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Memorial Held For TSA Agent Shot And Killed During Rampage At LAXTwo weeks ago I published an article proclaiming if the House will not impeach Eric Holder for his many offenses, we have no hope of ever removing Obama from office. Read my article here:  Impreachment, What Will it Take

Now we know the House is moving forward with Articles of Impeachment against Eric Holder! But now YOU get to have the FIRST LOOK at the charges being brought against Holder!

My DC Insider has given me the FIRST GLIMPSE at the language for the ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT for Eric Holder. This language may change a little, but WE get the FIRST PEEK:

The Articles of Impeachment lay out four charges:

1.Refusal to comply with the subpoena issued by the Oversight Committee regarding Fast and Furious. This violates 2 U.S.C. 192

2.Failure to enforce DOMA, the Controlled Substances Act, and the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986. This violates the AG’s oath of office.

3.Refusal to prosecute the IRS officials involved in the targeting and disclosure of tax records to political donors. This violates Mr. Holder’s oath.

4.False testimony under oath before Congress in May 2013 about the Justice Department investigation of journalist James Rosen. This is a violation of 18 U.S.C. 1621.

We will have the FINAL language as soon as it is published.

These are the Representatives that need our IMMEDIATE support.   Don’t wait. Contact them now and tell them how much you appreciate how they are standing for the Constitution.


Introducing the Articles of Impeachment:

Rep. Pete Olson (R-TX) (202-225-5951)

Co-Sponsors (so far):

Rep. Larry Buschon (R-IN)   (202-225-4636)

Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX)   (202-225-7742)

Rep. Phil Roe (R-TN) (202-225-6356)

Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) (202-225-5901)

Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) (202-225-2831)

Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX)   (202-225-9896)

Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) (202-225-5744)


  1. Send them this Open Letter! Tell them they MUST support the Impeachment of Eric Holder!
  2. CALL them! Find their number HERE:
  3. Share the Responses you get from your Rep HERE:

Let’s be sure to compare notes, share experiences, and prepare responses!

DO NOT QUIT. WE MUST FIGHT. If we do not support them in this, then don’t complain anymore about what is going on in DC. This is our chance to set a real Constitutional Example!

Liberty is More Important

Broadcasting from Indiana, the home state of Larry Bird. Which is big news if you’re a Larry Bird fan but basketball is not what the Liberty First Ministry is all about. The Liberty First Ministry is all about the truth. We’re not fair and balanced. If you want fair and balanced you’ll need to go to Fox (or so they say). We are all about the truth and in the first segment I can’t help but talk about the contrast between the way that the Russian government recently reacted when their embassy in Poland was the recipient of a bit of abuse. I bring this up because it’s totally ironic given the way that we have reacted to the attack on our Benghazi embassy. I’m just saying. I’m also just saying that there some people drive 700 miles to come to a workshop and they drive 700 miles because Liberty is important and it’s more important than video games, football, or anything else.

4th Amendment in New Mexico

It  is open line Friday and there’s still a bit of celebration about my representative Ted Yoho and his initiative to impeach Eric Holder. Representative Yoho did go through my Roots of Liberty seminar and he heard me speak about Article II  Section IV. We’re not getting recognition for this but you know what? Think of the thousands of men and women who fought for our liberty and we will never know their names. So it’s not about recognition, or glory, it’s about liberty. Now about the 4th Amendment.The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads:

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

This is very clear, unless of course you happened to live in New Mexico. 

Do Your Job Congress

Hey Congress! In case you missed it here’s what Article II Section IV of the Constitution says;

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

There’s no wiggle room. If you’re the President, the Vice President of a civil Office of the United States and you have been convicted of Treason, Bribery, or other high Crime or Misdemeanor, then you are to be removed. Eric Holder has been convicted of  Contempt and that is a Misdemeanor and he should (meaning he has to) be removed from office! So why hasn’t he been removed? Because Congress hasn’t or should I say has refused to to their job! Well based on the news I received this morning, Congress may be finally ready to their job and I’m so excited.

When the Going Gets Tough

When the going gets tough where do you go? The going is going to get touch. There will be victories but there will also be setbacks and defeats. There are times you will feel disappointed. There are times when you will feel discouraged. You will believe that you’ve walked enough precincts, or you’ve worked the phone bank more than enough and when that happens you have to ask yourself why you’re in the fight. Are you in the fight for a party, for a candidate, for an issue? If you are than you will likely not have the inner strength to continue the fight. Let me tell you though it’s not about party, or candidate it’s about liberty! And if you think you’ve done your part and you’ve given enough, then remember this. Our founding fathers who fought for your liberty gave their life. Their families had to do on the run. Their houses were burned down, they were tortured all in the name of liberty. So when the going gets tough remember it is liberty that you are fighting for.

What Do You Love More Than Liberty?

We cannot forget that we are a government of the people, for the people and by the people. A government that receives it’s just powers from the consent of the governed. And at some point we’re going to have to wake up and realize that we can no longer consent to our own chains and shackles. That we can no longer consent to our own slavery. Regardless of the promise or of this benefit, or that benefit. It is a historical inevitably that we are slipping into a situation where a government taking more and more power will bind us hand and feet. The benefit promise will not come and the benefits you have will eventually disappear. So are you going to be a defender of liberty? A bystander and cheerleader? Every tyrant begins with a promise until the end is tyranny. So what is it that you love more important than liberty?

The 2nd Amendment Imperative

The Florida Sheriffs Association at their convention issued a statement that on the surface sounds as if they are fully behind the 2nd Amendment. However, let me warn you that the devil is always in the detail and unfortunately their statement shows a lack of understanding of what the 2nd Amendment imperative really is. And let me tell you that the 2nd Amendment imperative is not for skeet shooting, it’s not for gun clubs, it’s not for hunting duck, rabbits, or elk. No! Let me share with you exactly what the 2nd Amendment imperative is and what our founders exact thinking was when the 2nd Amendment was made part of the Bill of Rights.

Nicholas Finch Acquitted

Yesterday, Liberty County Sheriff Nicholas Finch was acquitted by a jury of his peers and with today being Open Line Friday we take a call from someone who was actually at the trial. So we’re going to take out some time today to find out a few things about the trial and I’m going to share it all with you. So don’t miss this episode.