, or individuals to any Constitutional Convention that are running the country. But, do we really need a Constitutional Convention? We don’t need a gun rights amendment, we already have the 2nd amendment. There is nothing wrong with the Constitution, it’s the system that is broken and the people who are in charge of the system have yet to discover that their real job is to protect and defend liberty!

Alternatively you can listen to “Our Government is Broken” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Support Liberty at all Hazards

John Adams said that “Liberty must be supported at all hazards.” Not healthcare, not national security and not your social security. This is the truth, because without liberty none of these other things could ever be made possible. Apparently this level of truth is too much for some people. Apparently, the truth is sometimes too much for some people who are predisposed to believe that healthcare, social security and the rest come before liberty and the truth is that we Liberty must come first and be supported at all hazards!

Alternatively you can listen to “Support Liberty at all Hazards” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube