Texas Governor Abbott & Sanctuary Cities; The Whole Truth Not Told


Texas governor Greg Abbott has signed into law statutes “outlawing” sanctuary cities.  Was he right or wrong in doing so?  Once we know the facts, it will be clear that not only did Abbott not do anything wrong, but had an obligation to do what he did.  Legally speaking, Abbott and the Texas legislators did not actually create any “new” laws.  What they did was create a law to require enforcement of the Constitution and the federal laws already on the books.  Abbott and the Texas legislators did not “outlaw” sanctuary cities, the Constitution and federal law already did that.

The Constitution is a contract between the States that created the federal government.  By this contractual agreement, certain powers were delegated to the federal government and the remaining powers were reserved to the States.  The States, in joining the Union, have agreed to abide by and enforce the terms of the Contract.  Also, in doing so, the States of the Union agree that the powers delegated to the federal government will be respected and enforced by the States as long as the federal government is operating by and through the authority of their power delegated by the Constitution.  By the contractual agreement, through the creation of the Constitutional Contract, every State that enters into the Union agrees to the terms of this Contract.

Article 1 section 8 clause 4 vests into the federal government the power to Congress to make “an uniformed Rule of Naturalization.”   It is therefore, and by contract, within the power of the federal government to create the rules for Naturalization.  This power was delegated to the federal government for very specific reasons.   Previous to the Constitution, there was a significant problem with inconsistent standards for foreign people to become and enjoy the benefits of citizenship.  It is not uniform when the terms vary from State to State.  We needed to establish uniformity amongst the States.  There can be different standards of citizenship for people from different foreign countries, but all the different rules must be enforced with uniformity from State to State.

James Madison, designated by history as the Father of the Constitution, explains the problems these inconsistencies create:

“The very improper power would still be retained by each State, of naturalizing aliens in every other State. In one State, residence for a short term confirms all the rights of citizenship: in another, qualifications of greater importance are required. An alien, therefore, legally incapacitated for certain rights in the latter, may, by previous residence only in the former, elude his incapacity; and thus the law of one State be preposterously rendered paramount to the law of another, within the jurisdiction of the other.” Fed #42

Madison is explaining that one State’s laws cannot bind those people of another State, as each State is separate and independent in their internal affairs.  For example, California laws cannot be made enforceable with in the State of Texas.  If the States were left to create the rules of naturalization, then one State’s rules would not transfer to the next State.  Each foreign person would have to seek citizenship in each individual State, fulfilling potentially different terms each time.  If citizenship is left to a State by State establishment, there would be confusion throughout the world on what it would take to become a citizen.

What if each State were required to honor the terms of citizenship of the other State, perhaps through Article 4 section 1, “full faith and credit?”  This brings about a series of problems that Madison also brings to our attention in Federalist 42:

“By the laws of several States, certain descriptions of aliens, who had rendered themselves obnoxious, were laid under interdicts inconsistent not only with the rights of citizenship but with the privilege of residence. What would have been the consequence, if such persons, by residence or otherwise, had acquired the character of citizens under the laws of another State, and then asserted their rights as such, both to residence and citizenship, within the State proscribing them? Whatever the legal consequences might have been, other consequences would probably have resulted, of too serious a nature not to be provided against.”

Madison is reminding us about a problem they were having when some States were creating very lax rules of naturalization; allowing people the benefits of citizenship who were actually hostile to the principles that established the Liberty of these States.  When those people, who were unfriendly to the principles of Liberty, obtained citizenship in one State, they would attempt to force other States to honor their citizenship.  Because these States had higher standards of citizenship, they were refusing to do so.  This created several serious problems.

According to Madison, the danger of States allowing people hostile to the principles of America to obtain the benefits of citizenship would created a cascade of serious of problems dangerous to our foundational principles.  Once these “obnoxious” aliens obtain the “benefits of residency” they will possess the power to vote, occupy office, make laws within that State. Finally, with all these powers asserted, these “obnoxious” aliens will exercise a certain degree of influence and control over the federal government, as well.  Madison describes this as bringing about consequences of “too serious a nature not to be provided against.” Fed #42

The whole purpose of creating the federal government was to create a uniform voice for the States in the matters of foreign affairs.  The federal government also holds the responsibility to exercise their authority with the “general welfare” all the States equally in mind while ensuring that people who will threaten the “common defense” and “domestic tranquility” will not be permitted to exercise the benefits of citizenship.

Madison explains that it was for these reasons that the power of naturalization was delegated to the federal government; to prevent these “serious” consequences from becoming a reality.

“The new Constitution has accordingly, with great propriety, made provision against them, and all others proceeding from the defect of the Confederation on this head, by authorizing the general government to establish a uniform rule of naturalization throughout the United States.”

The power of uniform rules of naturalization was delegated to the federal government so the States will have the ability to agree, through their representatives in the House and Senate, on the uniformed rules to be respected and enforced throughout the States.  By contract, each State is now bound by those rules established pursuant to the Constitution.  Sanctuary cities are unilaterally and illegally breaking the terms of the Constitutional contract established by each of the 50 States.

Because these sanctuary cities are refusing to abide by the uniform rules of naturalization they are actually asserting that their laws are superior to the laws of every other State in the Union; that a city can now dictate to the entire Union the terms and benefits of citizenship upon any alien, obnoxious or otherwise, as they so choose.  Sanctuary cities are the real-time manifestation of the “too serious consequences” Madison said the designers of our Constitution intended to prevent.  The States that allow their cities to go rogue, are acting in concert to violate the terms of the Constitution and they must ultimately bear the responsibility of enforcing the terms of the contract they agreed to.

Sanctuary cities are not only acting unconstitutionally, they are also acting unlawfully.  In accordance with Article 1 section 8 clause 4, Congress has created legal penalties for those who knowingly or recklessly disregard the rules of naturalization and “conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, or attempt to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection… transport, or move or attempt to transport or move” or to even “encourage or induce” an illegal alien “to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowingly or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law.” (8 US Code 1324)  It is not only a crime to actually commit these offenses, but it is a crime to even attempt to do so. Anyone found guilty of violating 8 US Code 1324 is subject to fines, prison or both. However, if it can be proven that this person has committed this act for personal gain, the fines go up and the prison sentence can be as much as ten years.

