Shedding Light on Insurgency

John Jacob Schmidt from American Redoubt is covering the KrisAnne Hall Show while KrisAnne takes a much needed break. Mix it up a bit and learn some wisdom from another perspective. As always! Liberty First!

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of “The KrisAnne Hall Show” on YouTube

Is Gary Johnson's Platform Constitutional?

Gary Johnson is the Libertarian candidate for president. How does platform measure up to the Constitution?

Alternatively you can listen to “Is Gary Johnson’s Platform Constitutional” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Sorry For the Inconvenience

~Iowa Native. Hillsdale College Student. Aspiring Attorney. Jesus Follower and Kingdom Worker. Avid Reader. Frequent Shopper. Developing Cigar Connoisseur. Pursuer of Truth and Defender of Liberty. The Future of America.~
Taegan has decided to write a blog every day describing the Liberty First life. So, in lieu of our regular #Point2Ponder I will be posting Taegan’s #LifeLibertyLaw blog.
I joked the other day that Taegan is like my Doctor Watson. I find these blogs very entertaining and inspirational.  I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures as much as we love living them. ~ In Liberty, KrisAnne

Think about this, when a computer program fails and the message “sorry for the
inconvenience” pops up on the screen, what do you do? Do you just say “oh well” and quit whatever you were doing? Or, do you figure out what the problem is and continue working? My guess would be the latter. This exact thing happened at tonight’s class when Microsoft Powerpoint unexpectedly turned off. We didn’t just pack up our things and call it a night, the issue was immediately confronted, remedied, and business went on as usual. Yes, the interruption was slightly bothersome, but inconveniences should NEVER impede us from fighting to preserve liberty. I’m sure it wasn’t all that comfortable for our forefathers to fight a war for freedom, but they gave their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor so that we may enjoy the “Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and out Posterity” (Declaration of Independence). Think about that the next time you think it’s too “inconvenient” to call one of your legislators to demand that they comply with the Constitution.

Pursuing truth and defending liberty, always.

-A Devoted Patriot

Is Hillary's Platform Constitutional?

Today we judge Hillary’s platform by the only legitimate measuring stick…The Constitution. How will she fare?

Alternatively you can listen to “Is Hillary’s Platform Constitutional?” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

I'm So Excited, And I Just Can't Hide It

~Iowa Native. Hillsdale College Student. Aspiring Attorney. Jesus Follower and Kingdom Worker. Avid Reader. Frequent Shopper. Developing Cigar Connoisseur. Pursuer of Truth and Defender of Liberty. The Future of America.~
Taegan has decided to write a blog every day describing the Liberty First life. So, in lieu of our regular #Point2Ponder I will be posting Taegan’s #LifeLibertyLaw blog.
I joked the other day that Taegan is like my Doctor Watson. I find these blogs very entertaining and inspirational.  I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures as much as we love living them. ~ In Liberty, KrisAnne

This week I will get to sit in on some classes that I didn’t get to hear during my time in Idaho and Florida. I am thrilled to be able to learn more about constitutional law enforcement, Article V and nullification, the founding mothers, and duties of state and local legislators. These are whole new subjects and classes that I get to be a part of and take thorough notes on (nerdy, I know). I am trying to learn as much as possible during this internship, and there is so much to learn. I want to soak it in like a sponge and really grasp these concepts and principles so that I may be able to spread them myself. KrisAnne Hall cannot possibly reach and educate everyone, but all those who hear her speak are capable of spreading the message. One thing is for sure, I am going to do my part in the fight for liberty. I am not quite sure what exact role I need to play, or what the future has in store, but Liberty First is certainly helping me lay a strong foundation. I am so excited to continue on in the journey of education and liberation, for myself, but also for all those I aspire to reach.

Pursuing truth and defending liberty, always.

-A Devoted Patriot

Is Trump's Platform Constitutional

It’s time that we start holding our candidates up to the proper standard…the Constitution. Today we take The Trump platform and review it with the Constitution in mind. Tomorrow it’s Hillary’s turn.

Alternatively  you can listen to “Is Trump’s Platform Constitutional” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Marijuana, Constitutional President Test

The DOJ was shutdown in its prosecution of federal Marijuana crimes and you need to know who put down the hammer. Also, today we start a series on comparing presidential platforms with the Constitution…the ONLY true test.

Alternatively you can listen to “Marijuana, Constitutional President Test” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Just 3 Things

What can we do to restore the proper operation of our Constitutional Republic? Just 3 things is all we NEED to do and neither Trump nor Hillary can do them for us.

Alternately you can listen to “Just 3 Things” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

In Defense of Liberty, Free Speech

Are you ready to be offended? Are you able to be offended? This is a challenging show…so be prepared! Liberty says you must be offended from time to time and rejoice in your same right to offend!

Alternatively you can listen to “In Defense of Liberty, Free Speech” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Govt Criminalizing Speech, Guns…Again

You don’t have to write a law to criminalize something. Punishment of removal of property and livelihood is the same whether it is a regulation or law. And now they are at it again!

Listen to, “Govt Criminalizing Speech, Guns…Again” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube