Show Assange

04/11 Assange And the Govt Double Std of Law

Show Assange

Assange And the Govt Double Std of Law


Assange is arrested and we will examine the whys and hows
The Supreme Court could hear a case that would give greater government accountability to a system that has been established for decades to protect itself… its called qualified immunity.

Show Hate Speech

4/10 House Judiciary Committee Defining Hate Speech

Show Hate Speech

House Judiciary Committee Defining Hate Speech

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

The House Judiciary Committee held a meeting yesterday to define Hate Speech and set a plan of action for the feds. What the Dems do in this meeting will stun even the most woke mind in America. Hate cannot realistically define hate.

Link to Judicial Committee Meeting:

Art Treaty

Truth About Treaties

Truth About Treaties

by KrisAnne Hall, JD


Constitutionally speaking a treaty is a very specific federal act that must be established under conditions established by the Constitution.  Every “deal” is not a treaty and every treaty is not constitutionally authorized. 

Read more

Show Feinstein Felon

4/08 Electoral College & Feinstein’s Felon

Show Feinstein Felon

Electoral College & Feinstein’s Felon

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Do you want to have a show stopping argument against the National Popular Vote argument? Have you heard of the massive illegal activity of Feinstein’s Felon? That’s why you listen hear! Liberty First!

Show Cliff

4/07 Congress Racing America Off Cliff -Stop It Now!

Show Cliff

Congress Racing America Off Cliff -Stop It Now!

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

If you were in a vehicle racing toward a 1000ft cliff, you wouldn’t step on the gas, but that’s exactly what Our Congress is doing. Time for the people to slam on breaks… and this is how we stop the madness.

Show Willful Ignorance

4/06 My Congressman- Tired of The Willful Ignorance

Show Willful Ignorance  

My Congressman- Tired of The Willful Ignorance

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

I am tired of the willful ignorance. I am tired of the avoidance of accountability. I am tired of the intentional feigning of ignorance… or the arrogant assertion of lies. Time to do something about it… on today’s show.

Show HUD cuts

4/04 Republican-Socialists Clash with Trump

Show HUD cuts

Republican-Socialists Clash with Trump

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!


President Trump offering to cut bloated government and GOP big spenders are not having it. Is this what is meant by bipartisanship? Democrat-socialists and Republican-socialists never met a spending program they didn’t like.

Natl Emerg 1

Learning from Current Events:Declaring National Emergency

Natl Emerg 1

By KrisAnne Hall, JD

When Americans ask questions like “Can the president do…?” “Can the House, Senate, or Supreme Court do…?” the first sources that must be consulted are the Constitution and the people who drafted it. If the Constitution provides no authority for the activity, then the power does not Constitutionally reside in the hands the federal government. So more to the root of the question being asked, “Does the Constitution enumerate a power to the President to declare a state of emergency?

1. Course Preview

2. Class 1: Introduction: Asking the Proper Questions

3. Class 2: Where Does the Power Exist

4. Class 3: What Does the Constitution Say

5. Class 4: Can the Congress Constituionally Delegate their Power?

6. Class 5: Article 4 section 4 & Presidential Power

7. Class 6: Article 4 section 4 part 2

8. Class 7:Conclusion

Natl Emerg 1

Learning from Current Events:Declaring National Emergency

Natl Emerg 1

By KrisAnne Hall, JD

When Americans ask questions like “Can the president do…?” “Can the House, Senate, or Supreme Court do…?” the first sources that must be consulted are the Constitution and the people who drafted it. If the Constitution provides no authority for the activity, then the power does not Constitutionally reside in the hands the federal government. So more to the root of the question being asked, “Does the Constitution enumerate a power to the President to declare a state of emergency?

1. Course Preview

2. Class 1: Introduction: Asking the Proper Questions

3. Class 2: Where Does the Power Exist

4. Class 3: What Does the Constitution Say

5.Class 4 Can the Congress Constituionally Delegate their Power?

6. Class 5: Article 4 section 4 & Presidential Power

7. Class 6:  Article 4 section 4 part 2

8. Class 7: coming April 26, 2019

Enroll Today


Show TSC

4/02 The Security Clearance Distraction& Shutting Down The Border

Show TSC

The New Security Clearance Distraction& Shutting Down The Border

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

JC & I both went through the security clearance testing, we will tell you what exactly all this new “crisis” is all about.
Let’s look at the threat of the border shut down and what it really means for America.
Liberty First