Sanctuary cities also violate 8 US Code 1611 which sets forth specific federal benefits that cannot be given to illegal aliens.

(NOTE: there is an exception for emergency services in this section)

Section 1611 defines a benefit as follows:

“(A) any grant, contract, loan, professional license, or commercial license provided by an agency of the United States or by appropriated funds of the United States; and

(B) any retirement, welfare, health, disability, public or assisted housing, postsecondary education, food assistance, unemployment benefit, or any other similar benefit for which payments or assistance are provided to an individual, household, or family eligibility unit by an agency of the United States or by appropriated funds of the United States.”

Additionally, the entire time these illegal aliens are living in these sanctuary cities they will not only be receiving benefits, these cities will be encouraging other illegal aliens to come into the United States while housing, feeding, transporting, and shielding them from prosecution for violating federal immigration laws.

Now, if these sanctuary cities were a person, what would be the punishment for the above violations? The law states:

“for each alien in respect to whom a violation of this [law] occurs…be fined in accordance with title 18 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; or…

Any person who, during any 12-month period, knowingly hires for employment at least 10 individuals with actual knowledge that the individuals are aliens described in subparagraph (B) shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both.”

Finally, if granting these benefits to illegal aliens “was done for the purpose of commercial advantage or private financial gain” then the punishment is fines under title 18, “imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.”

These sanctuary cities have made it clear that they are not going to follow the law.  It is now the obligation of their States to enforce the terms of the Constitution and ensure the enforcement of immigration laws.  It is the obligation of the executive branch of the federal government to ensure that these laws are faithfully executed.  It is the obligation of our Congress to ensure that federal money is not spent by these sanctuary cities in their efforts to disregard the law.

As America engages in this discussion over sanctuary cities, I would hope that these matters of Constitution, law, fact, and history would dominate the narrative.

Train Them Up


As an educator, I think the most frustrating thing that I see in America today is the near complete abandon of Liberty by an entire generation of people. I read a statistic the other day a statistic that claimed nearly 40% of the generation we refer to as “millennials” believe that speech ought to be regulated by government.  Apparently they believe that speech that offends, speech that makes people angry, or just speech they simply do not like, ought to be regulated…by the government.

Freedom of speech is one of the most bedrock principles of Liberty and one of the first things that the founders of our America defended.  Silence Dogood letter #8, penned by Benjamin Franklin in 1722, shows us just how important this Right of the people is to the defense of all Liberty.

“Without Freedom of Thought, there can be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no such Thing as publick Liberty, without Freedom of Speech; which is the Right of every Man, as far as by it, he does not hurt or controul the Right of another: And this is the only Check it ought to suffer, and the only Bounds it ought to know.”

Freedom of speech is the foundation upon which the Committees of Correspondence were formed, the Sons of Liberty could not have influenced the people without freedom of speech, and Daniel Webster claimed;

“If all my possessions were taken from me with one exception, I would choose to keep the power of communication, for by it I would soon regain all the rest.”

Face it, without a firm understanding in the importance of free speech and the essential free exercise of that speech, our States of America would not exist as governments separate from Great Britain.

But now we appear to have a generation of people who have become so detached from these principles they have no clue as to why they are important and why they must be defended.  I don’t suppose we should be too shocked.  This was an inevitable outcome once we turned education over to government control.  Government and Liberty are enemies.  People in power always want more power, that is a self-evident truth.  Those people cannot have power if those in society are free to exercise their Liberty.

“This sacred Privilege (freedom of speech) is so essential to free Governments, that the Security of Property and the Freedom of Speech always go together; and in those wretched Countries where a Man cannot call his Tongue his own, he can scare call any Thing else his own.  Whoever would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation, must begin by subduing the Freeness of Speech; a Thing terrible to Publik Traytors.” Silence Dogood #8

However, Freedom of speech not only means you can criticize those in power, it means you have a duty to do so.  Freedom of speech means that you can publicly oppose the government’s activity.  Freedom of speech means you can challenge the status quo and expose the traitor and hypocrite.  This, as Franklin pointed out, is not what those in government want happening openly and freely.

“That Men ought to speak well of their Governours is true, while their Governours deserve to be well spoken of; but to do a publick Mischief, without hearing of it, is only the Prerogative and Felicity of Tyranny: A free People will be shewing that they are so, by their Freedom of Speech.”

So how do you get an entire generation who are more than willing to hand over to those in power the authority to control and regulate this most essential and vital freedom?  You train them up in the way of the government so when they get older, that is the way they want to go.  You let government establish the curriculum.  You let those in power rewrite the history.  You teach the youth that they have a right to be happy, comfortable, and safe.  Then you fail to the teach the Liberty principles that established the proper limits of government.  You fail to teach that although Liberty is not comfortable or easy, it is necessary keep from falling into slavery.  Samuel Adams wrote:

“No people will tamely surrender their Liberty nor be easily subdued when knowledge is diffuse and virtue is preserved.  On the Contrary, when the People become universally ignorant and debauched in their manners, they will sink underneath their own weight without the aid of foreign invaders.”

Not too long ago Americans were having a discussion about freedom of speech and political cartoons.  Can we “allow” people to draw cartoons of Mohammed and Islam, even though some find that offensive?  It was unfortunate that the discussion was driven by a fear of Islamic Extremism taking over America.  How I would love to see that discussion erupt over some challenging political cartoons about our Congressmen and supreme Court Justices.  If truth be told, and accepted, the American education system, mainstream media, all working in collusion with Washington DC, have all effectuated more damage on the freedom of speech than Isis could ever hope for.

Popular speech needs no protection.  It is the speech that offends, the speech that challenges, the speech that makes us feel bad that requires our protection.  If we allow government to regulate speech because someone classifies it as “hate” or “offensive,” what happens when government is in charge of creating the meanings and definitions necessary to enforce those law?  These regulations may start off as something society feels to be reasonable.  The consequence of a law that seems like a “reasonable” restriction upon Liberty so that others can feel safe, is those in power possessing a greater to oppress.  History proves that it will not be long before government will define these regulations to protect the oppressor and the tyrant.  We must not only tolerate speech that offends us, we must protect it.  It is the only way to to protect all Liberty.  The Liberty you deny others, will be the Liberty lost to you.

“An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” Thomas Paine, The First Principles of Government

Samuel Adams gave us another jewel of wisdom when he said, “Let us remember, if we tamely suffer a lawless attack upon our Liberty, we encourage it and involve others in our doom.  It is a serious consideration that should weigh heavy upon our hearts that ages and millions yet unborn will be the miserable sharers of our experience.”

For a long time, I though Adams was talking about our acquiescence to the imposed servitude of permits, fees, and regulations imposed upon our rights by government.  But given today’s generations, I am beginning to wonder if his wisdom is broader than that.  Perhaps he was referring to the consequences of lost Liberty when a society of people love government more than they love their freedom; when generations will become more attached to their comfort and prosperity than they are to their inalienable rights.  After all, throughout history, this has always been the ultimate demise of a society people.
This generation of “millennials” has become so deceived by their training that they have become universally ignorant to the very things that make them free.   They are now more addicted to comfort and security than the need to be free-thinking and free-acting people.  They have been taught for so long that government is their teacher, protector, and provider, they no longer have any desire to exercise their natural right to do these things on their own.  In turn they are ready to hand over the power to regulate their natural right to the greatest natural enemy of their rights; the government.

So when we are rolling our eyes and scratching our heads in bewilderment at the anti-liberty, pro- government mentality of our “millennials,” let us remember, Generation X, we trained them up in this way, how else would we expect them to go?

The Executive and Libel Laws

Multi-MSM Headline: Reince Priebus Says WH Wants To Change Libel Laws

Consider the facts:

There are no federal libel laws.  Libel laws are laws created by the States.  Libel is a limit upon speech and is not only not a power delegated to the federal government, but is also a power expressly forbidden by the 1st  Amendment.

“Congress shall make no laws prohibiting the freedom of speech or the free exercise of religion, the freedom of speech shall not be abridged, nor the freedom of press, the right to peaceably assemble, nor the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

Because this power was not delegated to the federal government, it is expressly reserved to the States.  If the federal government, whether it be the executive branch (the White House) or Congress, codified or interfered with a State libel law, it would be completely unconstitutional.  Additionally, law making is a power delegated and reserved to the Legislative Branch.  Therefore, the executive branch, i.e. the executive branch, cannot make libel laws, much less change them.

The supreme Court, however, involved itself in a case of State law libel in 1964, (New Times, Co. v. Sullivan).  In this case, the supreme Court opined that public officials could win a suit for libel only when they could prove the media knew the information was wholly and patently false or that it was published “with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.”  The supreme Court has even said that libel and slander are not valid suits when the information is so ridiculous as to be patently false, as in the case of satire.  Perhaps Reince Priebus wants the supreme Court to change the way State libel laws are written?  Wouldn’t that be political or judicial activism?

There are serious consequences for allowing the federal government to exercise a power not delegated.   Alexander Hamilton, warned us to not allow unconstitutional laws created by Congress to have the force of law.

“No law, therefore, contrary to the Constitution can be valid…would allow men by virtue of powers to not only do what they are not permitted to do, but also what they are forbidden.” Fed #78

As Hamilton warns, to allow a federal libel law to have the force of law would be to create an unlimited government:

“There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void.…To deny this, would be to affirm that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.”  Federalist #78

To allow either Congress, the White House, or even the supreme Court to create a law governing this speech, would be to allow the federal government to at best circumvent and at worst disregard the Constitution completely.

Modern America is not a brave new world and the issue of federal libel was not unknow territory for our founders.  In 1688, their executive branch, a king by the name of James II, enforced a libel law that prohibited the church leadership from criticizing the king from the pulpit.  This version of libel was particularly egregious as it made any criticism subject to imprisonment, even if the criticism was based in fact.  The law established that truth was no defense.  In this day, the majority of the courts were more than happy to do the bidding of the executive branch and seven bishops were prosecuted for seditious libel. The enforcement of this law, among several other things, brought about the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the end of the reign of James II.

Benjamin Franklin, writing as Silence Dogood in 1722, reciting the history of James II, made this comment about freedom of speech and press;

“Whoever would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation, must begin by subduing the Freeness of Speech; a Thing terrible to Publick Traytors.” Dogood Letter #8

The drafters of our Constitution knew very well the consequences of allowing the central government to create laws that limit the criticism of government.  This history is particularly why they did not delegate this power to the central government and why it was expressly forbidden in the Bill of Rights.  Let us not be a people so ignorant of our history that we end up repeating its mistakes.

A New Revelation?





New Revelation about the Declaration Of Independence?

There are some asserting that a recently discovered replica of the Declaration offers new insight on the creation of our federal government and its proper operation.

This newly discovered document is not an original. The experts say it is a after publish reproduction that is not even an accurate copy. But watch how these professional deceivers take these inaccuracies and turn them into “proof” that their lies are true.

The difference between the documents is that in the original document, the names of the signers are grouped by state. In this reproduction, however, the order is jumbled.  The “experts” assert this “new order” is intentional.

“The team hypothesizes that this detail supported efforts, made by Wilson and his allies during the Constitutional Convention and ratification process, to argue that the authority of the Declaration rested on a unitary national people, and not on a federation of states,” Sneff and Allen wrote in the statement.  The argument is that the union was not created by the States but by the people.

There is a popular movement in America to eliminate the control and authority of the States and replace with with a pure democracy. In this movement of federal supremacy, they will (and are) using this reproduction as false evidence of their errant assertions.

The goal is to convince the public of several things:

1. That the States are not a vital part of the United States.

2. That the independence of the colonies was completed by majority vote and not by agreement of the States.

3. By asserting the “people” over the “States” they can undermine the proper operation of our Constitutional Republic and assert that we are a democracy controlled by popular opinion, or “will of the people.”

4. By asserting the will of the people over the States, it destroys the Sovereignty of the States and removes the greatest check on federal power that exists in our Constitutional Republic: The States.

5. By asserting the will of the people over the Constitution itself, eliminates the established legal boundaries of government and allows government to exercise any power or authority that the “will of the people” can desire.

