Classify Yourself

I still believe that we live in the greatest country on the planet and that we can regain the liberty we started off with. There are many liberty loving people willing to do what is necessary to defend liberty. But you know, you’re going to be challenged when you take a stand and if you believe in liberty for all and not just those who believe as you do than you must realize that liberty does not just belong to you. If you are a defender of liberty than you defend it for all people, regardless if they agree with you or not. This doesn’t  mean that you can’t be offended. Being offended is your right, but you cannot silence those who may be the source of your offense. Understand that when you silent someones speech you give the government permission to silence you as well when someone finds your speech offensive. Classify yourself. Are you a defender of liberty for all? There’s more.

Government Revision of History Debunked

KrisAnne-Hall-smIn Orwellian fashion, Barack Obama is attempting to reinterpret history to justify the government’s dismantling Americans’ 4th Amendment protections. In a speech delivered regarding National Security Agency data collection programs, the President gave this twisted distortion of American history:

“At the dawn of our Republic, a small, secret surveillance committee, born out of the Sons of Liberty, was established in Boston. And the group’s members included Paul Revere. At night, they would patrol the streets, reporting any signs that the British were preparing raids against America’s early Patriots. Throughout American history, intelligence has helped secure our country and our freedoms.”

It is hard to believe that some speechwriter could so shamelessly coopt the fight for liberty to justify the modern surveillance state. On the other hand, given the progressive education that the majority of our citizens have been brainwashed to believe maybe he thought nobody would notice. What do you say we shed the light of TRUTH on this mind-manipulating rewrite of American history?

The Revolutionary War Was Not A Battle Between The British And Americans

It was a battle between British Colonists and their government. It was a battle to win independence from government intrusion, denial of liberty, and government control. It was a civil war, not a foreign war.

The Sons Of Liberty Were Birthed By Colonists Who Were Fed Up With The Government’s Intrusion Upon Their Privacy, Property And Denial Of Their Rights

It all began in February 1761 when James Otis, Jr., a former government attorney, brought a lawsuit against the government for its blatant violations of the colonists’ rights to privacy and security of property from warrantless searches and seizures. Otis blew the cover off the British tool called “Writs of Assistance.” These Writs were authority given to government agents, by law, that permitted these agents to arbitrarily demand access to colonists’ homes and businesses to search and seized anything the government agents determined to be suspicious.

Otis had been in charge of the execution of these warrantless searches and prosecutions that resulted from the seizures. He began to realize just how tyrannical these Writs were.   He called them, “The worst instruments of arbitrary power, the most destructive of English Liberty ever found in an English law book.” When Otis was approached by some colonists who were victims of this arbitrary power, he decided to resign his post and take up a legal battle to secure the Liberty of the Colonists.

The Colonists had a long established right to the security of their property and to due process rights. Otis was there to defend them.

Otis argued for five hours, fighting the government in their courtroom. He lost the legal fight but birthed a spirit of independence in the hearts and minds of the colonists. This is what John Adams said about that day in court.

“But Otis was a flame of fire! With a promptitude of classical allusions, a depth of research, a rapid summary of historical events and dates, a profusion of legal authorities, a prophetic glare of his eyes into (the future), and a rapid torrent of impetuous eloquence, he hurried away all before him…American Independence was then and there born. The seeds of Patriots and Heroes – to defend the vigorous youth, were then and there sown. Every man of an immense, crowded audience, appeared to me to go away, as I did, ready to take up arms against Writs of Assistance. Then, and there, was the first scene of the first act of opposition to the arbitrary claims of Great Britain – then and there, the child of Independence was born. In fifteen years, namely in 1776, he grew up to man hood, and declared himself free.” (John Adams to William Tudor 29 March 1817);

Also in that courtroom that day were Samuel Adams and many of the other men who would become the founders of our Constitutional Republic. Sam Adams left that courtroom inspired to form the Committees of Correspondence, a citizen coalition group whose purpose was to connect the Liberty minded Colonists and help educate each other on the TRUTH in the face of government media propaganda.

The Sons of Liberty were the action group birthed out of the inspired members of the Committees of Correspondence.

The Sons Of Liberty Were Not A Government Surveillance Program

As a matter of fact, they were quite the opposite. The Sons of Liberty held rallies and protests against the government’s denial of their rights to privacy and due process. The protests took the form of mock hangings and mock funeral processions of government agents.   They were engaged in ANTI-GOVERNMENT surveillance defending Liberty from a government who was refusing to abide by their Constitutional Charters.

Those Who Do Not Know Their History Are Doomed To Repeat Its Mistakes

If the progressives can rewrite our history to the point where Patriots fighting for Liberty become the very government oppressors they battled, we will become enslaved and never even know it. I am reminded of what Thomas Paine said about THEIR King in his dissertation called, “Common Sense”:

“He may accomplish by craft and subtlety in the long run, what he cannot do by force or violence in the short one.”

This blatant distortion of reality has only one purpose – To convince the masses to submit to a level of government control that can only be equated to tyrannical Kings and Kingdoms. Our founders did not accept such tyrannical abuse of their God-given rights and we do should not accept it now.

“I will to my dying day oppose, with all the powers and faculties God has given me, all the instruments of slavery on the one hand and villainy on the other as this Writs of Assistance is.”  James Otis, Jr.

What is the difference between this history and Obama’s? This one is based in fact and Obama’s is purely fiction.

Spread The TRUTH – Revive The American Spirit Of Liberty And Independence!

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

I have some humor to share with you to start with. When I first logged into Facebook this morning I got one of the best laughs of my life Now you know what my opinion is about the establishment and especially the establishment Republicans. So can you imagine my reaction when right there on my Facebook News-feed was a picture that I originally thought was doctored with Photoshop. I had to check it out, so I clicked on it and immediately got taken to John Boehners Facebook page and there was a picture of Obama sitting behind his desk with his phone and a pen with a caption of; “President Obama has his pen and his phone” but beside the picture of the captioned picture of Obama is a picture of John Boehner holding up a copy of a pocket Constitution that ways “We Have the Constitution.” Guess Boehner doesn’t know there are 1000 comedians out of work. But there’s more.

Big Gov Christie Style

People occasionally contact me from my Facebook page and I was recently asked what I thought Chris Christies idea of consolidation. If you haven’t heard of this concept, basically the argument goes like this.  Money can be saved and services improved by consolidating smaller government into larger units of government. So if you want to know what I think? Let me tell you this. Chris Christie is not a Constitutional Conservative. Heck! You can’t even pump your own gas in New Jersey. Consolidation will end up making smaller governments BIGGER and bigger usually means less responsive puts more distance between the people and their government I think it’s a bad idea. However this probably won’t stop the Rhino Republicans from trying to promote Christie as a 2016 candidate. If they do, then beware. Listen for more.

Immorality & Our Future

My husband and I had a discussion yesterday, seeking an answer to the following question; “What is the difference between people of today and the people of 1776?” He answered by claiming that we are not a moral people any longer. He cites the brutal beating of Kelly Thomas, a mentally ill homeless man, beaten to death by a group of police officers in Fullerton, Ca.. I watched the video and as a prosecutor I would have called it premeditated intent. Amazingly they were found not guilty. Even the district attorney said they should have been found guilty of murder. The video shows the officer putting on a glove and making a direct threat to the homeless man. I have to tell you that we have to change the way we think else, we’ll be choosing between Hillary and Christie in 2016. It’s up to us. Click to listen.

Listen to Immorality and Our Future on YouTube

Illegal Plants and Poisoned Food

First I want to say thanks to all of you because I had an additional opportunity to teach some young adults at a middle school. They were so attentive and so appreciative and without you this never would have happened and so let me personally say thank you for your support. On another note I’m excited about South Carolina nullifying the federal ban on Hemp. It’s a state issue, not a federal issue. Strangely enough they don’t seem to have an issue with GMO. Also know as Genetically Modified Orgnisms that are almost unavoidable these days unless you shop at a farmers market. Now let me make a confession. I have a degree in Bio Chemistry and my first job out of college was for Monsanto and I did research on GMO. So listen up!

Illegal Plants and Poisoned Foods can alternatively be heard on YouTube

Children are Hungry for Truth

Do you realize that we (that is you and me) have an opportunity to make an impact in this world one person at a time. Wednesday I gave a presentation to a room of 300+ students. Seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth graders. But what happened after was amazing. One of school administrators came up to me and said; “That was incredible!” He then asked me if I could stay. I have this class, that class and I would love for you to teach them. “Can you?” He was apologetic and didn’t want to take up my time but I said; “Are you kidding me?” Let’s just go teach. I don’t need anything and we worked out a schedule to teach four other classrooms. The students were amazing. What a blessing and you can do the same. You can be blessed as well. I don’t know anything that you can’t know as well! Now they’re not talking about Lady Gaga, now they’re talking about history and liberty!

Clcik to listen to this episode of the KrisAnne Hall show on YouTube

Lying with a Straight Face

I shared something on my Facebook page last night and I want to share it with you. It’s all about spending and I think you’re going to enjoy this little story. Let me give you the bottom line however, is that I don’t see how Congress can continue to lie with a straight face! For example when the tell us they’re increasing or they tell us they’re increasing military spending that none, or very little of that money goes to the soldiers. It goes to the defense contractors. Increasing military spending has everything to do with the lobbyists and corporations and giving money abroad.

Stream this show from YouTube – Click Here

Banned by Mark Levine

What makes me so scary that people have to hate me in public?  Allen West won’t talk to me. Marco Rubio won’t appear anywhere I’m appearing and now for some reason Mark Levine has banned me from his Facebook page! What gives?  Why? I don’t want to be enemies or be at odds with Mark Levine. I didn’t at attack, or criticize him. I simply posted an article I wrote about Article V and nullification. Can’t we have a real discussion? You don’t like nullification fine! We have too much work to do to be taken by our own pride and bias. I’m just tired of hearing two sides bickering! Why are we so busy beating each other up?

Listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Art House Impeah

The Roots of Liberty, Discs 1, 2 & 3

KrisAnne Hall Presents, The Bill of Rights, Disc 1

KrisAnne Hall Presents The Bill of Rights, Disc 2

KrisAnne Hall Presents The Bill of Rights, Disc 3
