Show Final Mueller

04/20 Mueller Report: Clear Evidence of Media Lies

Show Final Mueller

Mueller Report: Clear Evidence of Media Lies

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube


Now that we have the Mueller Report, let me show you from the text the direct lies of the media. Then, perhaps, we can move on to more important things.

Show Barr Mueller

04/18 Review of Barr Announcement & the Real Big Story of the Day (Not Barr)

Show Barr Mueller

04/18 Review of Barr Announcement & the Real Big Story of the Day (Not Barr)

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

A Liberty First review of the Barr announcement. But perhaps more importantly, something that really should be the big story of the day- a truly bi-partisan thing- and, ironically, the media will be silent.
Hear the William Barr truth, but don’t miss the really important stuff, as well.

Show Yemen

04/17 Twitter Policy Changes, The Constitution on Yemen & Rep Al Green Hate

Show Yemen

Twitter Policy Changes, The Constitution on Yemen & Rep Al Green Hate

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!


Jack, the CEO of Twitter wants to change the way Twitter works. Hear what will that be and why are they doing it…the REAL reasons.
Congress passed a resolution to remove our presence in Yemen & Trump vetoed. Listen to what the Constitution has to say about all of that.
Its hard to believe, but as Rep. Al Green, in a spew of Hate and vitriol- he attempts to condemn in others, the very nature of himself. Wow!  YouTube artificial intelligence is going to HATE this show! ?

Art 21st slavery

21st Century Slavery

21st Century Slavery

by KrisAnne Hall, JD


“Our tax code is the 21st Century version of slavery…the IRS has become the overseer of the American People.”  To many, this seems like an absurd radical statement; but, when you look at this statement from an historical perspective, you might just come to a different conclusion.

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Art Taxation Hated

The Taxation Our Founders Hated

The Taxation Our Founders Hated:

By KrisAnne Hall, JD

In light of all the distortions and half-truths that are constantly repeated, let’s be clear –what sparked the ire of our founders was not taxes; it was tyranny. Their theme was not simply Taxed Enough Already – it was Tyrannized Enough Already. Their tolerance for tyranny was taxed to the max – that’s the taxation the founders could no longer take.

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Art Robin

The Income Tax is Immoral and Unconstitutional – and Not (Just) for the Reason You Think

The following is a guest article written by our friend Robin Koerner.  This article was first published in 2015.  I am republishing it now, because regardless of who is in the executive office and the size of your “refund” check, the truth remains the same…


The Income Tax is Immoral and Unconstitutional – and Not (Just) for the Reason You Think

By Robin Koerner

Art Robin

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Show Bernie Socialist

04/14 Breaking! Bernie Sanders is Not a Socialist

Show Bernie Socialist

Breaking! Bernie Sanders is Not a Socialist

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Bernie Sanders is NOT a socialist, by his own admission. Listen now to how this revelation is throwing millennial neo-socialists into a complete mental tailspin!

Show Free Press Assange

04/13 Assange: Is This Truly An Attack on Freedom of Press?

Show Free Press Assange

Assange: Is This Truly An Attack on Freedom of Press?

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

In today’s show we look at the arrest of Wikileak’s Julian Assange and discuss any threat to Freedom of Press. We also look at a precedent set in our past that will guide us in our discussion.