6. By asserting this “will of the people” lie, our government will be tranformed into one with no limits at all; a government driven by majority power; a government where minority groups and those without political power will be nothing but subjects and slaves.

Our Constitutional Republic was not created to ensure the will of the people. Our Constitutional Republic was created to protect us from the will of the people. History proves that power placed into the hands of a majority or powerful always drives the will of the people to a greed for more power and a oppression of the minority and powerless to obtain that goal.

The federal government is to be opposed by the States to the preservation of Liberty and the elimination of State power will result in the complete loss of Liberty.

James Madison, The Father of the Constitution, has some very powerful words that we should take to heart as we contemplate this attempt to eliminate the power and relevance of the States.

“…because the state legislatures will jealously and closely watch the operations of this (federal) government, and be able to resist with more effect every assumption of power than any other power on earth can do; and the greatest opponents to a federal government admit the state legislatures to be sure guardians of the people’s liberty.”

The academic elite have ignored history and the available writings of the drafters of the Declaration and Constitution for decades.  Why would they be so excited about this 250+ year old document?

There are those who want to increase federal power and establish federal supremacy in America.  They are federal supremacists. These federal supremacists know what Madison said is true, that the States are the greatest protector of the people’s Liberty and the greatest opponents on earth to federal power.

Federal supremacists need to discredit the established power of the States to eliminate this powerful opponent to achieve their goal. They know they cannot do it by the sword. But they know they don’t have to, they have a more powerful weapon, the power of academic deception.

What is most telling about this deception is that the full body of the Declaration of Independence remains unchanged in this reproduction. The only change is in the signature section.  These deceivers are intentionally ignoring the truth of text and isolating the error to prove their errant points.  It is what we call a “red herring,” a falacy of logic.
I am, however, encouraged by this effort.  This red herring proves that the federal supremacists are becoming very worried about their power.  They are beginning to realize an awakening of truth is happening in America and their reign of control is in jeopardy.  I feel blessed to be a small part of that awakening!  You can join in the power of truth, too!
To speak truth we must know truth. To speak truth with boldness we need to be confident in the truth. Its not just enough to know. We MUST SPEAK.

Start learning the truth by watching this video: https://www.c-span.org/video/?422676-2/sovereign-duty

Become proficient in the truth and be a steadfast warrior in the battle for Liberty by reading this book: https://sovereignduty.com/product/sovereign-duty/

Taking Jesus At His Word

I hope you enjoy this guest article as much as I did.  Be blessed on this remembrance of His Resurrection!~ KrisAnne
Taking Jesus at His Word-
A Resurrection Day Lesson from History ~ Pstr. Aaron Turner Fellowship Baptist Church, Lake City, FL
Luke 24:21 But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things happened.
The day was Resurrection Day. The place was on the road to Emmaus. Two of the disciples were walking together carrying on a conversation about what had transpired in the previous three days.
They had seen the mighty deeds of the Lord Jesus, they had heard his mighty words and they had believed that he was going to redeem Israel. But instead of delivering Israel from the bondage to Rome, Jesus was delivered to the Romans to be crucified. And they were greatly discouraged.
As they were walking a Stranger drew near to them and started walking with them. The stranger was the resurrected Christ but they didn’t recognize Him.
He asked why they were so sad. They told Him about His own crucifixion. They told Him how they had hoped in Him. They even told Him how the women in their group had alleged that He was alive. But they obviously didn’t believe it.
This Stranger then said to them, “O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? (Luke 24:25-26). He then gave them a Bible lesson about Himself from the Old Testament.
Why did he charge them with unbelief? Because on three different occasions before his crucifixion he had told them exactly what was going to happen.
Matt. 16:21 From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. (See also Matt. 17:23 and Matt.20:19)
If they had taken Jesus at His Word instead of being sad on the third day, they would have been excited! Instead of being on the road to Emmaeus, they would have been camped out at the tomb in anticipation of His coming out!
So often we too are guilty of not taking Jesus at His Word and are therefore sad and anxious.
He tells is not to anxious about our needs being met because Our Father is going to supply them (Matt 6:25ff) Yet we worry. He tells us that if we ask anything in His name he will hear us and answer us (John 13:14-15) and yet we fail to pray. There are other examples that we could give but space will not permit.
Where would you have been on that day? Would you have been walking sadly on the road to Emmaeus or would you have been excitedly waiting outside the tomb in anticipation of Christ’s Resurrection?
Rom. 15:13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.
We see little because we believe little. Be blessed! ~KrisAnne

Presidential Power Over Immigration

Does the President have authority over immigration?  That question cannot be answered by quoting a particular article, section, and clause.  Only application of proper Constitutional principles will answer that question.

First, we must consider whether immigration is a power even delegated to the federal government.  The answer to that question is yes and no.  The authority to create “an uniform Rule of Naturalization” is vested in the federal government.  However, not everything our federal government currently considers as immigration falls under this delegation.

The power over foreign immigration is delegated through Article 1 section 8 clause 4; “To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization.”   Because it is delegated under Article 1, we know this power is specifically vested in Congress.  Separation of powers dictates that since the power to establish this Rule is rests in Congress, it cannot be exercised by any other branch.  We can see that the executive branch cannot ESTABLISH the Rule of Naturalization, but what authority does the President have over the naturalization process?

Article 2, section 1, clause 8 tells us the Oath each President must take before he enters into office.  This oath lays the foundation for all executive power:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

The President’s primary responsibility is to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”  To fulfill this obligation, the President must exercise the powers delegated to the executive branch, but he also must refuse to exercise any power not delegated.  To exercise power not delegated is destructive to the Constitution and a violation of his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.

Article 2, section 2, clause 1 lists powers delegated to the executive branch as follows:

  1. Commander in Chief upon declaration of war by Congress;
  2. Opinions in Writing to Congress; and
  3. Reprieves and Pardons except in cases of impeachment.

Article 2, section 2, clauses 2 and 3 continue the list powers delegated to the executive branch:

  1. Treaties with consent of Senate; and
  2. Nominations of certain officers.

Article 2, section 3 concludes the list powers delegated to the executive branch:

  1. State of the Union to Congress;
  2. Under extraordinary circumstances convene Congress;
  3. Receive Ambassadors and other “public Ministers;”
  4. “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed;” and
  5. Commission all the Officers of the United States.

