Stand for Sheriff Finch or Else

Sheriff Finch was arrested by (fake conservative) Governor Rick Scott for standing up for the Constitution and I am here to tell you today that we all need to stand with and stand up for Sheriff Finch. Because if we do not stand up for Sheriff Finch how can we expect any other Sheriff to stand for us? To stand for liberty? Sheriff Finch is a patriot and as a fellow patriot we all must stand with and for each other.

Hey NSA! Listen Up and Learn Something About Liberty

Since the NSA and the national security state is listening to everything I say in this podcast, to everything I write in my emails, then I want you to encourage you to take a moment to really listen and learn what makes this country great. Teaching others about the liberty that has made this country great is what I teach and since you’re listening make it a point to pay attention and learn something.

Alternatively you can listen to this episode of “The KrisAnne Hall Show” on YouTube

Other articles ,or podcasts relative to the NSA on Liberty First

Florida Senate President Calls for Hangings

don-gaetz-smMonday December 3, 2012, I met the Republican leader of the Florida Senate Don Gaetz after speaking to the Senate Committee on Healthcare Exchanges.  I explained to him that I wanted to teach on nullification and why the Healthcare Act is unconstitutional.  He mocked the Founders of this nation to my face, implying they are irrelevant to the interpretation of the Constituion.  He laughed at my support of Constitutional principles.  He then shouted out to me as he left the room that he would read anything that I sent him.  This morning I sent him an email explaining the Founders’ position on State Sovereignty and nullificaion.

After sending Senator Don Gaetz my letter explaining the positions of James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton on State Sovereignty, Mr. Gaetz says that citizens who agree with the writer of the Declaration of Independence should be summarily shot and hanged.  Does that means Don Gaetz is in favor of shooting the many Catholic Bishops and other religious leaders who have said that they will not comply with this mandate?  Notice the double-speak in his email below.  He affirms his support for the Constitution and then demonstrates his utter ignorance of its meaning and purpose.

Here is a copy of his email:

Thank you for your email and for your passionate views.   
Like you, I believe Obamacare is unconstitutional and wrong-headed policy. I have consistently voted in the Florida Legislature for legislation that affirms our state’s options, obligations and sovereignty under the United States Constitution. I am working every day to ensure the election of national candidates who will repeal and replace this extraordinarily bad policy. 

As to nullification, I tend to favor the approach used by Florida’s first Governor, Andrew Jackson: 

It is said that one evening, while he was president, General Jackson was interrupted in his reading in his bedroom by an alarmed military aide who breathlessly reported, “Mr. President, the “nullifiers” are in front of the Executive Mansion with torches and guns. They are screaming that each state has the right to decide for itself which federal laws to follow. They threaten to burn us down if you will not agree with them.” 

Without lifting his head from his reading, Andrew Jackson said, “Shoot the first nullifier who touches the Flag. And hang the rest.” 

Chaplain, I have sworn an oath on my father’s Bible before Almighty God to preserve, protect and defend the constitution and government of the United States. And that’s exactly what I intend to do. Count me with Andrew Jackson. 

Senator Don Gaetz 

kris-anne-don-gaetzI can only assume since this overbearing blowhard is used to getting his way, he thinks such intimidation will make us shut up and go away. Well, Mr. Gaetz is sadly mistaken.

While Mr. Gaetz may only give lip-service to the Constitution so that he can continue his political reign, there are those of us who actually believe in the Constitution and plan to support and defend it, no matter what!  If it means being threatened or shot at by tyrannical oligarchs, so be it.  Just know that this path was not our choice Mr. Gaetz. You fired the first shot!

Mr. Gaetz, stand all you like with Andrew Jackson, we will be the ones across the way standing with Patrick Henry!

Warrantless NSA Searches and Secret Courts

When you think about the NSA warrant-less searches is just like an iceberg. There’s always more below the surface then what you see above the surface. For example did you know that the court that issued the warrant to Verizon was not even a court at all? And did you know that we have courts in this country that are not bound by the Constitution and that have been established for the sole purpose of circumventing the Constitution. Of course you’ve heard of it. It’s called the FISA court. Otherwise known as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and it’s a secret court. Is that American? Is that Constitutional?

Alternatively you can listen to “Warrantless NSA Searches and Secret Courts” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

KrisAnne Hall Stands Up For Sherrif Nick Finch

This week Liberty County Florida Sheriff, Nick Finch was arrested by Governor Rick Scott for standing in defense of the Constitution and honoring his oath of office. Sheriff Finch believes the Second Amendment means what it says, our Right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. What Sheriff Finch did was well within his authority and in full compliance with the rules and regulations for records retention and destruction. What Sheriff Finch did was stand in the gap where the government is trying to erode your Liberty.

Sheriff Finch made the decision to not pursue a charge against Floyd Parish; well within the authority of the Sheriff to do. Upon making that decision, Sheriff Finch removed Parish’s file from the records and removed his name from the jail log. Well within his authority; The General Records Schedule for Law Enforcement, Correctional Facilities, and District Medical Examiners outlines this authority.