The Commerce Clause

The Commerce Clause is improperly understood by Congress and the executive branch and I’m going to show you in today’s who how the federal government is going to try to use the Commerce Clause to disarm you and to disarm me. First we’ll do a bit of housekeeping and a review of the past few days events, but to give you a bit of a teaser consider this. You’re a police office and you have an uncle whom you want to buy a gift for. So, you decide that you’re going to get him a gun and because you’re an officer of the law you can get one at a discount. Well, you would think that this private transaction is one that the government has not interest in, but the ATF doesn’t think so. They think that the Commerce Clause gives them the right oversee the transaction and the Supreme Court is getting ready to address this issue. So it’s important for you to  know all about the Commerce Clause.

The NSA Hits Just Keep Coming

France and Mexico are now expressing their displeasure with the NSA voyeuristic activities. Good thing that King Barry is the great unifier. What a joke! If you remember Michelle Bachman chastised Justin Amash when he wanted to defund the NSA from spying on United States citizens because in her opinion we only rent, or lease our email and phones we don’t own them..well wonder what she might say now. As far as the debt deal, the good news is that Ted Cruz has not let up and for that I’m thankful. But Jeb Bush is chastising Ted Cruz, imploring him to show a bit of restraint. Are you kidding me? Restraint! If you haven’t looked restraint has not done a thing for us! We got tired of Jeb Bush here in Florida. I mean another Bush on the national stage (or President) is something we need like a root canal!

Zak Carter & Robin Koerner

Broadcasting from California talking with a couple of liberty lovers to start the morning off with. Zak Carter is an army veteran, liberty lover and has been very active creating new media networks. In 2012 he was part of the team that brought the 3rd party candidates to the discussion and he’s now working on a new project called Open Debates 2016 at to  help break the 2 party two monopoly on the debates. Our other guest writes from a conservative perspective for the Huffington Post and has a very innovative approach to spreading the message of liberty through his website at You don’t want to miss this edition. You’ll be encouraged knowing what others are doing to make the restoration of liberty their personal priority.

America is a Kingdom

Mitch McConnell said he will no longer shutdown the government because of Obama Care. Rand Paul supports Mitch McConnell. What are you thinking Rand Paul. How can you support a traitor like Mitch McConnell who said he hates Obama Care but will not shutdown the government because of it. Rather he and the rest of Congress has totally abdicated their power and their authority to the executive branch and let it be known that now with the executive branch holding all the cards that we are now a kingdom!

Sold Into Debt Slavery

The shutdown (if it ever was that) is over. Some are disappointed, I am not, because I didn’t have any expectation. Accept the fact that Boehner is who he is.  More and more this looks like a brokered deal and Boehner was going to get it passed. He probably has some play in it. He’ll get his dinner seat next to Michelle Obama so he can slobber all over her again. This is what Boehner is interested in so I’m not surprised but I am disgusted. Disgusted because the house has passed a debt sentence on our children. Let me share the names of the traitors. Traitors who have sold our children into debt slavery.  Now believe it or not there are some good things that have come from this and I will cover that.

I'd Rather Be a Serial Killer

These are the times that try the souls of men. Tyranny like hell is not easily conquered, yet we  have this as consolation. That the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph. Our government with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared the right not only to tax but to bind us in all ways. And if being  bound in this manner is not slavery, then there is no such a thing as slavery. We are repeating history and I would rather face God as a serial killer than to face God as a member of our house, or senate, or Barack Obama.  It is time to fight back! Anyone who doesn’t believe that is a coward. We are reliving the very same things the founders lived through with one difference. They were subjects to a King we are freemen in a republic. Their only option was revolution and cutting off peoples heads. We have greater and more peaceful methods at our disposal. We have nullification. So listen up!

Young Hope vs Old Folk

One of the things that I get really excited about is my workshops. I love to teach my workshops and there’s a workshop on my calendar where I get to teach a group of teenagers. This is so cool because these are our future leaders, our future representatives and government officials and I get the honor of teaching them all about the history of the Constitution. It’s just too bad they aren’t in a position to replace some of the old and may I say tired and cowardly, dishonest people we currently have. The fake conservatives like Mitch McConnell who threw Ted Cruz under the bus for keeping his campaign promise. Oh and lets include John McCain in that group of tired and misinformed.

Veterans Showing the Way

While in Redding California yesterday giving my workshop we were getting updates about what the WWII veterans were doing with the barricades. I loved seeing them taking the barricades and taking them to the White House. Speaking of veterans, John McCain is calling on Joe Biden to fix the problem, but  to be honest I think that John McCain needs to go away. I know some of you are going to not like me calling him out because he’s a war veteran, but consider this. How many of you who served in the military served with someone who was so stupid who you wouldn’t let walk your dog. So there is no justification to worship anyone just because they happened at  one time to wear a  uniform. All I’m saying is that isn’t it about time we start judging people based on what they do, not what they did, or what they say!

Stand for Nicholas Finch

Today is open line Friday and the day starts off with a call to action to get out to the weekend rally in support of Liberty, County Sheriff Nicholas Finch. Sheriff Finch choose to boldly go where few government officials refuse to go when he stood up for the 2nd Amendment. Government corruption is dirtying up the house in Tallahassee and I encourage everyone, not just Florida residents to visit their state house. Sit down with your representative and let them know what’s on your mind. Most likely they’ll kiss up to you, but it will be business as usual as soon as you walk out the door. We have to clean up our own houses, because if we can’t clean our own state houses first, we have no business complaining about the federal government. I’m just saying and I’m just getting started. Click the play button for the whole broadcast.

More Government Shutdown Distractions

More government shutdown distractions is like a broken record. Why aren’t we talking about impeaching King Barry, or Eric Holder over Fast  and Furious. We have direct Constitutional requirements! Article II Section IV of the Constitution requires the removal of Eric Holder because of Fast  and Furious. It reads; “Congress shall remove from office all civil officers for crimes, or misdemeanors.” Eric Holder is a civil officer, he has been found in contempt and  that is a misdemeanor. The Constitution leaves no choice. Eric Holder needs to be removed from office and Congress can’t even do that! This is why the government shutdown is a distraction. This is insanity. But no worries the federal government has removed the handles from water fountains so the joggers running along the Chesapeake canal won’t drink from federal water! How much did that cost? Are  you kidding me?