Although there is no mention of a power over naturalization delegated to the President, it is under the second to last clause of Article 2, section 3 that the President’s authority over all Laws is established.  The President must “take Care” that these “Laws” be faithfully executed; that would include the uniform Rule of Naturalization established by Congress under Article 1, section 8, clause 4.

It is significant to note that in Article 2, section 3 the word “Laws” is capitalized.  This means this terms is referring to specific laws, not just laws in general.  How do we know which “Laws” the President is required to faithfully execute?  We must cross reference this section with the section of the Constitution that defines which Laws are valid pursuant to the Constitution; Article 6, section 2.

“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”

Congress is not authorized to create any law they can imagine nor can they constitutionally establish any law they can get passed by a majority vote and signed by a President.  Congress is limited in their law-making authority to laws that are “made in Pursuance” to the Constitution.  If a power has not been specifically delegated by enumeration to Congress, then the law is unconstitutional.  Alexander Hamilton gives the best explanation of Article 6 section 2 and also offers up a few words of warning:

“There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid.” Fed #78

Hamilton is simply explaining that if any legislative act that uses a power not delegated, that law is invalid; it is no law at all.  However, there are consequences to ignoring this essential doctrine.

“To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.” Fed #78

To allow Congress the authority to create any law they can conceive or any law they can pass through majority, would be to destroy the limited nature of government and establish an arbitrary power transforming our federal government into masters and the people into subjects.  If a legislative act is not rooted in a delegate power, it is not made in pursuance to the Constitution and is no law at all.  In such a case, an essential check and balance upon legislative authority would be the executive’s refusal to execute such a law.  Remember, the President’s oath is to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution” not preserve, protect, and defend all legislative acts.  The only obligation the President has to a legislative act is to execute only those laws that are made in Pursuance to the Constitution.

Applying these principles, we can see refugee status is not a power delegated to the federal government.  Refugee status is not uniformed and it is not a pathway to Naturalization, therefore the United States Refugee Act is an unconstitutional legislative act.

Therefore, the power the President has over “immigration” is limited to what is established by the Constitution.  The President cannot establish new rules of Naturalization.  He cannot issue waivers to overturn rules of Naturalization that are established in compliance with the Constitution.   The President must faithfully execute the uniform Rule of Naturalization constitutionally created by Congress.  And, the President must also uphold his oath and exercise his duty of checks and balances by refusing to execute any “immigration” laws not made in Pursuance to the Constitution: e.g. congressionally established Refugee Programs.

Is the legislative act Constitutional? The President must faithfully execute.  Is the legislative act unconstitutional? The President must be a check and balance.

Trump's Inauguration: Patriotism without Prejudice?

I hope you enjoy this guest article by our dear friend, Robin Keorner. ~ KrisAnne

Robin Koerner was a British citizen but is now a proud legal citizen of Washington, Unites States of America. He was educated at Cambridge University, from which he holds three degrees. Having taken graduate degrees in physics and philosophy, he never expected to find himself at the cutting edge of American politics.  Learn more about Robin and his mission at http://robinkoerner.com/


A New Citizen and a New President

For me, the inauguration of President Trump is particularly poignant, as the outgoing President was the one under whom I became a citizen,
while the new President was elected in the first election in which I was also able to participate as a new American.

Born British, I moved to the USA when I was 29. In 2009, I became a permanent resident, and last year, after a 12 year odyssey through a Kafkaesque immigration system, I became a citizen.

In my heart and soul, however, I was American a long time ago – a fact of which I became conscious in two experiential flashes. The first made me realize that I was no longer “just” a Brit. After the second, I knew I was American, even though I didn’t yet have the passport to prove it.

Becoming American

The first occurred in Phoenix. I was in the city with a friend when we heard of a liberty-oriented political conference that was being held in the Sheraton hotel there. Being political types, we quietly went down there, and let ourselves into the back of the hall. Scanning what at that time was for me a rather unusual environment, I noticed a participant who was prominently sporting a side-arm.

I was only five years out of Britain at that time, and the instinctive reaction of most Brits, in whose country even the police don’t carry guns, to such a thing would typically be some combination of horror, perplexity and even derision. At the very least, the sense of cultural dissonance would be instinctive. But for me, somewhat surprisingly, that was not the case. Even though I had never shot a handgun, nor had had any interest in firearms, not only did I feel at ease with that man’s carrying his weapon in an indoor environment in which he was not threatened, but – much more than that – I understood why he was doing it, and that the reasons were, of course, decidedly American. The idea that rights un-asserted are lost over time and that a lethal means of self-defense is a right are alien to British culture, so the fact that I didn’t feel in that moment that the carrier of that gun was of a different species — let alone a different culture — was enough for me to register that I my national identity was already becoming more complex, more layered.

However, the moment I knew that I was American was altogether stranger. I was at the top of a mountain in Kyrgyzstan, sitting in a room in a run-down building that had been converted to a classroom for a week. I was there with others to share some of the principles of political and economic liberty with a group young adults whose formative years had come of age in a former Soviet republic. At the time, one of my colleagues, an opera singer, was giving a class. After loosening up the extremely bright but highly skeptical students by getting them to discuss and then sing the Kyrgyz national anthem, he proceeded to sing the American anthem.

The tears started rolling down my face, and they would not stop.

Not only have I never cried for the British anthem: I cannot even imagine any Englishman doing so. Yet, there I was, with nowhere to hide in the front of this rectangular room, crying for the anthem of a country to which technically I did not yet fully belong — but with which spiritually I resonated at the deepest level.

I was taken aback by my deeply emotional response but perhaps should not have been. After all, there were many occasions in the preceding five years of a brutal legal immigration process when it would have been emotionally, financially and practically much easier just to have just given up, but on those occasions I always returned to the simple fact that I already felt at home, and after all, one’s feelings are the language of one’s soul.
In any case, on that day, on a mountaintop in Kyrgyzstan, I knew that, while I was British, I was also an American.

A few months later, I was back in Phoenix, and went to support an Italian friend as he became an American citizen. I imagined myself going through the same ceremony four years later with my own kith and kin in the audience.

I smiled through the whole thing, sharing fellow-feeling with all of the new citizens — not just as Americans, but as people who had overcome similar stresses and uncertainties to achieve their goal of becoming once and for all American.

Yet, one part of the ceremony gave me serious pause. The oath taken by new citizens includes the words,

I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen.

Imagining my mother in the audience, my stomach knotted at how upset she’d be if I renounced where I had come from and the land with which she shall always identify.

I was sufficiently perturbed by the implications of that renunciation that I started googling when I returned home to see what it really meant.

Becoming A Bipatriot

I have no reservation in my commitment to the USA. In fact, I have already done more to “support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America” than many born-and-bred Americans, and I love doing it, because I believe deeply in the founding principles of the United States and the American project. I would take up arms for the USA and I would fight as hard to defend my fellow Americans as I would for my fellow Brits.

Indeed, to me, my British-to-American narrative is a rather special one in that it follows America’s historical narrative, and to me, much of what is best about the American character and foundation is an evolution, perhaps even a higher expression, of British values and political traditions. (In his poem, “England and America in 1782“, Tennyson explains it better than I can.)

Indeed, my pride in those British gifts underpins my pride in the Americans who fought the revolution and wrote the Constitution to save and improve on those same gifts as they were being trampled in “the motherland”.

Britain formed me. America is what I have chosen to do with how I am formed. Renouncing one for the other would be like renouncing being a son to become a husband — or like renouncing my first child when my second is born. Doing either would be absurd and false. As with two sons, so with two countries: I love both, delight in the success of both, am pained by the falling short of both, and get to celebrate the fact that love is not diluted when it is doubled.

For those reasons and others, I was glad to learn that my renunciation of Britain in the USA carries no weight in Britain, and that even in American law, I can be both American and British.

Thank God for that. I am impatient to embrace America fully, and commit to my new countrymen, but if I really had to choose between an American identity and a British one, I’d be overwhelmed by the unreality of that choice.

So I am a bipatriot, if I might coin a term, and it is a wonderful thing to be.

Just as people who can think in different languages benefit from a certain intellectual and emotional abundance, so do we bipatriots. We have an enriched identity, a more colorful sense of self. We get to see issues — especially political, philosophical and cultural — in very different ways, but in each way clearly. Not only is that exciting; it hopefully gives us something different to contribute to our adoptive country.

Happily, another British-born Americaphile inadvertently helped me understand why bipatriotism makes sense: Daniel Hannan, a British Member of the European Parliament has said,

Patriotism is what makes people behave unselfishly. It’s the basis of our sense of obligation to those around us. A patriot doesn’t belittle other countries: he cheers their sense of national pride, and values their freedom.

Indeed. And I am blessed, like the parent of two children, to have twice the pride

But the skeptical reader might still ask whom would I support in a world-cup soccer final between the US and the UK (choosing soccer only because it’s one of the few team sports that are seriously played by both nations), as the answer to that question would no doubt cut to my deepest allegiance. Upon introspection, I am delighted to find that in that game, my team never loses.

Prejudice Against Patriotism Is as Damaging as Patriotism with Prejudice

I didn’t vote for the President who was sworn in today, and I was not expecting to be much taken by his speech – but I was struck by one line in particular:

When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.

That made me recall Hannan, above, and it is the kind of patriotism of which my bipatriotism is made. It is also the patriotism of individual liberty on which our nation – my new home – was founded.

I hope it truly is the patriotism of our new President, and of those who have supported him. Our future depends heavily on it.

But just as importantly, I hope that those who have justified their opposition to our new President as a way of expressing, so they say, their lack of prejudice, will extend that lack of prejudice to those who are inspired by country, its history, and its founding ideals, and so call themselves patriots. Our future depends heavily on that too.


Direct Taxation, Part 2

Article 1 section 2 clause 3 establishes that all taxation must be collected by direct apportionment to the States through a census of the population.

“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers… The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.”

This section of the Constitution secured to the people the ultimate power and protection against an unlimited central government by putting the States in control of the federal purse through the consent of the people.  Government is easier controlled at the local level.  James Madison, the Father of our Constitution, reminded the Constitutional delegates in 1788, the power of the purse is historically the “most effectual” and complete power of the people to control government.  Therefore, keeping that essential power at the State level gave the people greater control to prevent misappropriation of funds on the federal level.

“This power over the purse may, in fact, be regarded as the most complete and effectual weapon with which any constitution can arm the immediate representatives of the people, for obtaining a redress of every grievance, and for carrying into effect every just and salutary measure… finally reducing, as far as it seems to have wished, all the overgrown prerogatives of the other branches of the government.” Fed #58

Thanks to a bipartisan move, endorsed and encouraged by two Republican Presidents and Republican Congressmen, this essential check and balance was stripped from the people, creating an uncontrollable central government limited only by its own whims and desires.

The history of our independence from Great Britain proves this essential truth; taxation was to be left to the control of the people.  Our founders saw the power to tax as a direct and unlimited power to oppress.

“But if our Trade may be taxed why not our Lands?  Why not the Produce of our Lands and every thing we possess or make use of? This we apprehend annihilates our Charter Right to govern and tax ourselves…are we not reduced from the Character of free Subjects to the miserable State of tributary slaves?”  Samuel Adams May 15, 1764

Adams knew an axiomatic truth:  if the central government could assume the power to lay taxes on whatever they choose, they would soon over take the common Rights of the people, thus creating an unlimited government, and subjecting the people to complete despotism.  The designers of our Constitutional Republic wanted to ensure that this history would not repeat in the new, independent America.   They knew that if the central government could take money directly from our pockets, not only would we have no immediate recourse but it would be theft.  Therefore it is ridiculous to even assert that our founders would have endorsed or even tolerated our current form of income tax.

“I think the Parliament of Great Britain hath no more Right to put their hands into my Pocket, without my consent, than I have to put my hands into your’s, for money…”  George Washington

It is only through this direct theft that our current government has been able to grow exponentially.  If the people were still in control of taxation through the protective mechanism of apportionment to the States there would be no funding for the multitude of federal offices that plague the Liberties of the People.  The States would naturally refuse to supply the federal government with the money demanded for services that are not authorized by the Constitution.  This was to serve as the ultimate check and balance on federal power.

“when all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the centre of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another…If the States look with apathy on this silent descent of their government into the gulf which is to swallow all, we have only to weep over the human character formed uncontrollable but by a rod of iron…” Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson also knew the power to control the purse of government was an essential Right of the people and continually asserted that a refusal to pay taxes was not treason or sedition but a mechanism of petitioning the government for a redress of grievances.

“That this privilege of giving or of withholding our monies, is an important barrier against the undue exertion of prerogative, which if left altogether without control, may be exercised to our great oppression; and all history shews how efficacious is its intercession from redress of grievances, and re-establishment of rights, and how improvident it would be to part with so powerful a mediator.”  Thomas Jefferson to Lord North 1775

Since we have failed to teach the facts that led to our independence from Great Britain, the American people have been brainwashed into believing that income tax is actually “fair” when the complete opposite is true.  It is because of the established income tax and the inability of the people to remove their consent to spending that we have the overgrowth in government that we have.  James Madison has explained that this power in the hands of the people is to ultimately and “finally reducing, as far as it seems to have wished, all the overgrown prerogatives of the other branches of the government.” Fed #58

Our designers of our Constitutional Republic were no strangers to government overgrowth, the Declaration of Independence lists government overgrowth as a symptom of “complete despotism.”

“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.”

It is absurd to assert that these people would seek to remedy a problem that required the most drastic measure of separation from their government by creating the opportunity for their newly designed government to exercise a power they deemed despotic!

Read Direct Taxation Part 1 Here

Direct Taxation

Abraham Lincoln Direct TaxationDuring the “Civil War,” politicians figured out a whole new source of revenue…the individual American income.  If they could pull it off, it would invariably be the most consistent revenue stream the American government had ever experienced.  All that was needed was to convince the people that this “inconvenience” was not only necessary, but limited and temporary to meet an immediate need.  Enacted in 1862, this income tax was collected with the consent of the people to fund the War, was limited by income, assessed upon those who made $600 or more a year, and would expire after a set period.

But as we have learned, a power once assumed by government is never temporary and will always increase exponentially.  In 1894 Senator John Sherman, a Republican from Ohio, argued that this “temporary” tax should be made permanent.  He argued that the mechanism of consumption taxes were not “fair” and that the burden of the debt should not rest equally upon the poor, but upon those who can afford the burden.

“A few years of further experience will convince the body of our people that a system of national taxes which rests the whole burden of taxation on consumption, and not one cent on property or income, is intrinsically unjust. . . . [T]he consumption of the rich does not bear the same relation to the consumption of the poor as the income of the one does to the wages of the other.”

The Civil War Tax would expire in 1870 as planned, but subsequent economic challenges would resurrect the drive to create a permanent income tax solution.  The People’s Party would bring the discussion back into the public arena, but it would be the Republican Party, through Presidents Roosevelt and Taft and several key Congressmen who would give this unconstitutional measure its life, with bipartisan support by the Democrat party.

In 1906 President Theodore Roosevelt stated that a “graduated income tax of the proper type would be a desirable feature of federal taxation, and it is to be hoped that one may be devised which the supreme court will declare constitutional.”  Roosevelt’s successor, William Howard Taft, also appeared to accept the constitutionality and desirability, at least in emergencies, of an income tax. In accepting the Republican nomination in 1908, Taft said, “I believe that an income tax, when the protective system of customs and the internal revenue tax shall not furnish enough for governmental needs, can and should be devised which, under the decisions of the Supreme Court, will conform to the Constitution.”

Furthermore, many Republicans had come to Congress willing to join with Democrats and any remaining Populists to push for an income tax.  Even the Republicans were trashing the consumption tax as “unfair” and pushing for a more “balanced” approach to taxation that put the burden of taxation on those who could “afford it.”

Sen. Cummins, a Republican from Iowa said, “[A]n income tax, levied upon those who ought to bear the burdens of government, . . . will meet even that principle more perfectly than to levy duties upon things that the people must use, and impose the weight of government only by the rule of consumption.”

The question remained, would there be a tax by legislation or a tax by Constitutional Amendment?   In a full on bipartisan push for income tax, Senators Joseph W. Bailey of Texas, a Democrat, and Albert B. Cummins of Iowa, a Republican, both introduced legislation to add an income tax provision, modeled on the 1894 statute, to a tariff bill.  The supreme Court would be an insurmountable obstacle to this measure as this court had repeatedly deemed direct income tax by legislation to be unconstitutional.

President Taft weighed in with support for a constitutional amendment, stressing, among other things, the desirability of “stability of judicial construction of the Constitution.  Instrumental in the push for a Constitutional Amendment was Republican Senator Norris Brown of Nebraska. Senator Brown would bring in greater support for the Amendment by proposing the following Amendment language: “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes and inheritances.”  Although many did not like the proposal it gave a starting point for real discussion.  The final push for support would come on June 16 when President Taft gave support to a constitutional amendment. The next day, June 17, with the president now on the side of a constitutional amendment, Senator Brown tried again, proposing the following language: “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect direct taxes on incomes without apportionment among the several States according to population.”  The joint resolution containing the Amendment passed unanimously in the Senate (77- 0), and in the House a week later, after about four hours’ debate, by a vote of 318 to 14.

Let us be reminded that the initial arguments of war time necessity and temporary implementation are completely out the door.  These politicians, both Republican and Democrat, had now devised a way to direct tax the people, contrary to Article 1 section 2 clause 3 of the Constitution.  They have nullified the Constitution and ignored the supreme Court opinions declaring such acts as unconstitutional.  With no “emergency” need and no way of ending this intrusion, the only the justification behind the actions of these legislators that remains is the desire to permanently enrich the government in a way that our founders concluded to be complete despotism.

Read Part 2 of Direct Taxation and learn the intent of the founders established within the Constitution: http://bit.ly/DirectTaxPt2

Congress Seeks To Establish Ministry of Truth!


UPDATE:  Although we were able to defeat this piece of legislation the first time around, Thornberry and his co-sponsors were able to sneak it through in the next session and The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act was signed into law.  The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance, the consequence of inattention is tyranny.  ~ KrisAnne


Once again, the National Defense Authorization Act is used as a Trojan horse to unload  a dangerous threat on America.  This time it is offered up in an amendment sponsored by Representative Thornberry from Texas and its called Dissemination of Information Abroad.  This bill has also been referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs as a separate bill titled HR 5736, The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012. This bill will overturn a prohibition that has been in place since 1948 and make it possible for the US Government to fund the dissemination of propaganda to influence American citizens.

Immediately, the question comes up, why should we care?  Isn’t domestic propaganda something that this administration has been engaging since 2008? Would any of us disagree that the mainstream media is a tool of this administration?  Read on and see just why there should be national outrage over this bill.

Woodrow Wilson established the Committee on Public Information through an executive order with the purpose of influencing American public opinion toward supporting the US involvement in World War I. The man appointed to be the chairman over this committee was George Creel, a well renowned investigative journalist and editor of the Rocky Mountain News.

In 1942, FDR established the United States Office of War Information by executive order to “truthfully inform” the American people about the government’s efforts in World War II.  FDR appointed Elmer Davis, a well-known CBS News analyst, as director of OWI.  Davis’ job was to coordinate information from the military and mobilize public support of the war.  OWI was to create an avenue for the government to develop and disseminate the information that they believed people needed to know about the war.

“Our job at home is to give the American people the fullest possible understanding of what this war is about …not only to tell the American people how the war is going, but where it is going and where it came from.” Elmer Davis. AP/Wide World

In 1946 Rep. Sol Bloom (D-NY) introduced a bill that would grant the Secretary of State the power to give monetary, service, or property grants to nonprofit public and private corporations to prepare and disseminate informational materials.  Although this act was intended to disseminate information abroad, there were no limitations to keep it from being used upon the American people and opposition began to form.  After having lived through two regimes of government propaganda and having seen the effects of such government propaganda machines as Joseph Goebbels’ Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, Congress decided this was not something they wanted to engage in.

An AP Press Release stated “government cannot engage in news casting without creating the fear of propaganda which necessarily would reflect the objectivity of the news services from which such news casts are prepared.”

The Bloom Bill passed the house, but failed in the Senate.  In 1948, the Smith-Mundt Act was passed with three key limitations on the government.  The first and most well-known restriction was originally a prohibition on domestic dissemination of materials intended for foreign audiences by the State Department.  This restriction has been supported by the courts even in the face of freedom of information act challenges.  In November 1996 the federal District Court in Washington, D.C., ruled that the material under the Smith-Mundt Act is not to be available, applying the Freedom of Information Act’s Exemption 3 to block access.

The Smith-Mundt Act is now found in 22 USC 1461-1a titled, Ban on domestic activities by United States Information Agency. The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 is set to change all of that.  This act does several very destructive things.  First, it puts the President’s Board of Broadcasting Governors on the same level of authority as the Secretary of State.  The Board of Broadcasting Governors is an independent government agency whose members are appointed by the President and whose sole function is to create American propaganda and disseminate this propaganda abroad.

The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 created a limitation for propaganda to be released in the United States. If such propaganda was requested, the information could not be released until 12 years after its publication. This was an additional protection established so that this government created information could not be used to influence current public opinion.  Thornberry’s HR 5736, The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, would preserve that 12 year limitation for all propaganda created prior to the adoption of this act but would remove the limitation for everything created after.  Therefore, you have to wait 12 years to obtain propaganda created in 2010, but propaganda created in 2013 would be immediately available for dissemination domestically.

Finally, although I am sure supporters of this legislation will attempt to tell you that this act has protections built in to prevent the use of propaganda to influence Americans; make no mistake this act fails to ensure that result.  It is true the Act maintains the original prohibition for domestic use.

(a) In General- No funds authorized to be appropriated to the Department of State or the Broadcasting Board of Governors shall be used to influence public opinion in the United States. This section shall apply only to programs carried out pursuant to the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 (22 U.S.C. 1431 et seq.), the United States International Broadcasting Act of 1994 (22 U.S.C. 6201 et seq.), the Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Act (22 U.S.C. 1465 et seq.), and the Television Broadcasting to Cuba Act (22 U.S.C. 1465aa et seq.). This section shall not prohibit or delay the Department of State or the Broadcasting Board of Governors from providing information about its operations, policies, programs, or program material, or making such available, to the media, public, or Congress, in accordance with other applicable law.

However, this new Act adds new language that completely nullifies that prohibition through a couple rather clever loopholes. 

The original Act does not include “program material” in the list of items that must be provided. This is how the courts could decide that the propaganda material was covered under the Freedom Information Act’s section 3 limitations.  The addition of “program material” will now require the actual propaganda to be available through a FOIA request.

As if that was not bad enough, the new Act adds a section “b” that will create the most effective loophole to nullify the prohibition in section (a).

(b) Rule of Construction- Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the Department of State or the Broadcasting Board of Governors from engaging in any medium or form of communication, either directly or indirectly, because a United States domestic audience is or may be thereby exposed to program material, or based on a presumption of such exposure. Such material may be made available within the United States and disseminated, when appropriate, pursuant to sections 502 and 1005 of the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 (22 U.S.C. 1462 and 1437), except that nothing in this section may be construed to authorize the Department of State or the Broadcasting Board of Governors to disseminate within the United States any program material prepared for dissemination abroad on or before the effective date of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.

Section (b) tells the Secretary of State and the Board of Broadcasting Governors that they do not have to worry about the limitation of section (a).  They are to go about business as usual in spite of the fact that this information will be immediately available for domestic distribution.  This creates a loophole the size of the Grand Canyon for these agencies to create propaganda that they know will be distributed domestically and will be used to influence Americans.

So, why should we care? We should care, because this crime against the American people is not being perpetrated by a Socialist President through executive order.  It is CONGRESS authorizing this manipulation.  It is coming from alleged CONSERVATIVE CONGRESSMEN. This act will not only legitimize the heinous manipulation of mainstream media, but will allow Congress to FUND IT with TAX PAYER DOLLARS.

Are you Tyrannized Enough Already?  CONTACT YOUR CONGRESSMEN NOW.